Students # 4
In Elementary Statistics class there are so many interesting topics that professor and students have discussed in class. One of the class discussions that really caught my attention is the topic about correlation between two variables, because in real life we have to work and compare the relationship between two things or more all the time. For example, I am majoring in International Business and I have to find out the relationship between the exchange rate and import amount. The knowledge from statistics class helps me a lot to understand and use the graph to present my understanding. The chapter of correlation topic explains important methods for making inferences about a correlation between two variables and describes a relationship with an equation that can be used for predicting the value of one variable given the value of the other variable. (Slide # 4) Moreover, I also learn that the linear correlation coefficient r measures the strength of the linear relationship between paired X and Y quantitative values in a sample. (Slide#9) After we know that two variables have relationship then we have to find out how strong the relationship is, by using the critical value from table to measure the strength of those relationships. I like everything to be in cause and effect. This topic is also related to cause and effect because one variable affects another variable. From my view point, the topic about correlation is very interesting and can be applied in everyday life.
Beside the topics in statistics that I have studied in each chapter, I also have a chance to create an ePortfolio to collect my works and assignments from classes. I can use the ePortfolio to explain about myself, to show some of my works, and post my resume in a digital form. It is very useful because I can give a link of my ePortfolio to anyone to look at all my works and learn more about me. They will be able to know me right away by reading about me and look at my resume. I do not have to carry all my works to present when I have to be interviewed in company. I think this is a very good idea for all college students to have ePortfolio because there are so many works that you did and want to show to the outside world. I also have an opportunity to use my creativity to represent myself and my education. It is not comfortable to carry a sketch book of my art works with you all the time to present my works.
The knowledge from this class helps me to improve my thought in business view. Such as, in order to analyses the quality of each sale person, I have to collect each person’s sale amount every month in a year and make a graph. Then I have to compare among the whole sale people. Moreover, I can apply statistics to my everyday life. For example I work in a restaurant as a waitress. Everyday I earn tips and wage combine together. I have a table in my computer to record my earning everyday and do the average in months and years. Therefore, I can see which day I mostly earn lower money in order to take a day off on that day and also keep records of my money each month and each year. I make a graph to compare years and years. Then, I can tell whether during which months the restaurant is slow or busy. I can also apply this method to my accounting class because Accounting is about money and keep up the records of in and out of money.
Statistics is very useful to apply to every thing in life as I have explained above. Therefore, in the future I might take a class in advance statistics in order to study more in statistics.