Westminster Early Years Education Funding Policy


1.1The Local Authority (LA) has a statutory duty to provide free early years education for all 3 and 4 year old children whose parents want it. The local authority is required to develop a policy to deliver places in line with the Department for Education and Skills, Sure Start, Code of Practice.

2.Westminster Early Years Education Entitlements

2.1Westminster will ensure that five early years education sessions of 2 ½ hours per week for up to 38 weeks of year will be available to all three and four year olds whose parents want it, increasing to 3 hours from April 2007.

2.2For children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) it may not be appropriate for some children to receive 5 sessions. In such cases the provider must, in co-operation with the parent, agree with the LA the level of provision required. Subject to agreement the provider will still be able to claim the full amount of funding.

2.3Parents of eligible children should pay no charge in respect of their child’s minimum free entitlement. Providers that normally charge fees should reduce fees appropriately. Parents will be expected to pay for any care received which exceeds the free entitlement.

3.Eligibility of Providers

3.1Providers must be:

  • registered as a daycare provider under the Care Standards Act 2000;
  • an independent school registered with the DfES;
  • a provisionally registered independent school educating a child with a statement of special education needs, claiming grant in respect of that child with specific approval of the LA maintaining the statement or the Secretary of State;
  • a non-maintained special school;
  • a portage service;
  • a registered childminder accredited to an approved quality assurance scheme.
  1. Conditions of Grant

4.1The provider must:

  • operate within the Westminster boundary;
  • comply with Ofsted requirements and meet the National Standards and in the case of independent schools demonstrate equivalency with the National Standards;
  • offer sessions of at least 2 ½ hours per day five sessions per week for a minimum of 33 weeks in the year up to 38 weeks in the year;
  • identify a setting based Special Educational Needs (SEN) Co-ordinator and operate an SEN Policy in line with the SEN Code of Practice;
  • deliver the Foundation Stage Curriculum providing a summative assessment for each child on transfer to the next stage of education which will demonstrate the child’s progress as a learner during their stage in the nursery;
  • ensure that all relevant information available from the Children’s Information Service (CIS) is available to parents regarding their early education entitlements and childcare needs including information on Tax Credits;
  • regularly contact the CIS to ensure information in the Under 14s Directory is correct and to inform the service of vacancies.
  • work in partnership with the Early Years Advisory and Childcare Development Teams.
  • ensure that all early years practitioners attend regular and appropriate training at least 4 days training per year that supports children achieving the early learning goals and delivery of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Training will also be delivered to support quality issues, Birth to Three Matters Framework practice issues around the national standards for under 8s day care and childminding.
  • where the grant is used to purchase equipment and there is a change of provider, this equipment must remain a resource for children in Westminster settings.
  • ensure that up to date insurance documents are maintained in line with national standards requirements.

4.2For providers offering care and education, the provider must:

  • demonstrate integration of childcare and education;
  • demonstrate they are working within the framework of Birth to Three Matters
  • demonstrate a commitment to self evaluation of practice and activities with evidence of regular staff appraisal


  • settings will be required to submit an annual monitoring report that will be assessed by the Senior School Development Officer (early years);
  • settings will expect to be visited by Early Years Advisory Teachers who will be enabled to observe the work of the early years practitioners;
  • where the LA has concerns regarding the quality, management or sustainability of the service, the provider will be required to work with the LA to develop an action plan for improvement;
  • settings must agree to a spot check visit by the Finance and Monitoring Officer and will be asked to submit their registers and financial accounts on request.

6.Non compliance

  • if the provider fails to meet the conditions set by the LA, the LA will require part or whole repayment of funding provided for free places.
  • all funding will be withdrawn entirely upon receiving advice from the Secretary of State that Ofsted considers the provision to be unacceptable.
  1. Complaints and Appeals
  • the LEA will deal with complaints under the Westminster City Council Complaints Procedure;
  • providers may appeal to the Head of Early Childhood Services should they consider their applications for funding have not been dealt with in accordance with this policy within 10 working days of any decision relating to their claim.

8.Accessing Information Early Education Funding

  • the LA will make available information to providers about how to access funding and conditions of grant and payments;
  • the LA through the Children’s Information Service will make available information for parents about access early years education places.

9.Grant Payment

  • the LA will determine the amount of grant per place per term based on individual headcount figures;
  • providers must provide proof of public and employee liability on an annual basis to the LA;
  • providers must provide evidence of financial stability on an annual basis to the LA;
  • the LA will maintain an up-to-date register of providers receiving grant.


  • providers will be required to submit a headcount return at times determined by the LA. The LA will make payments against the headcount within three weeks of the final closing date for this data. Children who join the setting after the headcount date are also eligible for funding but payment to the provider will be made the following term. Providers should notify the LA as soon as they can confirm details of the child joining the setting after the headcount.
  • providers must notify the LA has been received. The LA will then claim back funding, on a pro rata basis, for the remainder of the term;
  • providers must maintain accurate individual details of all children for whom they are claiming funding and have evidence to support children’s eligibility for funding.

I agree to the terms and conditions set out above

Name of Setting……………………………………………………

Signature of Manager…………………………………………………



Westminster Early Years Education Funding Policy Revised Summer 06