Attendance: Rick Rivera (TSA); Niki Paul; Katy Manganella; Becky Casey (ECHO Staff); Natalie Metzger-Smit (LifeWorks); Dylan Shubitz (HACA); Lori Frasco (Caritas); Allyson Randall (Green Doors); Sandra Chavez (AIDS Services of Austin); Christina Diaz (HATC); Elvira Lahtrop (HACA); Quentin Rodriguez (Caritas); Melinda Cantu (SAFE Alliance)
9:30-9:35WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Hosie Washington (Chair)
9:35-10:20General UpdatesNiki Paul/Katy Manganella
- 2016 ECHO Workgroup Updates
- PIT Committee-Katy M.
- Preliminary Results:
- Roughly 550 volunteers for unsheltered count-up from 100 in 2015
- More strategic in team assignments-more volunteers on downtown teams
- Roughly 20% increase in persons experiencing homelessness compared to 2015
- 22% increase in unsheltered count
- 815 unsheltered count-up from last year at 667
- Could be accounted for by methodology change
- Increase in sheltered count-added capacity in transitional housing and emergency shelter-1,382 people staying in TH or ES up from 1,165 in 2015
- New TH project by Foundation Communities this year
- Added capacity to Casa Marianella
- Conducted follow-up counts at LifeWorks (youth specifically) and Travis County rural communities centers on Monday following the count
- HMIS Committee-Katy M.
- 2016 HIC-Due to HUD at the same time as PIT results
- Will begin looking into the number of beds each program has to determine an inventory count
- Timeliness of data entry/Updating Quality Assurance Plan
- Looking at length of time between client interaction and when that data is entered into ServicePoint
- Current standards-data may be entered up until the 5th day of the following month
- Plan to speak with agency admins about what is realistic per program
- Have learned from Veteran’s Initiative that accurate data is very important-goal to make it as real-time as possible
- Proposal to change data entry timeliness to 5 days as that is the longest gap of time currently listed in the internal policies
- Intent is to measure where we are now and make improvements in areas the needed
- New Data Completeness Report
- Bowman has released revised version of Data Completeness Report that pulls in other data elements that we are not currently monitoring though they are required by HUD
- Will help provide where data is missing if there is any missing data
- ROI for HMIS Participating Agencies-HMIS participating agency list has changed
- Some agencies have been removed and some have been added
- Important to use the most up-to-date ROI
- Voices of Youth Count-Chapin Hall Research Study-Niki P
- Travis County was contacted by Chapin Hall-implementing a nation-wide study to conduct a youth count in 28 communities across the nation
- Travis County is the only community in Texas
- First stakeholder meeting held last week-included new and exciting stakeholders
- Research will serve as the foundation work for ending youth homelessness in our community
- Chapin Hall staff will come assist with conducting a youth count in May or June
- Conducting more in-depth research with roughly 30-40 youth
- Would strongly like this to be youth-led and have funding for youth that participate
- ECHO will be lead agency in partnership with multiple agencies
- Looking to have a very diverse stakeholder group
- HUD SNAPS program to release very competitive grant of $33M for 10 communities to apply for youth homelessness planning funds-not sure of timeframe yet but would strongly like to be included
10:20-11:00 HUD Continuum of Care Niki P. / Katy Manganella
- NAEH Conference-HUD Q&A Updates
- Director of SNAPS informed that HUD will be announcing Tier I and Tier II funds separately; Tier I will be announced first and Tier II will be announced later
- 2016 CoC NOFA may be released prior to the GIW process
- 2016 NOFA will focus on implementing system performance measures
- Each community will be measuring their own success rather than having communities competing
- Would like to be ahead of the game and start using our data to prepare for this change
- Review of New Performance Score Card
- Previous Performance Score Cards were not serving us well
- Focusing on data completeness, project utilization, data completeness reports
- Look at which items are still being monitored by HUD
- Would like to move away from being a monitoring tool that only ECHO is using but rather a tool that the agencies can use
- Need to improve our monitoring of Annual Assessments as it is a HUD requirement and we have not been monitoring this in the past
- Coordinated Assessment section-would like to start with how many clients currently in a PSH project completed a CA before monitoring PSH projects are only accepting clients who scored in the PSH range on the VI-SPDAT
- Require quarterly submission to ECHO but any agency is welcome to monitor themselves internally
- Will be looking at the rolling year of score cards as oppose to only one quarterly score card; if one quarter was less successful, the other quarters will help identify a better idea of how the project is really doing on an ongoing basis
- Next steps-Need to receive approval across the board and hold trainings for whoever would be completing this at each agency
- Will send out draft today and accept any suggestions on this until Monday before the Membership Council on Wednesday
NEXT MEETING: April 6, 2016 9:30-11am, LifeWorks, 3700 S. 1st Street