SAC Minutes
Sept 30, 2015
In attendance: K.Cooling, C. Ferguson, M. Hodder, M. Myers, R. Langille, A. Boisjoli,
Absent: Jamie Kavanaugh, Bryn Jones – Vallincourt
Principal’s Report:
Great start up to the school year! EPEC supported Stand up Against Bullying Day by wearing pink as well as class conversations and lessons around positive relationships.
Class configurations: 17 Homerooms- 4 grade 7 English, 1 Grade 7 early FI, 1 Grade 7 late FI, 3 Grade 8 English, 1 Grade 8 early FI, 1 Grade 8 late FI, - 4 grade 9 English, 1 Grade 9 early FI, 1 Grade 9 late FI
We had a good turnout for our Curriculum night which was held on Sept. 16th
School pictures have been taken for this school year. Students will receive their proofs and ID cards shortly. Picture Retake Day: Nov. 5th.
Sport teams are up and running. We have cross country, football and soccer currently taking place. Thank you to all our coaches.
We will continue to focus on our CSI goals this year. Our PD day in Sept focused on Google Apps in Education as well as school climate.
Parents as coaches: On Monday, November 16, EPEC will be hosting a Parents as Career Coaches session from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the library. This eventassists parents with
helping their children make informed career choices.Specifically, it helps parents:
- begin to explore their child's interests, skills and personal qualities, which will help them make career decisions
- find tools and resources to research numerous career options,education opportunities, and financing
- help their child select appropriate courses for high school
Parents can register at no cost at sign upat the school through Mr. Clark.
Term one ends Nov. 13, 2015.
Student leadership committee is up and running! They organized the Terry Fox Walk and we have been raising money to support Terry Fox.
SAC PD is Oct. 8th at Auburn high. Members of the SAC were invited to attend.
CyberScan: By the end of October,all grade 7 students will have received a presentation form the province'sCyberSCAN Uniton responsible use of social media and cyberbullying.Thegrade 8's andgrade 9's receivedsimilar presentations last year.
It was discussed to include in our newsletter supporting 21st Century Learning and allowing the use of mobile devices for educational purpose.
Student reps will be invited to next meeting.
Next Meeting Dates: Oct. 28, Nov.25, Feb. 24, April 27, May 25. All meetings are at 5:00pm.