Bill Sybert School
Uniform/Dress Code Policy
In order to maintain an orderly environment conducive to the attainment of the education mission of the Socorro ISD, all students shall be required to conform to Bill Sybert School’s Uniform/Dress Code Policy.
****Shirts MUST be tucked in at ALL times. ****
- T-Shirt or Polo with Bill Sybert Logo Preferred (Cardinal or Navy Only)
*White polos are allowed as per the district policy.
- Turtlenecks, shirts, etc. may be worn underneath school shirt
- REGULAR blue, grey or black jeans or Docker-style slacks khaki, black or blue
- All pants must sit above the hips
- No sweat, wind, or athletic pants
- Length must be at least where the middle finger rests when the arm is extended alongside the leg.
- No basketball/gym shorts
- (NO skirts/skorts in middle school)
- Any style coat/jacket will be permitted to be worn outside.
- Nothing with advertising, corporate logos, or professional team names can be worn during instructional time.
- Front zipper sweatshirts/sweaters may be worn as part of the uniform while inside the building
- Front zipper hooded sweatshirts are permitted, but hoods may not be worn in the building.
- T-shirts promoting universities may be worn only Thursdays. Students may only wear Sybert club shirts on Fridays.
Body Piercing:
- The only pierced body parts allowed to be adorned are the ears.
- NO Gauges/ Tapers/ Facial/or Body Piercings
- No covered facial piercings allowed
- Natural colored hair. No rainbow colors.
- Short MOHAWKS only
*NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES…they will be confiscated. At the teachers discretion cell phones may be used for instructional purposes only; however, the school or district is not responsible for lost or stolen devices.
*** If device rings or vibrates during school hours, it will be confiscated immediately. There will be no exceptions. Confiscation and $15 fine will be implemented beginning with 2nd offense as outlined in Socorro ISD Board Policy Handbook. On the 3rd offence, the student will not receive their phone until the last day of school.
The following are examples of what will NOT
be allowed at Bill Sybert School:
- Sagging or oversized pants/jeans/shorts, skinny jeans, torn jeans, big pockets
- Clothing with abusive or suggestive language or symbols reflecting gang affiliation or religious artifacts
- Bandanas, drop rags, hair nets, caps, or sunglasses (physician prescribed excluded)
- Excess make-up such as heavy eyeliner, black lipstick, Gothic-style
- Military style belts or lettered buckles
- Tank tops/Spaghetti Straps/Crop Shirts
No safety pins or rubber bands on shirts
- Spiked or studded jewelry or belts
- Excessive jewelry (large and bulky)
- Rosaries may not be worn outside of shirts
- Chain belts, chains on wallets, or chains draped outside pockets; as outlined in the SISD Board Policy Handbook
- Any other clothing and accessories that, in the professional judgment of campus administration and faculty, is not in conducive to maintaining an orderly environment
- Uniform shirt may not be altered in any way
- Flip-flops, slippers, or house shoes
Disciplinary Consequences for not abiding by the Bill Sybert dress code:
1st offense – Warning – Parent will be called to bring change of clothes. Student will be placed in SAC if parent is unable to bring appropriate clothing.
2nd offense- Same as above and student will serve detention. Additional offenses will warrant more severe consequences.
*Dirty uniform is not an acceptable excuse.*