In Attendance:Dave Jones, PresidentJoyce Loucks, Vice President
Kelle Hansen, Member at LargeJohn Paton, Executive Director
Tracy Sullivan, Girls Director of AthleticsMichelle Ross, Deputy Director
George Hoyt, Boys Director of AthleticsTyler Callaghan, Assistant Director
Michael Steele, Project Assistant
Meeting put into session at 9:30 a.m. by Joyce Loucks
1.0Adoption of the agenda
It was moved and seconded to adopt the agenda.
2.0Adoption of the minutes from the Executive Meeting of September 23, 2010
It was moved and seconded to adopt minutes from the Executive Meeting of September 23, 2010.
3.0Adoption of the web minutes from the Executive Meeting of September 23, 2010
It was moved and seconded to adopt web minutes from the Executive Meeting of September 23, 2010.
4.1Financial Statements to October 20, 2010
John provided a brief discussion on the financials.
It was moved and seconded to accept the financial statements to October 20, 2010.
5.1Staff (written reports were provided, highlights are included below)
-Attended Golf and Cross Country running provincials
-Working with volleyball and football hosts to get ready for upcoming provincials
-Volleyball rankings are underway and running smoothly
-Attended CSSF meeting with Dave Jones
-Attended South and NW zone meetings
-Attended cross country provincials
-Working on RADF on-line coaching initiative with Creative Street
-Went through audit process for ASAA and SASS
-working on AIAAA conference
-went through audit process for AIAAA with John and ASAA bookkeeper
-working on editing and finalizing 506C
-been with us for a month
-working with John and Creative Street on online coaching program
-getting familiar with ASAA procedures
-put together a survey and sent to all AD’s to get feedback on what they would like to see in an Athletic Injury Mgmt course
Brief comments were made by everyone.
See notes above under Tyler’s report.
ACTION ITEM: Tyler to work on advertising/promoting and getting further word out to all AD’s across the province regarding the AD conference in June.
ACTION ITEM: work on a dedicated AIAAA mail out to all schools
5.4RADF (presentation)
-Registration form for on-line coaching program was reviewed and Executive provided feedback.
-Survey results were reviewed and discussed.
ACTION ITEM: Michael to send out link to Executive members to further review results.
6.0Business arising
6.1September meeting Action Item updates
Action items were reviewed and discussed.
ACTION ITEM: John to communicate with Mal Clewes about ad and mailout for Canada Cup
ACTION ITEM: ASAA staff to work on communication to go out to all spring league/club organizations and teams regarding ASAA guidelines
7.0New business
7.1.1Thorsby – late registration
It was moved and seconded to accept the Thorsby appeal.
ACTION ITEM: Send a letter to principal on behalf of Thorsby Athletic Director commending the commitment of the AD
7.1.2Calmar Secondary – late registration
It was moved and seconded to accept the Calmar Secondary appeal.
7.1.3St. Mary’s, Calgary – 4th year eligibility
It was moved and seconded to accept the St. Mary’s appeal.
7.14Rosemary School – 2nd transfer
It was moved and seconded to accept the Rosemary School appeal.
NB: Rationale for all appeal decisions was provided to John for inclusion in appeal responses.
7.2Vacant Hosts/Bids:
7.2.13A Boys Volleyball 2011 – Crescent Heights, Medicine Hat
It was moved and seconded to accept the bid from Crescent Heights to host 3A Boys Volleyball in 2011.
7.3Bashaw 4-on-4 request – Neal Isnor
Neal Isnor attended meeting and discussed a 4-on-4 tournament request at his school.
Executive discussed item.
ACTION ITEM: Bring item to APM and invite Neal to meeting to address the Board.
7.4Team Canada Youth Development Centre (TCYDC) – Art O’Dwyer
Art discussed and shared the concept of this program. Executive had discussion and will continue to dialogue with TCYDC.
ACTION ITEM: Invite Art to December Executive meeting for more dialogue
7.5AVOA – contract for provincials
AVOA and ASAA will enter into a one year agreement with some compromise made by both parties and will re-address the multi-year contract in the new year.
ACTION ITEM: ASAA to set up a meeting with AVOA and commissioners to work on schedule set up in order to create consistency in draws and economic efficiencies for future years
ACTION ITEM: Invite AVOA to January Executive meeting as a follow up to provincials.
7.6Transfer policy discussion and follow up
Tabled to next meeting
7.7Alberta Bowl update and request
Request was made to allow the 6 man teams attend banquet.
Executive discussed the request and decision would be same as previous, student athletes should have to earn the right to attend provincial banquets.
ACTION ITEM: Dave to send letter to Tournament chair and Zone Secretary with cc to Zone President on behalf of ASAA Executive
7.8Independent teams for football (Foothills, HTA…): making them have to join a league
Item was discussed.
ACTION ITEM: Michelle to communicate discussion with interested parties
7.9Centre High basketball team/exhibition games
Letter from Rick Stanley was reviewed and discussed. It has been made clear to ASAA that there is no intention of playing against ASAA member high schools, unless as an exhibition game.
ACTION ITEM: Communicate to Rick Stanley the importance of the one exhibition game maximum and that he should be informing all ASAA member schools he is playing against that the game is considered their one “exhibition” game as per ASAA policy.
7.10Cheer vs Dance teams
Discussion was had and definitions have been clearly defined as stated by ACA in their rulebook.
7.11Trophy dedications: Al Brenneis, Gary Frost, Gane Olsen, Terry Hanna
Discussed with Executive.
ACTION ITEM: ASAA office staff to recommend trophy allocation for the above recipients and get feedback from Executive prior to informing nominees
7.12Christ the King request – volleyball supervision
Request was discussed by the Executive and approved.
ACTION ITEM: Relay decision to school
7.13ASAA Representation at provincials
Executive provided feedback regarding representation at upcoming provincials. It was confirmed that all Executive would make every effort to attend Alberta Bowl in Calgary.
ACTION ITEM: Executive to get back to Michelle regarding availability for vball/fball
7.14Forms Update – Bid Application
ACTION ITEM: move to December meeting agenda
8.0Next Meeting: 12:00 pm for lunch, 1:00 pm meeting
December 2, 2010 Red Deer Lodge
APM – December 3 & 4, 2010 Red Deer Lodge
9.0Adjournment: meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm