16th January 2012

Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m.

“ adjourned:10.50 a.m.

“ reconvened: 11.05 a.m.

"ended:12.20 p.m.

PRESENT:Councillor Lea (Ceremonial Mayor) – in the Chair

Mr Ian Stewart - City Mayor

Councillors Antrobus, Balkind, Boshell, Brocklehurst, E. Burgoyne, V. Burgoyne, Cheetham, Clague, Coen, Collinson, Compton, Connor, Critchley, Dawson, Dennett, Dirir, Ferguson, K Garrido, R Garrido, Hinds, Hudson, Humphreys, Hunt, Jolley, Jones, Kean, Kelly, King, Lancaster, Lindley, McIntyre, Merry, Morris, J Mullen, M Mullen, J. Murphy, T. Murphy, Ord, Pennington, Pugh, B Ryan, P Ryan, Stone, Walsh, Warmisham, Warner, M. Wheeler, P. Wheeler, G. Wilson and R Wilson.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Clarkson, Dobbs,Mashiter, Merrett, Mold, Potter, Reynolds, Rochford and Turner


There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2012 were approved as a correct record subject to the following additionunder minute no 44 (Transport for Greater Manchester);- the need to address the issue of the provision for car parking facilities at Irlam train station.


There were no petitions or communications submitted.


Councillor Antrobus moved and Councillor McIntyre seconded the following notice of motion:-

This council notes the Government’s intention to extend permitted development rights for householder extension applications as announced by the Secretary of State on 6 September 2012.

This council believes that this change is unnecessary and dilutes the democratic control of sustainable and suitable development in our local area.

This council states that democratically elected and accountable councillors are best placed to make the right decisions on development and evidence shows that councils across the country have a demonstrable record of achieving the correct balance between promoting sustainable and suitable development while having proper regard for residents’ objections.

This council resolves to write to the Planning Minister and our local MP(s) to highlight our concerns on this issue and also to propose that the Government uses the Growth and Infrastructure Bill to give councils the powers to set out permitted development rights locally, thereby allowing local policies to boost small scale development or facilitate change of use to stimulate growth in a way that caters to local needs and is accountable to local people.

In moving the Notice of Motion, Councillor Antrobus referred to the reasons why there was a need to highlight the above concerns and how the intention to extend permitted development rights was detracting from the real problems within the construction industry and the lack of liquidity within the economy.

Councillor K Garrido spoke against the motion referring to the fact that Councillor Antrobus could have sent a response during the consultation period, that he had not asked members of the public or other Councillors for their opinion and that no weakening of the existing building regulations was occurring.

Councillor Antrobus informed Members that a response had indeed been sent during the consultation period, on behalf of the AGMA authorities’ which had voiced the strong oppositionto the proposed changes and that the above Notice of Motion had been requested by the Local Government Association (LGA).

The Chair then put the motion to the meeting and on a show of hands it was:-

RESOLVED: THAT this council will write to the Planning Minister and local MP(s) to highlight our concerns on the above issue and also to propose that the Government uses the Growth and Infrastructure Bill to give councils the powers to set out permitted development rights locally, thereby allowing local policies to boost small scale development or facilitate change of use to stimulate growth in a way that caters to local needs and is accountable to local people.


Councillor Peter Connor proposed and Councillor G Wilson seconded, that Councillor Alan Clague be appointed to the Office of Ceremonial Mayor for the Municipal Year 2013/14.

RESOLVED: THAT the nomination for office of Ceremonial Mayor for the Municipal Year 2013/14 be unanimously agreed.


In recommending the Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme the City Mayor made reference to the cuts to the funding received from Central Government which had meant that the Council had been required to devise a scheme which was ‘fair and equitable in the circumstances’.

In seconding the Scheme,Councillor Hinds added that, following consultations, the Council had done all it could to mitigate the costs to be borne by those receiving benefits

and he highlighted the net shortfall that remained.

