Andrew Paul Cumming Bsc(Hons) FICS


Full N ame: Andrew Paul Cumming

Work Phone : +61 8 9243 0129

Work Fax : +61 8 9243 0182

Mobile Phone : +61 418 448840

Email :

Born: 15 June 1968

Place of Birth: Liverpool, England

Nationality: Australian and British


2004 Director of Pennant Australia Pty Ltd, Perth

Started own business to continue servicing the remaining bulk liquids market in Australia and to further develop the ongoing projects in the region.

2003–2004 Manager of Tanker department, Seawise Australia Pty Ltd, Perth

Relocated to Perth to primarily develop business opportunities in the tanker department. This has involved assessment of existing clients and approaching new clients’ needs. Development of strategies and general logistical solutions and tailoring presentations to each client. These solutions have mainly been directed at the oil and gas sectors of the market and as such I have gained extensive knowledge about the local gas and national liquid bitumen market, with practical knowledge of port facilities and storage options.

Have also taken on the role of WA office ISO co–ordinator which involves keeping the documentation up to date, liaising with the company ISO co–ordinator in Melbourne and conducting the necessary internal ISO audits.

2002–2002 Manager of Tanker department, Seawise Platou Pte Ltd, Singapore

In February 2002 moved to Singapore under the banner of Seawise Chartering Pte Ltd to continue the broking activities on the crude oil side of the business. Within one month we established a joint–venture company with Platou Asia and set up an office in Singapore. I continued as the Manger of Tanker department role from Singapore leading a combined team of brokers and operations staff from Seawise and Platou. The role also involved looking at all new projects on the small tanker, bitumen and time charter markets.

2001–2002 Manager of Tanker department, Seawise Australia Pty Ltd

In May 2001 Bridgewater Chartering merged with another Australian shipbroking company, South West Chartering and formed Seawise Australia Pty Ltd. The role of Tanker department manager was to continue the work being done previously as Bridgewater Chartering and expand the business. We expanded the department and took on additional staff some of whom I helped to train. Assisted in setting up the Australia–New Zealnd branch of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS). Accredited as a tutor for the ICS in the subject of Tanker Chartering.

1990–2001 Shipbroker, Bridgewater Chartering Pty Ltd, Melbourne

Started work in September 1990 having moved to Australia as a trainee shipbroker and quickly started ‘fixing’ the smaller tonnage in the tanker department. Have remained in the tanker department throughout but have maintained an interest in the dry cargo markets. Have been involved with many fixtures for small parcel tankers, 30–40,000 Deadweight product tankers right up to large ‘Aframax’ vessels. Fixtures have involved all grades of liquid cargoes including chemicals, petroleum products, crude oils and natural products such as vegetable oil and tallow.

Being involved in a small company also involved other duties such as maintaining the office computer network. I was also placed in charge of negotiating and finalizing the new communications system for the office.


1989 Summer Vacation – Work experience

Three months working as a ‘Demurrage Clerk’ in London, England, with Shell International Marine limited. Duties included: Entering data about demurrage claims into the database, invoicing and chasing claims and general filing.

1987–1988 Work Experience

Fourteen months serving as a Deck Cadet Officer with the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service. Duties included: Taking an active role in the loading and discharging of cargoes, navigational watchkeeping, ship handling, maintenance of all ship’s safety equipment and leading one of the ship’s fire–fighting teams.


October 2000 Elected to Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shibrokers

1997 Member of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers

Subjects studied: Shipping Practice, Ship Management and Tanker Chartering (with Destinction). Elected to membership on 5th March 1997.

1990 Subjects Studied for BSc (Honours) in Maritime Studies:

First Year

Ship operations, Maritime Commerce, Freight Transport, Physics, Engineering, Mercantile and Shipping law, Mathematics and Computing.

Second and Third Years

Maritime law, Maritime Economics, Shipping Business, Port and Shipping Operations, Statistics and Computing.

Final Year Dissertation title: “Some Problems Associated with Demurrage in the Oil Industry.”

Seminar Titles: 1. Operational Laytime: Ships Costs vs Port Costs. 2. Replenishment at Sea.

1986–1990 Liverpool polytechnic (now John Moores University) — BSc with Honours in Maritime Studies

1979–1986 Liverpool College, Liverpool, England — 9 GCE “O”Levels, 2 GCE “A” Levels


1986 Passed Driving test and currently hold a valid and unendorsed Western Australian driving licence as well as an unendorsed British driving licence

1999 Accredited as ISO internal auditor

2001 Accredited as Tanker Chartering Tutor for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS)

2003 Passed St John’s Ambulance basic office medical course

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