Social Studies
Unit:4 Lesson: 01
Lesson Synopsis:The idea of technology was included in discussions of the jobs of school workers in Unit 2. In this lesson, students identify examples of technology in school to understand how technology helps accomplish specific tasks and solve problems. Still focused on the idea of the classroom as a community, this lesson helps students see how our lives are made easier by using different kinds of technology. (Note: The subject of technology will be studied more in-depth in Unit 11.)
K.13 / Science, technology, and society. The student understands ways technology is used in the home and school and how technology affects people’s lives. The student is expected to:K.13A / Identify examples of technology used in the home and school.
K.13B / Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks and meet people’s needs.
K.13C / Describe how his or her life might be different without modern technology.
K.16 / Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected to:
K.16B / Use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision.
Social Studies Skills TEKS:
K.15 / Social studies skills. The student communicates in oral and visual forms. The student is expected to:K15A / Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences;
Getting Ready for Instruction
Performance Indicator(s):
· Demonstrate the use of one kind of technology at school. (K.13A; K.13B) 1C; 1E
Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:· La tecnología puede ayudar a las personas a realizar tareas.
— ¿Qué es tecnología?
— ¿Cómo usan las personas la tecnología?
— ¿Cómo puede la tecnología ayudar a lograr las tareas en la escuela?
Vocabulary of Instruction:© 2012, TESCCC 05/12/11 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit:4 Lesson: 01
· tecnología
· realizar
· tareas
© 2012, TESCCC 05/12/11 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: Lesson:
© 2009, TESCCC 01/30/10 page 4 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
Materials:©2012, TESCCC 04/03/13 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
· Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials.
©2012, TESCCC 04/03/13 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
©2012, TESCCC 04/03/13 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
Appropriate materials may be substituted as needed to incorporate district resources and availability.
Attachments:· Handout: Technology Checklist
Resources and References:· Photographs of tools used before technology was available.
· School map (can use the one from a previous lesson)
Advance Preparation:1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.
2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.
3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.
4. Preview materials and websites according to district guidelines.
5. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.
· Locate camera and clipboard.
· Locate photographs of tools used before technology was available.
· Locate school map.
Background Information:©2012, TESCCC 04/03/13 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
Technology: the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems. Technology refers to any invention created to solve a problem. Technology does not refer only to computers; a pencil was a technological innovation that made writing easier.
TEKS K.13B: Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks and meet people’s needs: Work and jobs have changed as a result of technology. This includes jobs in the classroom and school. Sometimes technology helps communities function more efficiently to accomplish goals.
Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning DocumentInstructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.
©2012, TESCCC 04/03/13 page 2 of 4
Social Studies
Unit: 04 Lesson: 04
Instructional ProceduresInstructional Procedures / Notes for Teacher /
ENGAGE – What is technology?
/ NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutesSuggested Day 1 – 2 minutes
1. Write the word “technology” on chart paper.
2. Ask:
· What is technology?
3. Technology includes inventions that help people solve problems and improve/make easier the way we accomplish a task or get a job done. It is “the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things to solve problems.” In simplified terms, technology includes the “tools” used to accomplish a task.
Merriam-webster learner's dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Students briefly brainstorm examples of technology which might be found in the school and at home. Add their ideas to the chart.
5. Encourage students to recall the tour of the school (in unit 2) when they interviewed school workers. Some of those school workers use technology as part of their jobs.
· What tools did the school workers use to help them accomplish their jobs?
6. Add student responses to the chart. / Materials:
· Chart paper
To help students understand the meaning of the word technology.
TEKS: K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.15A
EXPLORE – Technology in the school / Suggested Day 1 (cont’d) – 10 minutes
1. Introduce the idea that technology is more than computers, that it includes anything that people have invented to help them solve problems. Encourage students to also consider the problems tools help solve. (A problem of how to record ideas might include: paper, methods of writing, books, pencils.)
2. Lead students on a walk of the school to note examples of technology.
3. If desired, the teacher can take a clipboard and/or a digital camera to record examples of technology while on the walk. If students are able, they can assist in this task.
4. Try to find examples of technology that weren’t discovered during the previous school tour. / Materials:
· Clipboard and paper
· Digital camera
To allow students to observe all of the many ways we use technology in our school.
TEKS: K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.15A
EXPLAIN – What technology did we find? / Suggested Day 1 (cont’d) – 10 minutes
1. Return to the classroom and display the list or the photographs gathered on the walk around the school.
2. Say the name of each item found on the walk and, using a strategy such as Think-Pair-Share, encourage students to explain how the examples of technology make our or someone else’s job easier.
3. Ask:
· Whose job is made easier by this technology? Examples:
· Digital thermometer in nurse’s office – takes temperature faster. (Nurse)
· Keyless entry card used on outside doors – allows authorized students and teachers to enter school without a key. (Students and staff members)
· Digital clock – easier to tell time than on an analog clock. (All students and staff members)
· Overhead projector (or newest technology) – allows teacher to instruct students in a way that everyone can easily see the instruction. (Teachers and students)
· Computer as word processor – allows students to write and edit writing without erasing or rewriting. (Teachers and students)
· Computer as research tool – look up information on internet. (Teachers and students)
· Computer as communication tool – send e-mail messages to parents and students. (Students, teachers, and parents)
· CD/DVD/flash drive – storage tools to save work or other information. (Students and staff members)
· Card reader in cafeteria – reads student identification number and deducts cost of lunch from student’s lunch account. (cafeteria workers)
· Card reader in library – reads student identification number and checks out library book to the student (librarian, teachers, students)
· Telephone with voice mail – provides communication between parents and teachers.
4. Look at the map of the school. Place a sticker or other “mark” to show all of the places technology can be found in the school. / Materials:
· Map of school
· Stickers or other tool to mark the map
To have students tell what they learned on the walk.
TEKS: K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.15A
ELABORATE – Where would we be without technology? / Suggested Day 1 (cont’d) – 3 minutes
1. Facilitate a discussion where students consider the problems that the examples of technology help solve.
2. Facilitate a discussion about the lesson’s Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:
· Technology can help people accomplish tasks.
— What is technology?
— How do people use technology?
— How can technology help accomplish tasks at school?
3. Continue discussion by asking:
· How would our lives at school be different without technology?
4. Help students imagine what life might have been like without the technological advances we have today. Since kindergarten students don’t really know what the world was like before technology, it would be helpful to show photographs showing how tasks might have been accomplished before the development of technology used in schools. / Materials:
· Photographs of tools used in schools in the past. These could include:
· chalkboard and chalk
· typewriter
· record player
· lunch ticket
· library card with signature lines
· movie projector
· analog clock
To help students recognize the impact technology has on our lives.
TEKS: K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.15A
EVALUATE – Can students demonstrate their ability to use technology? / Suggested Day 1 (cont’d) - 5 minutes
· Demonstrate the use of one kind of technology at school. (K.13A; K.13B) 1C; 1E
1. Students take turns using various forms of technology. This should be completed over the course of a day or two with a simple checklist. Use a checklist or rubric to evaluate student understanding. / Attachments:
· Teacher Resource: Technology Checklist
To check for understanding to determine if students know how technology has changed our lives.
TEKS: K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.15A
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