Regarding the Mures County Council’s activity in year 2006
The Mures County Council’s activity in year 2006 and its organizational apparatus is characterized by an increased promotion of some vast in scope economic and social development programs, investment programs, especially for infrastructure. Also, the continuing reform process in the field of public administration and the development of some county public services were stressed out.
Within this record we will synthesize the results acquired during the year 2006, structured on the Mures County Council organizational apparatus.
During 2006, the activities of the Regional Development, European IntegrationDivision were focused on the accomplishment of the strategies the economic and social programs of the county, implementing projects financed by PHARE, SAPARD funds and Governmental Programs, and also activities which aimed at accessing new funds for Council’s own projects or for other public authorities.
Regarding the programming of the economic and social activities, there was made The Mures County Council Main Activities Program approved by M.C.C. Decision no. 1/16.02.2006 and comprised in The Mures County Development Program in 2006. During this year the planned activities were observed and the evolution reported quarterly and half-yearly.
Also, there was made The Strategy of Communication and Public Relations of the Mures County Council in 2006. Its main objective was to build up, to maintain and to protect a positive institutional image.
In the year 2006 was elaborated the Mures County Development Program for 2007-2013, approved by M.C.C. Decision no. 95/30.08.2006.
The Program includes a total number of 798 projects, which makes MuresCounty to be on the first place in the 7th Region – Centre:
- 9 projects Priority Axis 1- Improvement of regional and local transportation
- 102 projects Priority Axis 2- Improvement of the local and regional social infrastructure
- 6 projects Priority Axis 3- Support for regional and local business domain
- 33 projects Priority Axis 4- Development of local and regional tourism
- 38 projects Priority Axis 5- Sustainable urban development
- the other projects are included in the Operational Programs
Next, we will present the degree of projects implementation.
Within the PHARE RO Project 2003/005- “Rehabilitation and modernization of water supply systems in Mures and Harghita counties” (SAMTID), a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and a Monitoring and Surveillance Unit (MSU) were set up, within the Municipalities Association featuring the mayoralties of the cities involved in the project together with S.C. “AQUASERV COMPANY” S.A. Tirgu-Mures.
Mures County Council and Public Finance Ministry signed the Subsidiary Loan and Guarantee Agreement for the beginning financing the works.
The execution works of the investment objectives within this project started in June.
The mayoralties observed the stages of works, the deadlines, the payments for the non-eligible expenses, loan’s interests and the payments through the Payment Intermediary Certificate.
From the value point of view, until 31 December 2006, SAMTID Project (total value of 14.086.401,02 Euro) 25% were finalized, and from the practical point of view, 33% were finalized.
Regarding the Implementation of PHARE RO 0101.03 TM Project “VidrasauIndustrial Park-Tirgu Mures” we inform that Final Reception of the works was made in 30 August 2006.
We applied for the Industrial Park to be part of the county patrimony, and together with S.C. “Industrial Park Mures” S.A. we made promotional activities and meetings with important foreign investors. Promotional folders were sent to Romanian Agency for Foreign Investors and to some European Embassies.
Within the PHARE Project “Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Road System on the County Roads DJ 107 lim. AlbaCounty – Adamus – Tarnaveni (DN 14 A) and DJ 107 D lim. Alba County – Craiesti - Adamus” the comparative budget was agreed by the Mures County Council, as a result of preparing the Technical Project.The total value of the project is 9.653.229,26 Euro without the AVT, the total sum for Mures county is 3.010.790,40 Euro (2.666.800 Euro – grant, 343.990,40 Euro – own contribution).
The documentation for obtaining the approvals necessary for the Building certificate (Nature 2000 Certificate, N.A. Apele Romane – Directia Apelor Mures, Distrigaz Sud, Electrica Transilvania Sud SA – Mures Division, Romtelecom SA) has been prepared.
The auction for the executor assignment was finalized and the financing contract with the Ministry of European Integration was signed.
The Implementation of the PHARE RO Project 2002.586.03.02 “Management of the County Road Infrastructure” was finalized. This means that, in association with the firm which organized the program, there were lectures for the personnel involved in the administration program.
The project was finished within the deadline (4 April 2006) and the final reports were done.
The implementation of the “Regional Level Ecological Waste Deposit in the MuresCounty”is stopped because the Italian firm broke the public and private partnership.
Until 31 May 2006, the deadline of the works in Stage I (cell no.1 in Ecological Deposit, transfer stations in Iernut, Ludus, Tarnaveni, Sovata, services area and the access road ), weekly site visits have been done to watch the degrees of works.
Regarding this situation we solicited to S.C. ”Agenda 21”S.A. and S.C. “Ecologica Mures” S.A. to take all the measures so that the deadlines scheduled on the last execution chart, agreed by both sides, to be honored; reports regarding the stages of the contract and the consequences of laches in the contract have been done; a schedule of the main actions have been done, so that the problem could have been managed; this schedule aimed both actions against the investor and actions which can identify an alternative solution for depositing the wastes (the only solution on short term is temporarily depositing in Sighisoara).
