LDC Customer Connectivity Improvement Project – Application Manual for Cummins Internal Users

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File Name: Application manual for Cummins Internal Users

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Version No. / Date / Created / Modified by / Reviewed by / Changes Made
1.0 / 12/22/06 / Sameer Kanegaonkar

LDC - Application Manual for Internal Users

1. Business Environment: 3

2. Users of the application 4

3. Accessing the application for the first time 5

4. How to use this website: Overview 8

4.1. Track by Orders 8

4.2. Track by Shipments 9

4.3. Performance Reporting 9

4.4. Communicate with stakeholders 9

5. Detailed Information on Application Modules 10

5.1. Customer Orders Module: 11

5.2. Track Shipment: Direct Shipment Level Tracking 25

5.3. Shipment Statuses available for tracking: 27

5.4. Exceptions against Shipment Statuses 28

5.5. Performance reporting: 30

5.6. Admin: Alert Subscription 35

6. Before you start using the application 36

1.  Business Environment:

The web based application (WBA) is designed for use by business stakeholders of A and B3.3 engines. Cummins follows a business model based on the concept of bought-out-finished sourcing and direct shipping of complete engines for these engines. Cummins is not physically involved in the actual manufacturing or transportation of these engines.

The business requirement for such kind of a model is to have clear visibility on the information and product flow across various stakeholders of the process including:

·  Cummins Inc.

·  Suppliers ( of full complete engines)

·  Transportation and Logistics Providers

·  Customers

In addition there is a greater need for customer relationship management in this business.

This WBA offers the capability of tracking the status of an order throughout its lifecycle from the time it is placed till the time it is fulfilled and payment is complete. It will provide for a single close ended order management loop from order entry to invoicing and realization visibility.

The application has a supply chain exception management system designed inherently. The exception management is based on the concept of pushing information towards the stakeholders and demanding action for exceptions rather than storing information and waiting for action from the stakeholders.

It also offers reporting capability for primary performance measures of the process.

2.  Users of the application

The users of the application are broadly categorized in 2 types:

·  Internal

·  External


The internal users will be from the following functional areas:

·  Customer Order Management

·  Marketing

·  Finance

·  Trade docs

·  Logistics

·  ROACs


The external users will be:

·  OEM Customers

·  Distributors

3.  Accessing the application for the first time

Before you can use the website, you should have received your username and password for using with any Cummins Online systems. If you do not already have an account, you will need to contact a Cummins Representative for the same.

Click on the link for new users on the home page of the web site as shown below:

Enter your WWID and password you use for Cummins Web Applications :

A new request will be raised and routed to the administrator of the web site. You should be receiving an email once you are granted access. You can then use the same username password you used to request for the web site to access the site.

Once you have your Username and Password ready for the application, please direct your web browser to the URL : http://ldc-stg.cummins.com

You should be receiving an email saying that your access has been approved as shown below:

12/15/2006 09:43 PM /
Subject: User GW828 is now active

This email is to inform you that user id GW828 is now active in LDC APPLICATION. The user details are shown below





** This is an automated email. Replies to this address are not monitored. **

Now you are ready to access the application. Direct your browser to the URL :


Please use the same username and password you had used for requesting for access. This should take you to the home page of the web application.

You are in the application!

4.  How to use this website: Overview

You can use this website to get updated information about your orders placed with Cummins. You can monitor the supply chain at 3 levels of details with this site -

If you want to view the customer orders, and then the shipments details shipped against the orders, use the Track by Orders Screen.

If you want to directly view shipments, use the Track by Shipment Screen

4.1.  Track by Orders

All Orders:

If you wish to view all orders without using any filters, click ‘Show Now’ without entering values in any of the search filters.

All Open Orders : If you wish to view all open orders without using any filters, click ‘Show Open Orders’ without entering values in any of the search filters.

Specific Orders:

If you have specific orders to search, you can choose from any of the following criteria to identify and track the required orders:

Customer Name

Customer Code ( Ship To )

Spec No ( Customer Spec No )

PO No ( Customer Purchase Order Number )

Status ( Order Status )

SO Number ( Shop Order Number )

Order Requested Date

Expected Fulfillment Date

For those orders with shipment details available, the value in the field - ‘Requested Qty’ will show a hyperlink. Use the hyperlink to take you to the details for promised or shipped shipments against the particular order. Engine Serial Number level details for each shipment can be found by using the hyperlinked text in the field – ‘Shipped Qty’.

4.2.  Track by Shipments

If you have specific shipments to search, you can choose from any of the following criteria to identify and track the required shipments directly, you may not need to use the ‘Track by Orders’ option in this case:

Engine Serial Number level details for each shipment can be found by using the hyperlinked text in the field – ‘Shipped Qty’.

5.  Detailed Information on Application Modules

The web application contains 4 modules:

·  Order Tracking Module

·  Shipment Tracking Module

Overall Navigation:

The web application is very easy to navigate through. Appropriate information is displayed in each module. To navigate from one module to the other, the top menu bar can be used. Within each module, screens have multiple hyperlinked fields, which can help navigate to the next level of information in a new screen. Navigating back from the new screen is also easy through links back to the original screen.

5.1.  Customer Orders Module:

The orders can be tracked at two levels in the application –

1.  Customer Order Level

2.  Supplier Shipment Level

The customer order module displays information at the order level. This information can be viewed through the Customer Order Screen

Customer Order Screen:

The Order Level Tracking Module offers multiple selection criteria to select the list of orders to be tracked. The criteria allow wild card searches.

