Joint Urban Ministry Project

38 South Winooski Avenue

Burlington, VT 05401

Run or Walk in the 14th year of the event - September 24 at 9:00 am:

The event includes an open 5K Run, a 1K Run for kids under 14, and a 1K Walk. The Run courses start at the Burlington Waterfront Skate Park and head north on the bike path, and then return. The 1K Walk proceeds around Waterfront Park on the Boardwalk. The course is flat and offers beautiful views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. Participants can run or walk and fundraise, fundraise only, or just run/walk. It’s a fun event for the whole family with many raffle prizes and tasty refreshments!


5K Female and Male: 1st place, and 10 year age groups – male/female

1K Girl and Boy: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, ribbons for all participants

Fundraisers 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for both adults and youth for most money raised

Raffles Each participant receives a raffle ticket

Free t-shirt Walker or runner raising more $50 or more, plus entry fee is waived.

Free sweatshirt Youth (high school age and younger) raising $150 or more, $250 or more for adults

Our beneficiary:

Run for JUMP helps individuals and families in crisis in the greater Burlington area. In 2010, JUMP assisted 55 households per week, including 4,100 people and 1,700 children. For more information about JUMP, Inc., call (802)862-4501 or visit

How to fundraise:

Ask your friends, co-workers, and relatives if they would like to support the critical work that JUMP does by sponsoring you. You can create your own fundraising page and email it to potential supporters by visiting and following the link to “Run for JUMP”. It’s easy, and a quick way to reach out to many potential sponsors! Or, use the form on the other side of this brochure and bring it with you, along with your sponsors’ money to registration (before 8:30AM would be great!) on race day. Checks should be made payable to JUMP, Inc.

Our underwriters are Merchants Bank, Gadue’s Dry Cleaning and Gravel and Shea, PC

We are very appreciative of the underwriting support of Merchants Bank, Gadue’s Dry Cleaning and Gravel and Shea. Their generous support assures the success of this event. For more information on these Burlington businesses, please visit , www., and


Registration opens in the Waterfront Shelter (by the fishing pier behind the Coast Guard at the end of Lake Street) at 8:00 am and closes at 8:50 am. Those who have registered online will still need to check-in to sign the waiver, get their raffle ticket and pick-up free t-shirt/sweatshirt (if eligible). The Run Entry Fee is $15 (GMAA members - $10). The entry fee is waived (and free t-shirt awarded!) to any walker or runner raising $50 or more. The Walk Entry Fee is $15 per adult. T-shirts ($15) and sweatshirts ($25) are available for sale. Only runners may participate in the run; walkers, anything with wheels, and pets are welcome in the walk.





AGE on race day______GENDER______

(runners only) (runners only)

Circle one: 5K 1K 1K Walk Fundraise only

Questions? Email

Sponsor Form

Please include sponsor’s printed name and address. All donations are very much appreciated! Please have sponsors make their checks payable to “JUMP, Inc.” Entry fees are waived for runners/walkers who raise $50 or more.

Fundraiser’s name ______Fundraiser’s age ______

(if under 14)

Sponsor’s name address (optional for mailing list) donation amount cash/ck


2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

If full, please continue on another page