1st Thursday, Monthly at 7:00 p.m.

Every Month

in St. James “Well-Being Place”

What to Expect:

·  We open the circle with introductions and brief sharing (optional).

·  Drum and sing repetitive chants in English and Ojibwe.

·  Binders of songs are available to share.

·  As time allows each person may choose a song.

·  Simple songs repeated allow then to sink into our heart as a prayer of joy,

thanksgiving or meditation.

·  The drum beat is simple, echoing our own heartbeat and the heartbeat of

Mother Earth encircling us all in unity.

What Is Needed?

·  There is no need for a drum or drumming experience.

·  There is no need for a wonderful voice. Just bring the voice with which the Creator blessed you.

·  Come with an open heart.

·  Trust that Spirit, the Creator and drum will take care of everything else.

Circle Facilitator:

Sandra McLean came to St. Jamesto learn Reiki and continues as a volunteer. She has been following Ojibwe spirituality since 2004 under the guidance and teachings of her Elder, Lone Wolf Dancing on Thunder, and is an Honorary Member of the Mackinac Bands of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. For the last five years she has been a member of the Four Colours Drum Circle which meets each Wednesday evening in Brampton.

Gakina awiiya………...We are all related