English II Pre-AP – Mrs. Kaiser
TomballMemorialHigh School 281-357-3230, ext. 1091
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to a new year! In English II Pre-AP we will explore different cultures, time periods, and issues that will challenge our beliefs and open us to new ways of seeing the world.
As I teacher, I set high expectations for myself and for my students. I expect to actively involve my students in class discussions, written responses, group work, and projects during the year and to encourage the incorporation of analytical skills in close reading, application of grammar, and composition. Although practicing these skills will, at the very least, fulfill high school English requirements, ultimately, honing them will prove to be a lifelong investment. Close reading emphasizes looking beyond the text itself and promotes connections from structural analysis to meaning. Knowledge of the tools of language and grammar will enable students to analyze more effectively, and as a result, write more effectively. I expect my students to emerge not only better prepared for upper level English courses, but empowered as more critical thinkers.
Effective communication is always one of my goals, and in order to facilitate that this year, I will be using the Remind program to send text message reminders of due dates and important information. If you or your student would like to enroll, text the message @Eng2Kaiser to 81010. In addition, by subscribing to the English II Pre-AP class page of my website, you will receive updates via email. Also, I highly recommend that both you and your student regularly check the Home Access Center website for updates on grades and/or missing assignments. Please be aware that some assignments, particularly writing, take considerable time to grade and they will be posted as soon as grading is complete. I will do my best to finish this process in a reasonable amount of time for each assignment.
Each day, I expect students to report to class promptly, to be prepared with books and supplies, to participate in class activities, to respect the rights and property of others, and to strive to achieve your personal best.
I look forward to meeting parents at our annual Open House on September 15, 2016. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, comments, or information to share with me. E-mail is particularly effective, but you may also leave a voice mail on my phone extension.
Erika Kaiser
TomballMemorialHigh School
English II Pre-AP
As per the handbook, major grades comprise 70% of your average and daily grades account for 30%. Most essays are evaluated using an AP rubric, which I will distribute in class. Per TISD grading guidelines, students may improve one major grade as determined by the gradelevel departmental team per grading period. Upon posting of graded assignment, students will have three (3) days to make arrangements with teacher to come in before or after school to improve their original grade.
Make Ups
When absent, students are responsible for checking for missed assignments, scheduling make up times for quizzes and tests, and asking for clarification as needed.
Binder or folder dedicated to this class, notebook paper, blue or black pen, highlighters, sticky-notes, flash drive
Each English II Pre-AP student will have classroom access toSpringBoard: English Textual Power, Level 5, as well as Holt McDougal Literature, Grade 10. If students may check out from the library a copy to keep at home for the duration of the school year.
Major Works
In addition to selected poems, short stories, and non-fiction pieces, books we use in part or whole include:
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury*
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë*
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens*
Antigone, Sophocles
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare
Lord of the Flies, William Golding*
*Students will need to acquire paper-printed copies of these novels. Electronic versions will not permitted for use in classroom.