Homework Policy
Dear Parents,
In my classroom, homework is not used to punish or merely keep students busy.
Homework has a definite place in the educational process. It is an extension of the learning experience children have during the instructional day. Homework is designed to not only aid the student in achieving classroom and school goals; it is also a chance for you, the parent, to see what topics your child is covering in school.
Each assignment will be given a point value and a due date. The morning of the due date, the assignment is to be placed in the homework box before 8:27 A.M. If the assignment is not there by the beginning of first period, it will be considered missing unless excused by myself. If the student is absent, they are responsible for getting the work they missed from classmates, the absent work folder or the teacher.
If homework is assigned, it is the responsibility of the student to write it down in their planner during the allotted time to do so at the end of the day. Please check the planners daily. When your child finishes his or her homework, your signature is required in the daily planner. This is another reason why it is important for your child to have a planner.
If your child is ill, but able to do schoolwork at home, I will be happy to prepare assignments that can be done without direct teacher instruction. Please call the school before the start of the school day to make arrangements for work to be picked up that afternoon.
In an effort to keep you and your child better informed, I have designed a classroom Web site ( This is the first year the site will be in use and I will do my best to update the site every two weeks. Please include suggestions as to what information you would like to see posted on this site to help you understand what we are doing in the classroom as well as how your child is performing in class.
For the class Web site, each student will have a two digit code that they will receive the first week of school. This will help keep their identities secret. It will be asked that every two weeks you access the site with your child to look over their performance in school. I hope to write generic comments, post homework completion and grades in each subject. Your child will be required to record the grades and complete a quiz question from the bottom of the page and return it to me with your signature. I understand that some families don’t have computers or internet access at home. That is why I am asking that this is done every two weeks. This should allow plenty of time for you and your child to find a computer at a friend’s house, public library, or other facility to access the class site.
In addition to understanding the homework policy, I feel the need to inform you about the grading scales for each subject. The following are breakdowns for how each subject is scored.
MathSocial Studies
Tests: 40%Tests:35%
Quizzes: 20%Quizzes:15%
E.R.:5% (Extended Responses)
Book Reports: 5%(Each child will be required to write six book reports each nine weeks. The books should be no less than 100 pages and follow the book report format provided to each student in class)
Classwork:20%Lab Reports:20%
Homework:20%(2nd quarter science fair project = 50%)
If you have any questions about the policy or procedures, please feel free to contact me by phone at (773) 534-5843 or by e-mail. Please sign and return the portion below the dotted line.
Bill Cataldo
(Eighth Grade Teacher)
WaltDisneyMagnet School
(773) 534-5840
I have reviewed the homework policy, supply list and welcome letter with my child.
Parent SignaturePrint Name
I understand the homework policy, supply list and welcome letter and will do my best to follow the guidelines set forth by Mr. Cataldo.
Student SignaturePrint Name
If you have an e-mail account that Mr. Cataldo can contact you through, please provide that information.
Parent e-mail address
Please include Web site suggestions on this paper!