As a result of laches in the contract by S.C. “Agenda 21”S.A., the public authorities decided the void of interest, economical and technical incapacity of the investor is a serious damage for the public and administrative concern. In these circumstances the public partners were forced to ask the abolition of the contract from the judicial point of view.
Another major objective of the Regional Development, European Integration Division in 2006 was gaining nonrefundable funds for financing projects for the authorities and public institutions in MuresCounty.
They permanently watched for sources of information regarding European Union’s and other International Financing Institution’s financing programs, identifying all financing opportunities for major projects of authorities and public institutions in Mures County.
Monthly, they produced and delivered the MuresEuropeanInformationCenter’s Informative bulletins regarding financing programs, to all Local Councils In the County.
The mayoralties in the MuresCounty were supported in elaborating financing applications and all the necessary documentation within the Development program for infrastructure in the rural area, supported by the Romanian Government’s Ordinance no.7/2006. A number of 63 financing applications were declared eligible. For the elaboration of Technical Projects the Romanian Government allocated a total sum of 2.037.647 Euro.
Regarding the preparation for using Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, we started a regional project, together with SMURD Mures, to gain financing from the Structural Fund. The main objective of this project is to improve capacity and quality of emergency system and medical aid in emergencies. The estimated value of the project is 9,5 million Euro. The Association Agreement among the County Councils in the 7th Region Centre was prepared regarding this project and it was sent for approval to all County Councils involved in it.
A number of 5 projects regarding the improvement of road and air passage infrastructure were sent to the Ministry of European Integration in order to gain financing from Structural Funds.
Necessary data for starting in MuresCounty a project regarding the development of a water draining system in all towns were sent to the Ministry of Environment and Water Management. Right now, we are in the process of selecting the firm which will prepare the technical documentation for the project.
Documentation for the project “Rehabilitation integrated system for the water supply systems and treated water system for localities with a population under 50.000 inhabitants” was sent to the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism. The beneficiaries are Sighisoara, Reghin, Fintinele, Sovata, Sarmasu, Singeorgiu de Mures, Sincraiu de Mures, Ernei and Corunca localities. The program is financed by the European Council’s Bank of Development with 33.655.684 Euro.
For the harmonization of Romanian legislation with the European legislation in 2006 we watched the stages of actions withheld in the Implementation plan at local level of harmonized legislation in 2006, especially Chapter 22 – Environment.
The department’s staff was sent to courses, training, other forms of professional development, to be prepared in using Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund.
We gave a major attention in 2006, insupporting municipal, local and rural mayoralties in developing some projects.
The mayoralty of Panet got support in preparing the financing application forms and other documentation for the rehabilitation of their kindergarten within the Phare Program 2003 – Regional and local infrastructure / floods. Mures County Council together with the Mayoralty of Panet prepared the financing application for the above-mentioned project with a total amount of 144.997,83 Euro. At this moment, the technical project and the task book for the public acquisition procedure are sent at the Ministry of European Integration in order to be approved. Th e works within this project will star in 2007.
Nine Local Councils (Brincovenesti, Cuci, Craciunesti, Galesti, Iclanzel, Sinpaul, Stinceni, Vargata, Viisoara) got support in preparing and sending Financing applications within the SAPARD Program, Measure 2.1 “Improvement and development of rural infrastructure”, as an effect of the 2005’ calamities. Also they got support in preparing the documentation for works execution. The total amount of the funds is 8.977.299,70 Euro.
The Local Councils of Deda and Rusii Munti got support in preparing the Financing application forms within the SAPARD Program, Measure 3.5.
We collaborated with the Mayoralties of Ludus and Iernut in beginning the activities within the PHARE 2001 Program – CES “The non-refundable financing diagram for small infrastructure projects”, respecting the terms of the project, the technical and financial conditions. The activities within these projects were all finished for Iernut locality. Those for Ludus locality are to be finished in March 2007.
The mayoralty of Sovata got support in preparing the technical project for the project within PHARE 2004-2006 Program CES “The non-refundable financing diagram for big infrastructure projects”. The preparing of the documentation for the international auction to designate the executants is in process at the Ministry of European Integration. The value of the funds is 3.600.000 Euro.
The local Councils’ activities were coordinated within the PHARE 2003 Program “Local public administration modernization fund”. The projects were finalized according to the financing contracts, final reports were sent to the Ministry of Administration and Interns. The value of the funds is over 200.000 Euro.
11 financing application forms were sent within the “Town Twinning” Program. After the first evaluation session, 10 applications were accepted, in total amount of 50.357,31 Euro. In the second evaluation session, a single application form was sent but it was not accepted.
The mayoralties from the flood affected areas in 2005, got support in preparing the financing application forms for projects regarding the affected infrastructure, within Romanian Flood Recovery Program, financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). A number of 41 application forms were written down in co-operation with the mayoralties from Atintis, Chibed, Craciunesti, Craiesti, Fintinele, Galesti, Gheorghe-Doja, Ideciu de Jos, Iernut, Lunca, Mica, Ogra, Panet, Saschiz, Sincai, Stinceni, Suseni, Viisoara for the rebuilding the flood-affected infrastructure. The application forms were sent until the deadline, 13 out of 41 were accepted for financing (Craciunesti, Craiesti, Chibed, Fintinele – 2 projects, Galesti, Iernut, Lunca, Mica, Ogra, Panet – 2 projects, Viisoara), in total amount of 761.731,45 RON. Other 14 projects are set on a waiting list.
