
School Year 2015-2016

“In Conflicts between Governing Board Policies and this handbook,

Governing Board Policies shall govern.” Adopted by the Board June

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to the TubaCity Unified School District #15! This handbook is designed to assist you and your child. If you have questions not addressed in the handbook, please contact your child’s school principal at (928) 283-1082.

TubaCityUnifiedSchool District #15 continues to encourage your active involvement in your child’s education. A strong partnership between home and school can greatly benefit your child as he or she grows and matures. We are proud of our schools and our students, in striving to have an environmentthat is safe and orderly. We know that students learn best in an environment that has high standards and high quality assignments in preparing them for the 21st Century. We are committed to making your children of today our leaders of tomorrow!

Please visit your child’s school to meet theircurrent teacher(s) and to participate in his or her learning experience. Please contact us if we can be of service to you. For updated information about our schools, go to

Thank you,

Dr. Melissa Bilagody, Principal

DzilLibeiElementary School

Tuba City Unified School District NO. 15


The mission of the Tuba City Unified School District No. 15 is to providea quality education for all of our students in an encouraging environment.

Accountability Goals

Goal 1: All schools will increase student achievement, to exceed State Standards, and become “A” letter grade schools.

Goal 2: Parental Partnerships will be strengthened at each school.

Tuba City Unified School District #15

School hours for school year 2014-15

School hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Students are not to arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. The school is not responsible for any injuries to students that occur on the school premises prior to 7:30 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. Students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m.

Dismissal ProceduresWhen There is a Change in Normal Schedule

Students and parents may request that a student ride a different bus home, get off at a different stop or leave campus with a friend. Please notify the office in the MORNING BY 11:00 AM -NOT A FEWMINUTES BEFORE 2 PM. Thank you.

To ensure student safety and clear communication, all students are required to bring a written note when they:

  • ride a different bus
  • ride a bus, when they normally do not
  • are to be picked up by someone other than those on the authorized registration form during school hours
  • are not to ride the bus, but be picked up at school.


To ensure safe and orderly transportation for all students these rules must be consist followed:

  1. Students will comply with directions from the driver or any adult assisting the driver
  2. Students will conduct themselves in a manner, which will not distract the driver’s concentration or endanger the safety of anyone riding the bus.

Items and Behavior Prohibited on the Bus


Large or glass items Obscene Language & gestures

Knives, sharp objectsLoud Talking

Animals (dead or alive)Switching seats

Drugs, alcohol, tobaccoGum Chewing

Rubber bansHitting /fighting

Should you have any concerns regarding transportation, please call the Transportation Department at (928)283-1130.

School Attendance

Learning is valued as an ongoing process that requires the daily interaction of children with their peers and teachers. Student absences affect the learning process. While a student may make up the work missed, he or she can never duplicate the learning experience lost by that day’s absence. Regular and prompt attendance is expected of all TubaCityUnifiedSchool District #15 students.

Student Attendance and Tardies

  1. Excused absences are for personal illness, medical/dental appointments, or absences with parental note.
  2. Any time a student is absent, upon their return to school, a written note is required.
  3. An excused absence is still marked as an absence.
  4. If your child is absent, school personnel will call you immediately. You are encouraged to call the school in the morning if you know your child will be absent.
  5. Students checked-out prior to 12:45pm will be marked absent. If a student is checked out after 2:03pm they are not marked absent.
  6. A full day attendance is physically being in the classroom beginning at 8:00 am and being dismissed at 3:30 pm. Student attendance istaken in the morning and afternoon.
  7. Students who come to school late MUST REPORT to the office before being admitted to the classroom. The office staff will give them a pass admitting them to class and change the attendance report to reflect the late arrival.
  8. Doctor/Dental appointments are encouraged to be in the afternoon and if possible, after the first one hundred days of school. Reading is our priority and usually takes place in the morning

Sleep is essential for everyone and more important for our students – for more information on the knowledge in planning for adequate sleep.

Attendance PolicyThe responsibility for school attendance rests upon the student’s parents/guardians. Arizona Revised Status ARS 15803 and Navajo Tribal Codes 10-NNC 118, regulate the mandatory school attendance of children ages 6-16 years.

Absenteeism / 3 Consecutive
- Automatic home visit / 4 Cumulativeabsences
- Mandatory
(document meetings) / 10 CumulativeAbsences
- Social
Intervention / 18Cumulative –ReferralLetter for retention(Copy to parent andPrincipal)

Tardy PolicyStudents will be marked tardy after 8:30AM. If the bus is late due to inclement weather the tardy will be excused.

