Key Stage One
Key Skills
Key Stage 1
In Science we will:
- Think about ‘What will happen if…….?’
- Ask questions that we can test
- Make suggestions for our investigation plan
- Carry out an investigation using equipment and record our findings
- Display our results in different ways such as photographs, charts and tables
- Describe the information we have collected
- Compare results with others
- Give a reason why something has happened
In ICT we will:
- Find and talk about information from different sources
- Give instructions to make things happen
- Explore models and simulations
- Communicate in different ways e.g. Presentations, blogs, texts, images and sounds
- Use ICT to draft and try things out on screen
- Evaluate our work and think of ways to make it better
- Begin to understand how ICT helps us
- Become aware of the need to be safe and responsible online
In Art we will:
- Explore and develop our ideas by drawing, collecting ideas and talking about them
- Try out and use a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting collage, textiles, digital,
media and printing
- Think and talk about our ideas as we work so that we can change things if we want to
- Learn and understand about colour, line, texture and shape by exploring them
- Look at and talk about the work of other artists
In Design and Technology we will
- Investigate things and say how they work, what they do and what they are made of
- Plan what to make and be able to tell someone else about it
- Make things from our plans and be able to say what has or has not worked well and why
- Work with tools and equipment safely to measure and mark, cut and shape, join and
combine and finish materials
- Learn about how to use different materials and mechanisms
In Geography we will:
- Find out about and describe different places by visiting them and/or looking at information
about them
- Identify physical and human features in different places
- Investigate how and why places are changing
- Practice fieldwork skills inside and outside the school
- Use maps, globes and plans to help us carry out investigations
- Make maps and plans of real and imaginary places
In History we will:
- Learn to place events and objects in time order
- Find out what happened to people in the past and how things have changed
- Find out about the past from different historical sources
- Ask questions about the past and answer them giving reasons
- Share the information we have found out
In Music we will:
- Perform with our voices and musical instruments in lots of different ways
- Explore and choose sounds and rhythms to make some music of our own
- Make music for different moods or events
- Listen to and talk about our own music thinking of ways to make it better
- Listen to and move to music and describe how it makes us feel
In PSHE we will:
- Learn about ourselves and others
- Develop positive relationships
- Understand our own feelings and the feelings of others
- Begin to think for ourselves and listen to others
- Understand that we have differences and similarities
- Learn and understand about choices and how we choose
- Learn about keeping safe and healthier
- Understand about our growing bodies and feel good about ourselves
- Begin to understand about money and think about our future lives
In Physical Education we will:
- Learn the skills we need to play games, do gymnastics and dance
- Learn that PE and sport are part of being healthy
- Learn to think about how we use our body in different activities
- In games, think about how to plan to beat the opponent
- In gym, think about how to make our actions precise and accurate
- In dance, think about how to tell a story through movement