Information about the course paper
In order to ensure that the participants can apply concepts, models and tools from the course and reflect upon their own practice as a lecturer, each participant choose a lecture or a course that he or she wants to develop, and that will be the focus of the course paper.
In the paper, the participants will present a plan for developing the lecture or the course, with suggestions for change, based upon what is presented in the course and in the course literature.
The participant will receive the course certificate when he or she has taken part in all 4 days of the course, and the course paper has been approved.
Working with the course paper is supposed to give the participants the opportunity to develop future lectures based upon the pedagogical principles presented in the course. The development plan should help the participants focus on their teaching practice, and serve as a tool for integrating the theory in the course with the future teaching practice of the participants. The plan can later on be used to document the participants’ pedagogical development.
Possibletopics for thepaper
- Redesigning a lecture or a course according to constructive alignment principles
- Active learning
- Blended learning
- Large classes
- Feedback
- Educational use of video
- Other topics are welcome as well
4 -7 A4 pages (1500-3000 words)
On the front page: Name of the participant, Research Department and Title of the paper
References should be mentioned throughout the paper, and all references should be included in a reference list at the end of the paper.
The participant is welcome to ask for feedback while working on the paper.
There is no deadline for the paper, as soon as it is approved, the participant will receive the course certificate.
About the paper
In the introduction, you may include your pedagogical point of view, teaching experience and or teaching philosophy. This will put your development plan into perspective.
You should take a lecture or a course that you would like to develop further as a starting point. It can be a lecture in a course you have previously taught, a course you teach this semester, or a course you are going to teach in the future. Discuss the course in light of one or more topics. Describe the situation as it is today, and how you would like it to develop. What kind of activities/methods would you like to include to change the lecture or the course?
Pedagogical theory and best practice from the course or other sources should be used to argue for your choice of activities/methods. If you have time try out the elements in your development plan, you should also describe the results.
1)It is expected that you use theory from the course, and relate your experiences to theory. Constructive alignment should be addressed.
2)It is ok to write a paper that is more essay than scientific paper, where you reflect upon ideas and questions, without the need to justify all thoughts with empirical data. The purpose of the paper is the process of reflecting upon theory versus practice, and where the potentials for improvement are.
3)You may use literature that is not included in the course literature, but this is not mandatory.
Oneway of structuring a paper is:
-Development plan
We encourage the sharing of the paper, either in its complete form, as a blog post or a presentation. We can aid.
Discuss with usIf you have questions or want to discuss ideas while writing the paper, please contact or