The criteria include:

·  Customer Name

·  Customer Code

·  Spec No

·  PO No

·  Supplier Name ( internal users only)

·  Status

·  Order Request Date

·  Order Fulfillment Date

User can also view ‘all open orders’ directly.

No Data Found:

For combination of selections for which there is no valid data in the system, the system will display an appropriate message:

·  No Data found

On selecting appropriate criteria or selecting the ‘ Show All Open Orders’ button, all relevant order lines will be displayed with the following information:

·  Customer Name: Name of the customer of the Order

·  Spec No : Spec No for which the order is placed

·  Requested Date: Customer requested date for the order quantity

·  Expected Fulfillment Date: This is will be calculated as per the supplier promise date. This field reflects the expected date when the order would be ready to be picked up by the customer at the point of pick up.

o  For promised orders with no shipments, this date will reflect the date as per the promised date of the order

o  For orders that are already in transit, this date will reflect live dates that will be provided by the logistics providers

·  Requested Quantity: The quantity requested by the customer on the requested date

·  Outstanding Quantity: This is the quantity that is yet to be shipped by the supplier against the requested quantity

·  Status: The status of the order line as of current date. There are 3 possible statuses for an order:

o  ‘ Placed’ – When there are no shipments against an order it will be in the first ‘Placed’ status

o  ‘Partially fulfilled’ – When there are shipments against an order, yet there is an outstanding quantity for the order, it will be in the ‘ partially fulfilled’ status

o  ‘Completed’ – When the entire requested quantity for an order is satisfied and there is no outstanding quantity, the status will be ‘ Completed’

·  Last Shipment Date: The date when the last shipment was made against the order

·  Last Shipment Quantity: The quantity of the shipment that was last shipped against the order

·  Next Ship Date: The promise date for the shipment as per the supplier for the next shipment to satisfy outstanding quantity of the order line

·  Next Ship Quantity: Promised quantity by the supplier as per the supplier for next shipment for satisfying outstanding quantity of the order line

·  PO No: Purchase Order No of the Customer against which the Order is placed

Shipment Details Screen:

For each order line displayed in the Customer Order Level tracking screen, users can further drill down to individual shipment details by clicking on the hyperlinked value for ‘Requested Quantity’ in each order line display.

Shipment Details:

The individual shipments by the supplier matched against the particular order from the Order Level Screen are displayed.

The details displayed for each shipment are:

·  Promised Quantity: Shipment Quantity Promised by the supplier on the given Promised Date for the specific Spec No

·  Promised Date: Date promised by the supplier to ship the specified Promised Quantity for the specific Spec No

·  Ship Date: Actual Ship Date ( as per the supplier invoice )

·  Ship Qty: Actual Shipped Quantity ( as per the supplier invoice matched )

·  Expected Delivery Date: Expected date when the shipment is supposed to be ready for pick up by the customer

·  Ship Status: Current as of date status of the shipment ( see section 5.3)

·  Last Status Update: The date when the Shipment Status was last updated

·  Comments: Any specific qualifiers about the shipment status. ( see section 5.4)

·  Status against Promise Date: Reflects the status of the shipment as against the promised date for ex.

Promise Date: 20-Dec-06

Total LT : 22 days

Expected Date as per Promise date: 11-jan-07

If after the shipment leaves the port and the interim expected delivery date as given by EGL is 14-jan-07 then the status against promise date will be: Delayed by 3 days

·  Supplier Invoice No: Invoice no provided by the supplier for the shipment. ( Internal Users only )

·  Customer Invoice No: Invoice no created by Cummins for the shipment delivery

·  Supplier payment Date: Date on which supplier was paid against the particular supplier invoice. ( Internal Users only )

·  Customer Payment Date: Date on which customer paid against the particular supplier invoice

To navigate back to the orders details screen, click on the hyperlink for “ Order Details” on the right corner of the shipment details screen as shown below:

ESN Details Screen:

Individual Engine Serial Number (ESN) details viz. Container No and Vessel No for the ESN can be tracked by the user by clicking on the hyperlinked value in the field for ‘Shipped Quantity’ on the ‘Shipment Details Screen’.

The ESN Detail screen will display as many rows as the quantity of engines shipped, one per engine in the shipment line. This feature offers benefits especially for conveying the exact container of a particular engine in the shipment from the container number information.

To navigate back to the Shipment Details screen, click on the hyperlink for ‘Shipment Details’ as shown below.

Shipment Status History Screen:

As the shipment will pass through multiple statuses (refer sec 5.3), an updated trail of the statuses completed by the shipment with the date when each status was completed by the shipment is available to the users. This trail can be accessed by using the hyperlinked field for ‘Ship Status’ on the ‘Shipment Details Screen’.

To navigate back to the Shipment Details screen, click on the hyperlink for ‘Shipment Details’ as shown below.

Action Log Screen:

The application offers a mode for users to be able to communicate with required stakeholders as regards any exceptions raised for particular shipments. The users can utilize the functionality to note comments by clicking on the text pad icon in the field called ‘Action Log’ in the ‘Shipment Details Screen’.

The user can choose other users with whom they would want to communicate their comments.

Previous action logs against particular shipments can be viewed by using the hyperlinked text ‘Show Trail’ in the field for ‘Action Log’.

The design of the email that will be sent out as a result of raising an action log is :

5.2.  Track Shipment: Direct Shipment Level Tracking

The ‘Track by Shipment’ module of the application can be utilized for situations where the user needs to directly track shipments and has particular information by which the shipments can be identified without having to refer to the customer order. This is of great benefit for users especially who are not directly concerned with the customer order but with the order fulfillment process like logistics.