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A sudden, usually unanticipated event that profoundly and negatively affects a significant segment of the school population and could involve serious injury or death.
Emergency Responses
Fire/Emergency Evacuation
In the event of a fire, evacuation begins immediately.
1.When building alarm sounds, begin evacuation.
a. Know your primary and alternative routes.
b. Take your grade book with you.
2.Close classroom door, leave it unlocked and turn out lights as students leave.
3.Leave building in orderly manner.
4.Assemble students in designated area.
a. Check roll to account for all students
b. Report missing students to area administrator.
5.Return to classroom when instructions are given to do so.
Fire/Emergency Evacuation
In the event of a possible tornado, listen for a clear, concise announcement to move to interior halls.
1.If you are located in a room with no windows, you will remain in your classroom.
2.If you are in a portable building, and if time permits, you will be instructed to relocate to the East end hallway and/or classrooms of the main building.
3.Avoid auditoriums, gyms or other enclosures with long roof spans.
4.Close windows and blinds.
5.Bring your gradebook and wait for further instructions.
Shelter in Place
In the event of hazardous material release in the community, it will be necessary to provide temporary shelter.
1.When building alarm sounds, begin evacuation.
a. Know your primary and alternative routes.
b. Take your grade book with you.
2.Close classroom door, leave it unlocked and turn out lights as students leave.
3.Leave building in orderly manner.
4.Assemble students in designated area.
a. Check roll to account for all students
b. Report missing students to area administrator.
5.Return to classroom when instructions are given to do so.
Fire/Emergency Evacuation
Lock Down
A lock down is a procedure that contains all students in a locked room. The signal will be an announcement that says, “Teachers, please refer to your Red Book.”
1.When the announcement is made, quickly survey the hallway by your classroom, and instruct everyone to get inside your room.
2. Lock your door, pull down covers over any windows, and move students to a corner of the room away from the entry door.
3.Turn off lights and anything that makes a noise.
4.Have students sit on the floor in silence.
5.Do not open the door unless you are 100% certain who it is. If instructed to evacuate, take your gradebook.
Lock Down