A number of 5 projects were prepared in co-operation with General Department of Social Assistance and Child Protection within the PHARE Program for the reorganization of assistance and care centers for people with disabilities. The total amount is 2.801.870 Euro.
Two financing application forms and necessary documentation were prepared within the “Europe Fund 2006” Program for micro-projects, one for the Mures County Council and one for the Mayoralty of Corunca. The County Council was also partner with Regional Development Agency – Centre in a financing application. None of the above-mentioned projects were accepted.
The staff from the Regional Development, European Integration Division took part at the reception commissions at the end of the works involved in the projects within the SAPARD Program, at Apold and Band localities.
In 2006 MuresCounty adjudged funds from EU and governmental funds in total amount of 52.428.637 Euro. A very important contribution in this result has the Regional Development, European Integration Division.
Regarding the European Integration Compartment, it carried on an important informative activity about European Union, EU institutions and activities, integration process and financing programs. All these activities were carried on within the Europe Information Centre.
In order to increase the knowledge level among the citizens of Mures Countyregarding the integration of Romania at the European Union, has been prepared “The Communication Strategy on European Issues”, approved by M.C.C. Decision no. 85/30 May 2006.
The activities scheduled in the Communication Strategy and the Plan of Activities for year 2006 were accomplished and approved by the Protocol signed with European Commission Delegation in Bucharest. Seminars, press conferences and press releases were organized in order to increase the transparency of European Union’s activities and financing programs.
The Europe Information Centre released monthly the Informative Bulletin and sent it to the local public administration in the County.
Europa Information Centre Mures is part of the national network of information centers and cooperates with similar centers from the Member States.
As a result, the Center took part in national meetings of European Information Centers and contacted other centers from EU Member States.
Center’s activities were correlated with those of the national network, coordinated by the EuropeanDelegationInformationCenter in Bucharest.
In May 2006 a meeting of the national network took place in order to elaborate and sign the integrant document.
In December 2006 was the official launching of the Europa Centers Association, in the presence of the officials from the European Commission Delegation in Romania.
In year 2006, the External Collaboration Program had as a main objective the development of the existent collaborations and to initiate new collaboration projects with other institutions and authorities from the European states.
In this purpose, the Mures County Council, County counselors and civil servants from the specialized divisions took part to seminars, conferences, study visits and experience exchange organized in the foreign countries.
It was very important to continue developing the existing partnerships with our traditional foreign partners from Gyor Moson Sopron (Hungary), Lecce (Italy), Montogny le Bretonneux (France).
The Mures County Council management took part in seminars with tourism as subject. The topic was how to bring tourist agents and foreign tourists in our area.
Our traditional partnerships with European Regions Association and the Congress of European Local and Regional Powers had not been neglected. The Mures County Council management, County counselors and civil servants from the specialized divisions took part in the specialized commissions meetings, Summer School and Assembly of European Regions.
In year 2006, the Partnership Protocol with Zala County Council (Hungary) has been signed in the fields of: public administration, economy, education, culture and tourism. This is part of external collaboration partnership extension.
The Mures County Council also signed Collaboration partnerships with the authorities from Kecskemet (Hungary) and Samsun (Turkey) counties. Their main objective is to exchange experience in some fields of interest established in the protocols.
Regarding the continuation of activities within the European Regions Association, the Mures County Council, as a member in Assembly of European Regionsthe reunion Work Group “Equality in Chances” and to all specialized commissions meetings – commission A (institutional issues), commission B ( social issues), commission C (regional issues). The main objectives were the Mures County Council delegation, establishing new contacts, renewing the existing ones, signing new partnerships.
The membership tax for 2006 has been paid.
The Mures County Council president took part as a suppliant member, as observant at enlarged plenum sessions in April and December 2006.
To continue the permanent representation of Mures County Council in Brussels it has been done: establishing contacts, taking part in seminars, projects presentation, partnership opportunities in MuresCounty.
In order to maintain the existing partnerships a series of mutual visits have been done to/with our partners from: Pesta, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Szabolcs Szatmar Bereg (Hungary), Montigny la Bretonneux (France), Lecce (Italy), Fingal (Ireland).
In June 2006 a couple of informative visits have been done to our partners in Zala, Gyor-Moson-Sopron counties in Hungary. In the second semester we mutually visited each other with the partners from France-Bretonneux and Ireland –Fingal. We also participated at the Christmas Fair in Montigny, in December.
Also, we developed the partnership relations with LecceProvince in Italy during 2006, by mutual visits materialized in initiatives in fields like: health, public administration, education, town twinning.
Within the partnership collaboration with the Mayoralty of Montigny le Bretonneux –France, we took part in the “Maisson des langues” Project. Its main objective is to promote the European patrimony.