Tardiness / 5 Tardies
- Automatic home visit or telephone parent
Referral to Dept. of
Nation Social Services / 10 Tardies
-Teacher Documented
Teacher Conference
- Cite the tardy
-quarterly reports given to Navajo
Nation Social Services / 15 Tardies
- Home visit with
Home Liaison and
- Counselor
Intervention; Referral to Navajo
Nation Social Services / 20 Tardies
- Mandatory 1 day
ISS with principal
- Counselor
Referral to Navajo
Nation Social


The TubaCityUnifiedSchool District expects students to be responsible, respectful students in an encouraging and safe environment. To be an effective learner each student needs to develop a positive self-concept. No student has the right to interfere with the learning opportunity of other students by his/her actions.

•School is your job! You are responsible for your own learning, your own behavior, your own attitude.

•Students must use appropriate language at all times. Profanity will not be tolerated.

•Students will respect the property of the school and others by not taking anything that does not belong to them nor damage or destroy the property of other students or the teachers.

•Respect for school property is expected at all times.Toys and dangerous objects are not allowed at school.

•Tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs or illegal substances, weapons or explosive devices used by or in the possession of a student will not be allowed.

Dress Code

The District encourages student to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students should dress in a manner that, in addition to the following guidelines, takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of self and others.

  • Bare midriffs, halter tops, and spaghetti straps are not acceptable.
  • In the interests of student safety, shoes must be worn at all times. Closed shoes are to be worn for any type of physical activity including physical education.
  • Jewelry shall not be worn if it presents a safety hazard to self and/or others.
  • Profane and defamatory writing on clothing or jewelry is not acceptable. Students will be asked to change their clothing.
  • No hats are to be worn in the buildings.
  • Gang-related personalization is not permitted on hats, on items of clothing, or on one’s person. No bandanas of any color are allowed.
  • Obscene languages, symbols of drugs, sex, or alcohol on clothing are prohibited.
  • Shoes with wheels are not permitted on the school campus.

Any clothing items or accessory that is deemed by school officials to advocate, represent, promote or advance gang activity, violence, racism, sexual behavior, obscene language, alcohol, or drug usage or distribution is prohibited. Identification and confiscation of such items will be at the discretion of TubaCityUnifiedSchool District #15. Additionally, the school may prohibit specific clothing or other items at their discretion.

Students who volunteer for extracurricular activities, such as athletics, band are subject to the standards of dress as defined by the sponsors of such activities.

The Board recognizes that each student’s mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of person style and individual preferences. The Board will not interfere with the right of students and their parents to make decisions regarding their appearance except when their choices affect the educational programs of the school or the safety of others.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to enforce school regulation prohibiting student dress or grooming practices that:

  • Present a hazard to the health or safety of the student or to others in the school.
  • Materially interfere with schoolwork, create disorder, or disrupt the educational program.
  • Cause excessive wear or damage to school property.
  • Prevent the student from achieving his/her educational objectives.

Obscene language or symbols, or symbols of sex, drugs, violence, skulls, wrestling shirts with gang symbols on clothing are expressly prohibited.

See school website at for more information about school rules and laws pertained to school attendance and behavior.



Student Rights
I have the right:
To LEARN in school, where people
try to solve problems peacefully.
No one will talk loudly, or make loud
noises to disrupt my learning.
To be treated with RESPECT and KINDNESS:
No one will tease me, demean me, or insult me.
To be myself and show my creativity:
No one will treat me unfairly because of the way I
look, believe or learn.
To be SAFE:
No one will threaten me, bully me, or damage my property, I will follow rules and
To hear and be heard in my school:
No one will yell at me, and my opinions will be considered.
To be free and express my feelings and opinions
Respectfully; to learn through constructive feedback.
To learn SELF CONTROL at my school,
meaning that no one will silently standby and abuse me. / Student Responsibilities
I have the responsibilities to learn and work with others to solve problems peacefully.
To treat myself and others with RESPECT and KINDNESS:
By not teasing, demeaning, and insulting them.
To HONOR individual differences by treating all others fairly regardless of looks, abilities, beliefs, race, or gender.
To help make the school SAFE by not threatening or bullyingothers, and by respecting the property others. I willenforce the rules and expectations.
To LISTEN to others, consider their opinion and allow others to be heard. I will not disrupt others, I will express myself respectfully in ways others can hear me; allow others to express themselves and to provide constructive feedback
To learn SELF CONTROL, exercising my rights while giving the same rights to others. I will expect to be corrected ifI abuse the rights of others or make a poor/ineffective choice.

School-wide Rules

1.Follow directions.

2.Walk quietly through the hallways and go to destination quickly.

3.Be on time and prepared for classes.

4.Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.

5.Bring water bottles only, and whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables. . Leave gum, pop, candy, pinion seeds, sunflower seeds, cheetos, energy drinks, soft drinks, and other junk food at home.

6.Leave electronic devices at home. (I-pods, gameboys, cell phones, toys, etc….)

