In the early days of the colonies, people were self-sufficient. Everything they needed they made themselves. They built their own homes, made their own clothes and tools, and collected their own food. As towns began to grow and prosper, the people living in those towns demanded more goods and services like the ones they were able to purchase back in their home countries. Various crafts and occupations became more and more important. Anyone who mastered a trade or a craft could earn a living in the colonies. When we speak of crafts today we think of hobbies. The crafts of these early artisans were not hobbies, but jobs. Artisans had special skills, and they used them to earn a living.

You will learn about one artisan. You must research and be able to describe precisely what your artisan did in his/her occupation. You will find information on any special tools or clothing your craftsperson might have needed. You will need to determine whether they did his/her work in a special shop or building. Finally, you will need a detailed description of the goods your craftsperson created to sell. Your final project must include a report, diorama of the work site, models of your particular product or products and a colonial signboard. When these items are completed, you will take part in a traditional “Colonial Market” where other students will observe your craft and purchase your product.


The report will be in a five-paragraph essay format. Include quotes to support your research. Remember to use transitions and edit your paper before writing a final copy. Then type and print the final copy.

1st Paragraph- Introduction- It should be 2-3 sentences that grabs the reader’s attention by using a “hook” and presents the main idea statement.

2nd Paragraph-1st Preview Idea- It should be 5-7detailed sentences explaining why there was a high demand for you to go into this trade, the purpose of the trade, and how the trade helps others. This paragraph should also include the history of your trade.

3rd Paragraph- 2nd Idea- It should be 5-7 detailed sentences describing your work place/diorama and the resources or tools you need. Think about the following questions to help you write this paragraph. Do you need help from another trade, or can you do your trade on your own? For example, if you are a barrel maker, do you have to purchase your tools from the local blacksmith? What supplies and tools do you use or need?

4th Paragraph- 3rd Idea- It should be 5-7detailed sentences describing what you found to be the most interesting facts about your particular artisan. Elaborate and explain why you found each fact to be so interesting. For example, if you are a teacher, you have a curfew and you could not marry.

5th Paragraph- Conclusion-It should be 2-3 sentences to sum up your essay and contain a strong concluding thought


Research the setting/environment that your artisan worked within to create a diorama depicting this space. You need to design a floor plan of the work area showing tools or equipment and workspace used by your artisan. It must be completed in a standard size shoebox. Items must be colored or created very carefully so they are easily understood. Every inch of the shoebox must be covered inside and out with construction paper or some other type of material. I have many examples to show you in class.


You must develop a model or a representation of the product your artisan makes, sells, or uses throughout their work day. This may be constructed out of school construction paper or any materials from home such as boxes, wood, yarn, etc. Your product need not be the actual size for this portion of the project and smaller versions may actually be necessary. For example, it is not expected that you make authentic candles if you are a chandler- attractive construction paper drawings will work fine. You need to create a total of 50 items to sell if you are working with a partner. If you choose to work alone, then you need a total of 25 items to sell. Your products do not all have to be the same, but they have to be something your artisan would have created. For example, if you are a blacksmith, you may want to make 25 horseshoes and 25 tools. Again, I have many examples to show you in class. This portion of the project will be completed outside of the classroom.


With the variety of languages spoken by many of the early colonists and the fact that many of them could not read, it was necessary to advertise products with pictures only. Make an accurate picture or symbol that describes your occupation and the product available at your location. In other words, if a colonist were to enter your shop, what could they expect to find? A picture of your product may be displayed on your signboard. This part of the project will be completed in class.

Due Dates

Each of these items will be due at various times during this month. If even one portion of this project is incomplete, you will not be participating in the market. See timeline below for due dates.


You are encouraged to dress for the part during the market. You will not lose any points if you choose not to dress up, but it is always fun to get into character.

Parent Notice

I am asking that you read through this information with your child. Please note that this entire project is worth a considerable amount of credit, and I am asking for your support in holding them responsible. I will have them write interim due dates in their assignment books and will use this as a tool of communication. I will also keep due dates on the teacher web page. Should you have any questions beyond that, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail.

Thank you,

Mr. Becker

Chelsea School 469-2309

* * * * * *

Dates to Remember

Friday, May 12th- example of product due in class today for approval

Tuesday, May 16th- Final copy of paper due

Friday, May 19th- 10 more products are due.

Thursday, May 25th All remaining products are due today

Tuesday, May 30th- Diorama and Signboard due

Wednesday, May 31st - Colonial Market-Formal invite to follow


(Please cut and return the bottom portion.)

I have read through this information with my child and understand the expectations of this project and his/her responsibilities.


Parent Signature

I have read through this information and understand my expectations and responsibilities


Student Signature

Writing I CAN Statements
·  I can use various strategies to organize ideas for specific tasks and purposes.
·  I can determine the purpose of the assignment (to inform).
·  I can determine the appropriate writing style to match the purpose.
·  I can develop and strengthen my writing by planning, revising, and editing.
·  I can use peers, teachers, and other resources to support my writing process.
·  I can use my language skills to enhance and expand my writing.
·  I can research and investigate a topic to gain knowledge and understanding.
·  I can paraphrase information from multiple sources.
·  I can organize and sequence information.
·  I can paraphrase important information and take notes from print and digital sources.
·  I can write for short time frames for many tasks, purposes, and audiences.
·  I can organize writing in order to complete a task.
·  I can use technology to produce and publish my writing with support from adults.
Reading for Information I CAN Statements
·  I can quote information from the text to draw inferences and explain answers.
·  I can understand the meaning of content area words and phrases in text.
·  I can locate an answer to a question or solve a problem using information from multiple print or digital sources.
·  I can combine information from several texts to write or speak about a topic.
Language I CAN Statements
·  I can check my spelling and use a dictionary when needed.
·  I can use language correctly for my writing, speaking, reading, and listening.
·  I can use 5th grade words.
Speaking and Listening I CAN Statements
·  I can follow agreed upon rules and do my part in group discussions.
·  I can contribute to discussions by appropriately asking and responding to questions and elaborating on comments of others.
·  I can speak clearly and at an understandable pace when presenting my topic, text, or opinion.
·  I can use appropriate speech for the situation depending on my audience.