Traditional and Polycom In-Service Training Proposal

2009-2010Fiscal Year


In-service Title:Internationalizing FCS and 4H Florida Extension Faculty Programsin LaFlor, Costa Rica

Agenda/Description of In-service:

Exploring and Understanding International Extension - Session I: - 2 days on site in Gainesville

Dec 10-11, 2009

During Session I the learning team will:

  1. Explore the personal and professional aspects of working in different socio-cultural contexts and in an international environment.
  2. Address aspects of internationalizing extension including opportunities and constraints.
  3. Be aware of institutional programs focused on internationalizing IFAS and their role and opportunities in that process.
  4. Develop a team approach to enhance the learning experience.
  5. Prepare for international extension experiences via discussions with experienced faculty
  6. Learn about what to expect during the international experience, discussions with Faculty and students of EARTH University via interactive video.
  7. Returning and reporting – expectations and assignments

Observing and Participating in International Extension- Session II: 10 days –Liberia, Costa Rica with EARTH University at LaFlor. March 10-20,2010
During Session II the learning team will:

  1. Give participants firsthand experience with families and people during an organized professional development program with a different native culture. Visits with faculty and administrators of the Ministry of Agriculture in Costa Rica, EARTH University at LaFlor and the Leaders and families in the local villages of Liberia in Costa Rica will be planned.

Sharing Experiences in International Extension - Session III: - 2 days – to be determined,

May13-14, 2010

During Session III the learning team will:

  1. Faculty share experiences and lessons learned from their international experience
  2. Faculty develop a personalized plan for sharing international experience.
  3. Faculty report in teams back to local constituents and during professional association meetings.
  4. Faculty identify potential next steps for internationalizing their respective extension programs.

Proposed date of In-service:

December 10-11Session I

March 10-20 Session II

May 12-13Session III

Expected Outcomes:

By the end of the training program the participants will:

  1. Understand what an internationalized extension system is, its role, constraints and opportunities.
  2. Appreciate different socio-cultural contexts and how this relates to their work environment.
  3. Develop opportunities for greater international participation in extension.
  4. Identify opportunities for greater international participation in extension and develop an action plan

Proposing Goal / Focus Area Team:
selected FCS and 4H Goal and Focus Areas

Primary contact person: Pete Vergot

Telephone: 850-875-7137


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