7.Hats and hoods, etc… are only worn outdoors- not in the building.

8.Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gang behavior, illegal and controlled substances and weapons are prohibited.

9.Keep our school clean and neat.

10. Use appropriate language- no profanity


Homework develops student responsibility by returning assignments to the classroom. It also helps students develop good work habits and provides practice of concepts that have been taught in class. It helps parents to be more aware of and understand what the child is being taught in school.

During the school year your child will have homework assignments in addition to reading logs. Please read with your child for 20 minutes each night and document it with the title/minutes read/parent signature. New or unfamiliar work will not be assigned as homework by the teacher. Most homework will consist of either make-up or practice activities. Please encourage your children to do their homework. Exceptional Special Services teachers will determine if homework is appropriate for special education students. Parents should encourage and support the school by requiring each student to complete homework assignments. Homework given to:

  • Review and reinforce what has been taught in class.
  • Finish incomplete class work.
  • Make up work missed when student was absent.
  • Develop good study habits.

Go to for more information about homework.

Special Occasions

The following special occasions will be observed during the school year: Halloween, Fall Harvest, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter festival, Valentine’s Day, Native Cultural Week, and end of the school year. Teachers will plan with their class what healthy foods will be provided for the special occasions. Students’ birthdays are recognized through morning announcements.

Parent Communications-Programs and Special Meetings:

Parents will be notified of Open House, parent-teacher conferences and meetings such as NCA, School Improvement, Grade Level, Club Meetings and Sports Meetings. Please plan to attend these functions. Parents should keep their current phone numbers updated with the school secretary so that they will receive important school messages thru the automated phone call list and so that the school is able to reach the parent when necessary.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences are held four times per year (see district calendar). Report cards will be mailed home 5 working days after the grading period ends. Parents may request a conference with a teacher anytime there is a need. These conferences may be arranged through the school office or with the individual teacher. Progress reports will be sent home to the parents or guardian every quarter. Parents are encouraged to arrange conferences to address any deficiencies or concerns with their student’s learning. Grade Checks will be used to ensure students in sports are still focusing on their academics while participating (see athletic handbook for more information).


Parents are encouraged to obtain a Food Handler’s Permit if they are to help with food sales. Parents can contact the Environmental Health Department at TCRHCC (928) 283-2501.

Assessment and Reporting

Benchmark assessments will be conducted every quarter to show how the students are progressing with their learning. The test scores are recorded for teacher and school use. AIMS-DPA is administered yearly to measure the students’ learning growth to create goals and monitor progressto determine a child’s strengths and weaknesses. If a parent has questions about the AIMS-DPA, please come to the school for more information.

Fire and Emergency Drills

Fire and emergency drills will be held once a month in order to prepare pupils for orderly evacuation of the building in case of a real emergency. Each room will have the fire and emergency building evacuation chart for direction. The staff of TubaCityUnifiedSchool District #15 strives to provide a safe learning environment for all the students.

Symptoms of Student Illness

We strive to provide an environment for all students that promote general health and well being. Please help us control contagious illnesses and infections by NOT sending children to school if they are ill. If your child is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, please do not send him or her to school: nausea (sick to the stomach), vomiting, diarrhea (frequent bowel movements), difficulty breathing, fever (high temperature), or rash. Any child with a temperature of 99.6 or more should not be sent to school. If the child does come to school, arrangements will be made to return the child home. Home injuries need to be taken care of by the parent- it is not the school nurse’s responsibility.

Head Lice

Head lice is a common problem in the US contributing to absenteeism is school age children. They are easily spread by physical contact and infestations can occur under the best sanitary conditions.

A standardized management of head lice is an effort to keep children in school lice and nit free.

  • The school nurse will screen classroom when head lice is detected and assist the parents with directions for treatment. A student will be sent home for treatment of head lice if there is evidence of live lice and /or viable nits (eggs).


If your child is injured at school, emergency first aid will be provided by the nurse, principal, teacher, or secretary. If serious, the parent will be notified immediately. If a parent cannot be reached, the person listed as the emergency contact will be called. Your assistance in providing complete and up-to-date information for our records is important, especially current work phone numbers and emergency contact.

Parental Health Permit forms must be signed before any treatment can be given other than first aid.

Prescription Medications

The following requirements must be met for medication administered during school hours.

  1. Written directions by a doctor are on file for the current school year
  2. Written authorization from the parent or guardian.
  3. Medication must be in a labeled prescription bottle from the pharmacy and given to the nurse.
  4. Parents are responsible for timely prescription refills.

Authorization forms are available from the nurse’s office. Do not send medication(s) to school for administration without the proper authorization. When possible please adjust the time of your child’s medication, so it can be given before or after school under the supervision of the parent or guardian.