Oct. 2 7:30 Lounsbury 10:00 LaGrone, Wilson

Oct. 9 7:30 Epstein 10:00 Loop, Duke

Oct. 16 7:30 Chastain 10:00 Oyston, Smitherman

Oct. 23 7:30 Busbin 10:00 L.Poehler, D.Poehler

Oct. 30 7:30 Lounsbury 10:00 Wilson, Epstein

Nov. 6 7:30 Vance 10:00 Lambert, Byrum

Nov. 13 7:30 Busbin 10:00 Duke, Loop

Nov. 20 7:30 Epstein 10:00 LaGrone, Lounsbury

Nov. 27 7:30 Chastain 10:00 Oyston, Smitherman

Dec. 4 7:30 Vance 10:00 D.Poehler, L.Pohler

Dec. 11 7:30 Oyston 10:00 Wilson, Loop

Dec. 18 7:30 Busbin 10:00 Byrum, Lambert

Dec. 24 TBA Duke, LaGrone TBA Chastain

Dec. 25 TBA Vance

I realize that you may not be in town for all of your assignments.

PLEASE arrange to trade with someone and notify the church office

(and me),preferably in time to get the correct names in the bulletins.

Thanks again for your willingness to serve.


Jim Busbin 663-1457 Jim Loop 639-1220

Ben Chastain 871-3859 Dick Lounsbury 602-3220

Jeannie Duke 639-1220 Bill Oyston 933-2468

Eileen Epstein 223-4731 Dee Anne Poehler 822-2925

Michael Gregory 822-8013 (and Lilly)

Alice LaGrone 835-2468 Luci Smitherman 427-7306

Chris Lambert 212-0585 Jim Vance 540-5272

(and Eva Byrum) John Wilson 592-0482