Councillor Cheetham reminded Members that the current government was making tough decisions on ‘inherited problems’ and he thanked the City Mayor and Officers for the detailed and informed report which had been presented to Council within the tightly set timescales. The Conservative Group agreed that the scheme was fair and had taken into account the feedback received via the consultation. There were still issues that remained to be resolved; however these did not adversely affect the proposed scheme or the finances of the Council.

Councillor P Wheeler stated that approx 19,000 people in the City would be affected by this scheme, some more adversely than others.

Councillor Hinds closed the debate by making reference to the worldwide financial disaster, austerity measure, the lack of growth in the economy and how the poorest members of society were having to make a disproportionate contribution to support the country’s debt.

The Chair then put the Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme to the meeting and on a show of hands it was:-

RESOLVED: THAT this Council agrees to the proposed Council Tax Reduction Scheme as detailed in the report and appendices now submitted.


The City Mayor recommended the above changes to the administration of council tax discounts and exemptions with Councillor Hinds seconding the proposal.

Councillor Cheetham stated that the Conservative Group supported the recommendations and proposals but suggested that they may be occasions where the proposals could be a little “harsh”. In particular in cases of bereavement or where work needs to be completed on a property, as two months could prove to be an insufficient amount of time (paragraph III). He requested that these cases be monitored and that mitigation should be applied in certain circumstances.

Councillor Hinds acknowledged this request.

The Chair then put the administration of Council tax discounts and exemptions to the meeting and on a show of hands it was:-

RESOLVED: THAT this Council agrees the proposed changes to the administration of council tax discounts and exemptions now submitted.


a) Questions from Members of the Public

Ms Vee Ball, Chair of USUC (United Service Users Committee) made a statement on behalf of the Mental Health Service users referring to the proposed future for mental health servicesand the ongoing consultation exercise stating that as far as they were concerned these changes appeared to have already been implemented, as they have been denied access to their normal Trust drop-in building. She highlighted the fact that these facilities were accessed by people from across each ward, how important these centres were to the people who used them and invited councillors to visit should they wish to. She appealed to the councillors to be given a ‘fair deal’ and for them to challenge the Trust on these issues.

The City Mayor thanked members of the committee for attending at Council and for raising these issues. He explained that as the elected City Mayor he was charged with making difficult decisions. The group received assurances that no decision had been reached as yet and their views would be taken into account as part of the ongoing consultation process. The City Mayor re-iterated that he had made a commitment to the group to listen to their views when reaching this decision.

Councillor Connor re-assured the group that it had never been stated that drop-ins would be closed and that the new proposals were currently undergoing the various consultation methods. He indicated that concerns raised in regard to some users not receiving the consultation questionnaires would be followed up accordingly.

b) The City Mayor then highlighted the following key issues;-

  • Core Strategy and the emergence of Salford Local Plan following the decision of the Inspector
  • Ofsted Action Plan – continued attention tochildren’s safeguarding issues
  • Primary School Provision Programme
  • Building Schools for the Future
  • Mental Health Floating Support Consultation
  • Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme
  • Salford Reds
  • Finalising the Capital and Revenue Budget
  • Pay and Grading Review – as a result of the Equal Pay Act
  • Super-connected Cities – successful bid for funding
  • City Plan Consultation and Development
  • Speed Reductions Scheme for the A580
  • Meet the Buyer/Local procurement event held
  • Returning Veterans Support Scheme
  • Olympic and Paralympics athletes event held to acknowledge achievements
  • Poverty Reduction Strategy Group – different experts from across the Council and external groups including the third sector agencies and the trade unions meeting to determine how best to mitigate against the worst effects of the cuts.
  • Contribution to the Environment Agency in regard to Flood Planning/Plains


Q (a)Councillor Critchley made reference to the recent announcement by the governing body of St George’s High School that the school was to close with pupils relocating to St Ambrose High School and asked what was the level of involvement by the Council in this decision?

