Name: ______Due Date: ______


GOAL: Slowly type using the proper techniquelearned in class to help build muscle memory in your fingers.Please take this packet home and practice throughout the week.

Directions: Practice typing the drills on the next page using a computer or a keyboard. Every time you finish practicing, record your time on the chart below. Recommended frequency is 4 times a week for 10 minutes each. Bring this sheet back to class the next time we meet. NOTE: You are being graded on minutes, NOT amount of lines you can complete.

Day of the week / Amount of time (minutes) / Drill number practiced

LOOK ABOVE . . . . the shaded rows at the bottom are for additional time/days.

ADD UP YOUR MINUTES: I have practiced for a total of ______minutes this week.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Home row Keys Drill 1 (REVIEW)Directions: Type each line one time.

ff jj dd kk ss ll aa fff jjj ddd kkk sss lll aa aa jj jj ss kk ; dd llfad fad add add sad sad as as add adds asks asks dad falls asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdf jkl; ;lkj ;lkj fdsa fdsa fdsa asdfjkladdsdad dad fall fall as a lad lad ad ad lass lass salad lad saladfall fall flask flask salads salsa add add ask Aak sads sadask; ask; as; as; fall; all; sad; sad; as; as salads; salsa salad;all dad fall lad lass sad sasslass add fad ask all dad salsa

H Key Drill 2 Directions: Type each line one time.

jhj jhj jhj hj hj jh jh h jj hh hhh ha ha ah ah hahj hahj jah jhhas had a has had has had ash has had ash dash lash dash slash dash flash flash half half flash half flash half alf alf half flash hash dash slash lash all had has has had has ha ha ha ha ah ah ah had had had dash dash flash slash ash kash kash kash lash lash lash jash jash jash jash sasha sasha has had dads sasha sad had has dash fash sash ash jash kash lash ash ash lash sash lash

E Key Drill 3 Directions: Type each line one time.

de de de de ded dead ded dead de e ee eke ele eel lee see feels desk less sell ked fed feed less keds sled sleds seek seeks fed e ee de ed ked dead deals lead leds leads feed feeds desk desks eke ekes less sell led leads; d ed ed el el led led eel eel eke eke ed fed d d ed ed el elkssled leads eke eke fed fed ale fed eds edd ed el el lee lee fed fede eke eke eke led led ale ale ed lee fed lead leed eke led fed de jade jade kake dake lakes sake aje lakes ale ales less seeds seed deaf fed lead deal elf ease eases a lake; a leek; a jade; a desk; a jade; a jade ell; a deed; ash lake; eke a jade elf desk; a jade eel; a sad lake; a dead eel; leeks; leaks; seeds;

Combine H and E Drill Directions: Type each line one time.

he he he she she she shed shed heed heed held held he he she she shed shed heed heed held he he; hehe; she has had; she heals; she sells; dad leases; flesh; a desk lake; a hall heals; all heels; ah ha; had ash; has had; feds hall; has a hall; ah ha ah ha; had he ash; has had; a hall; has a hall; he ahead; heads; heals; heels; heal lash; a shed; he held; she has jade; held a sash; a lash; a led shed he held; she has jade; held a fade; faded lake; flask flesh head fed feds leaf feel lead jeff jeffs dee seeds seeded deed;