Course Expectations



To provide a thorough background in the basic accounting procedures used to operate a business. The accounting procedures presented will also serve as a sound background for employment in office jobs and preparation for studying business courses in college. It is a requirement for all college students majoring or minoring in business to take Accounting in college.

INSTRUCTOR:Ms. Cynthia Sejka (say'-kah)

B.A. in Spanish, Minor in Finance, I.M.B.A. (International M.B.A.)

MATERIALS:Century 21 Accounting, First-Year Course (Text and Workbook)

Automated Accounting (Text and Software)

Viking Marine Automated Accounting Business Simulation

AVAILABILITY:Room 301(the hallway of the Little Theater)

Planning Periods -- 4º, 6º (lunch), and 7º

Make-up work during these times orafter school


Accounting I

Folder with pockets, 3-ring binder, or an accordian folder (all graded assignments are to be kept in this)

Brown paper bag to cover book – Mandatory!

Mechanical pencils or any No. 2 pencils & erasers

Erasable pen (blue or black only) -- Optional


Calculator (may use calculator on the computers)

Notecards (for vocabulary flashcards) & something to store them in

1 large eraser




1.Students are expected to follow the Code of conduct for StrongsvilleHigh School. See the student planner for each of these items:


Accounting I

Dress Code

Student ID Cards



Make Up Work

Electronic Devices

Accounting I

2.When absent, a parents must call the absence in AND a note must be brought to school within the next 24 hours of the student’s return. There shall be a minimum of one-day make up time for assignments, tests, and quizzes per each day of excused absence. For long term absences of six days or more, assignments, tests, and quizzes will be made up through mutual agreement of the student, parent and teacher in the best interest of the student. All teachers shall comply with this policy.

3.No student is allowed to use a computer and/or printer during class unless specified by the teacher. No printing of any assignment for other classes !!

Accounting I




3-4 problems will be assigned weekly. However, class time will be given each day to begin the assignments.

Homework will include learning the reading the chapters, defining the chapter vocabulary and answering questions from the chapter.

Refer to the board in class or the Homework Hotline (440.268.5628) for clarification of assignments, as they may not always be announced in class.

Problems will range in point value from 5 points to 30 points.

Keep all graded assignments in your folder/notebook until the end of the year.

2.Tests -- usually ONE each week

The policy, “If I can’t read it, it’s wrong” is in effect.

The use of a pencil is highly encouraged!

PROBLEM Tests will be given after each chapter. Point values range from 30 points to 70 points.

OBJECTIVE Tests (covering 2-5 chapters) will be administered approximately two (2) times per quarter. These tests are multiple choice, true/false and vocabulary matching. No accounting problems are given on this test.



Grades are based on the total number of accumulated points on all work. The following grading scale will be utilized throughout the district:

A89.5 -- 100

B79.5 – 89.4

C69.5 – 79.4

D59.5 – 69.4

F59.4 or below

(see p. 18 in planner)

Semester averages are determined by exact percentages.

Grade printouts will be posted 2-3 times per marking period. It is the student's responsibility to review each posting for any discrepancies or errors. "Credit" for missing assignments will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Let's have a GREAT year !!



1.Accounting for a service business.

2.Automated accounting for a service business.

3.Partnership accounting for a merchandising business.

4.Corporate accounting for a merchandising business.

5.Accounting control systems.