Enzyme Experiment Research Plan

Read the following directions and rubric carefully.

Format: 12 font New Times Roman or Arial, double spaced, centered headings, grammar and spelling correct.

Question being addressed/short background research

(this is independent work!!)

What is the research question you are trying to answer?

In your background research paper, be sure toanswer the following questions:

  1. Give an overview of the function of an enzyme. Pull in specific examples of enzymes found in the human body and their function.
  2. Describe the general structure of an enzyme. List and describe the following parts: amino acids, protein folding, substrate, product, and active site.
  3. Explain hydrogen peroxide and its role in cell health. How is it produced in the body and explain its purpose and/or lack of purpose?
  4. What are three things that could influence enzyme action?

This part of the assignment should be headed BACKGROUND RESEARCH, typed according to the correct format, and include a Bibliography in APA FORMAT. Use the sources provided in class!

Remember, NO CITATIONS = PLAGIARISM!!! You MUST cite your sources, both in text and in the bibliography!

This should be 150-250 words (1/2 to 1 page only!), but it MUST address all 4 questions thoroughly!

HYPOTHESIS (this is independent work!)

What is the hypothesis? Use an If…., then…. format. This must include the Independent and Dependent Variable you will be using in your lab.


The material list should be in the following bulleted format and follow the guidelines listed below.

  • Items are not numbered
  • Size and quantity of each item listed
  • Specific names and/or scientific names are used
  • All measurements in metric units

With your lab group, after doing background research, you will design your own experiment using the materials provided in class. You will write a very detailed, step by step procedure according to the directions below.


The procedure should be written in the following format and follow the guidelines:

1.Steps should be numbered.

2.Each action is written as a different step (NOT in paragraph form).

Ex. 1. Fill 100 ml beaker with 25 mL of H2O2.

2. Measure 25 ml of tissue with a 50 ml graduated cylinder.

3. Pour the 25 ml of H2O2 into the 100 ml beaker

3.It is written so that another student or researcher could exactly reproduce the experiment and obtain similar results.

4.Steps include all equipment used in the experimental set-up.

5.Steps include an exact description of how measurements will be taken and tools that will be used

6.Steps are written in the 3rd person. Do not write your procedure in 1st person (no I, We, You)

7.Include enough repeated trials in the procedure, this will depend on your particular experiment, more is better (5 trials is the minimum)

8.Identify a control in the steps.

9.Describe constants and plan for uniform conditions for all trials.


You need to describe how you will analyze your data. You will use descriptive and inferential statistics to evaluate the validity of your data. Write a statement to this effect:

“Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used to evaluate the data.”

(We will learn how to do inferential statistics WHEN WE RETURN FROM BREAK)

Grading Rubric

DUE DATE: December 20 & 21, 2016


Points Possible


Points Earned

Question/Short Background Research

Essential questions have been answered fully in a minimum 150 word paper

/ 20


Paper is written in the correct format, no spelling or grammar issues, correct APA format, font size and type, Headings are centered. / 10


This is in an If…, then…. format? It addresses both the IV and DV. / 5
Items not numbered (use bullet points), size and number of each item listed, specific names and/or scientific names used, measurements in Metrics, all necessary equipment is included / 10
Numbered steps, each action a different step, can be reproduced, specific equipment listed in steps, written in 3rd person, repeated trials, control included and described, constants and uniform conditions described / 25
Total / 70