The City Mayor replied that the decision had been one which was made by the governing body in conjunction with the diocese and that the Council had no influence over this. The responsibility of the Council was to ensure that children in that area of the City have access to a good education.

Q (b)Councillor Compton asked for an explanation in regard to figures published which seem to indicate that over the last two years, the Council had made a loss of £350,000 on the collection of parking fees.

Councillor Antrobus explained that in regard to public and on street parking the Council “breaks even” whereas these figures related to the fees that were introduced for staff parking. This scheme had generated an income of £350,000 but in the budget a target income of £700,000 had been anticipated.

Q(c)Councillor R Garrido asked for a progress update in regard to the speed reduction scheme on sections of the A580.

Councillor Jones gave a timeline in regard to the issuing of the temporary order, installation of new signage and the discussions with Wigan Council due to the fact that the scheme would extend towards their boundary. In addition to this, over the next twelve months, there would be analysis of speed surveys, collision data and hot spots with a plan to report back to the City Mayor on completion, with a view to making this a permanent arrangement.

Councillor R Garrido welcomed the above comments but stated he was disappointed that the scheme would not be in place sooner and did not include Newearth Road. He referred to the report due with regard to the introduction of an ‘all red’ scheme for the A580 and expressed his wish that this would be discussed with the ward councillors at the appropriate time.

The City Mayor was of the opinion that these were serious issues which needed to be moved forward as quickly and as reasonably as possible within the proper procedures.

Q (d)Councillor K Garrido repeated her request for copies of the job descriptions for the City Mayor, Deputy City Mayor and Assistant Mayors, as it had been 8 months since they had taken up office.

The City Mayor stated that currently he had other more pressing issues to deal with and as yet, no new guidelines had been issued by Central Government which covered these roles.

Q (e)Councillor Cheetham asked for updates with regard to; - i) budget setting ii) Pay and Grading Review.

The City Mayor stated that the delay in receiving the notification of the budget settlement from Central Government had meant that consultations with the Trade Unions, voluntary and private sectors had not been able to be undertaken as early as he would have liked. The impact of the government cuts would be significant again for this year and the City Mayor indicated that, following weekly meetings, it was anticipated that the budget proposals would be made public on Friday (18th January 2013).

The City Mayor then made reference to the Equal Pay Act and the impact that this legislation had had on local authorities. Negotiations with the Trade Unions had begun on the 26th September and the desire was to reach a collective agreement. Meetings were taking place each week to achieve this outcome. Currently the final proposals were being put to the Trade Unions. These proposals would: - affect all staff, protect the lowest paid and seek to implement a ‘living wage’.

Q (f)Councillor Morris welcomed the work the City Mayor was undertaking in regard to the Returning Veterans Scheme and wished to congratulate him on this excellent initiative.

Councillor Lindley referred to the recent event held at Salford University by the Army Engagement Team and thanked them for visiting Salford.

The City Mayor welcomed both the above comments and made reference to the recent addition to the War Memorial at Irlam and requested that families of fallen soldiers contact the City Mayors Office with their details in order that these can be included in the appropriate way.

Q (g)Councillor R Garrido raised the issue of Scrutiny Committees stating that 8 meetings had either been postponed or cancelled during the months September to December. In addition to this2 or 3 meetings with the City Mayor to discuss the scrutiny function had also been cancelled or postponed. He expressed his concern that one of the main functions of the Council did not appear to be being dealt with.

The City Mayor referred to the importance of the scrutiny function and agreed that it was of concern to him that the meetings to discuss this had failed to take place. It had been the unfortunate case that notification of the budget settlement had been received on the same day that the latest meeting had been arranged and this had taken precedence. A further meeting was now in the diary and he encouraged Councillor R Garrido to take up this opportunity.

The City Mayor thanked Councillors for their questions and comments.



There were no questions or comments raised.


There were no items raised.