Minutes of meeting held at Ecchinswell Village Hall
Wednesday9 March 2016, commencing at 19.45hours
Present: Councillors,Hall, Johnson, Vaisset
In attendance: Borough CouncillorGraham Falconer, County Councillor Tom Thacker,
2 members of the public, Doreen Gascoine(Parish Clerk)
Item / ActionApologies
Cllr Dain, Cllr Bayliss, Cllr Court, Borough Cllr John Izett.
The Chairman advised Cllrs that Cllr Court has resigned from the PC. a
2 / Declarations of interests
3 / Minutes of previous meeting and actions arising
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on10 February 2016. Signed by theChairman (Cllr Vaisset) as a true record.
Actions arising:
Cllr Hall has not yet been able to produce the notice advising that problems on ROW should be reported to the Clerk.
The Clerk has emailed all Cllrs on the importance of advising the Clerk of absences from meetings.
The school has been advised of the possible problem regarding rats opposite the school premises.
The need for a replacement signpost opposite the Kingsclere road has been reported.
The contact details for Cllr Hall have been amended on the new website.
All others are agenda items. / TH
4 / Public participation
The members of the public present expressed concern about one of the trees adjacent to Digweeds which was leaning over and could potentially fall, causing damage and possible injury. Cllr Johnson confirmed that this is the same tree the PC was concerned about a few months ago. The tree is actually on land belonging to the pub. This will be raised with the landowner. / DG
5 / Borough Councillor’sReport
Borough Cllr Graham Falconer reported as follows:
Sandleford development. With County Cllr Thacker and Borough Cllr Izett he had met with the BDBC transport planners and with HCC. They were able to provide more local knowledge of the possible implications of the proposed development. They are prepared to make a response to W Berks when a communication is received from them. There is a new Director of Planning at BDBC who will be touring the area with Borough Cllr Falconer to get an idea of the potential local issues.
Local Plan. BDBC are awaiting feedback from the Inspector and anticipate only minor issues to be raised. Once the Inspector has agreed the Plan the full Council meeting on 26 May will be able to approve it. There is some concern that some of the quota of housing required has not been allocated to sites and that the NPPF will be used to approve new housing in areas as yet unspecified.
Devolution. There will be an update on 17 March. Some differences in approach are appearing between the various local authorities involved.
Clere School. The school has come out well in the performance tables for BDBC and Hampshire as a whole. The current Head, who came out of retirement to run the school four years ago, has now resigned and a new one will be sought.
6 / County Councillor's Report
County Cllr Tom Thacker reported as follows:
Council tax. There will be a 4% increase in the HCC part of the Council Tax.
Family support services. A consultation is underway on the future of family support services. The Government are planning to close all children’s centres and instead proved “hubs” – one for each district. HCC are seeking agreement to ensure rural areas don’t suffer because provision is cheaper in urban areas. They are requesting that there be two hubs in the BDBC area, rather than one, with the second being based at Bishops Green.
Parish Lengthsman scheme. A decision will be made on 21 March and it is expected the scheme will continue with the same provision as at present.
Sandleford development. He is working closely with the Hampshire traffic officers and they have raised doubts about the figures for predicted traffic volumes provided by W Berks.
7 / Planning
a) New applications
None received.
b) Decisions
15/04414 Oak Cottage, Ecchinswell. Erection of a two storey rear extension with a single storey link. Granted with conditions.
15/04415 Oak Cottage, Ecchinswell. Erection of a two storey rear extension with a single storey link, following demolition of existing extension, and internal alterations. Granted with conditions.
15/03221 6Woodleys, Ecchinswell. Erection of a single storey extension to the north elevation and internal alterations. Granted with conditions.
Cllr Johnson reported that he had discussed the question of planning training for Cllrs at his recent training session. He was advised that the PC should invite the local planning officer to attend a meeting to give Cllrs basic information on the planning process and the PC’s role in it. Cllr Johnson will draw up a list of relevant questions for the planning officer, to be distributed to other Cllrs. The Clerk will then invite the planning officer to a meeting.
The Clerk also reported that she has sent a response to the Sandleford application, based on the impact the development would likely have on the parish; increased traffic flow with associated dangers, damage to the environment, noise – and other – pollution etc. This response has been acknowledged by W Berks. / PJ
8 / Finance
a) Financial Report and Payments
80/15 Resolved
Payments for February:
Cheque payments:
HMRCPAYE - DG, RW£130.40
Electronic payments made this month:
D GascoineClerk’s salary (Feb)£327.44
D GascoineClerk’s expenses (Feb)£ 68.36
R WherryLitter warden – Feb£ 85.80
D McClellandLitter warden – Feb£134.00
S WaterAllotment water£ 17.39
As there was only one Cllr present who is authorized to sign cheques, the Clerk will arrange for the one cheque to be signed outside of the meeting.
The Clerk explained that she had discovered two errors in previous payments and these have been corrected in subsequent payments. She explained the issues and the amended payment sheets were approved and signed by the Chair (Cllr Vaisset).
81/15 Resolved
That Cllrs Hall and Johnson be added to the bank mandate and CllrsVaisset and Court be removed. / DG
9 / Correspondence
Kit Malthouse – Re Pensions Summit to be held in Andover 11 March. (The Clerk intends to attend this, to ensure the PC’s understanding of the issue is correct.)
HCC – Re Hampshire Walking Strategy.
Hampshire Wellbeing Service – Wellbeing Group meeting.
Loddon and Test Leader Programme – Re Rural Community Grants.
W Berks County Council – re Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
Sarah Radcliffe – Offer to attend a PC meeting to discuss the role of the BDBC Community Safety Patrol Team. (Cllrs considered this might be more appropriate for the EVH Committee; the Clerk has already suggested Sarah Radcliffe contact them.)
10 / Highways and Rights of Way
a) Survey of paths and stiles
Cllr Johnson provided a copy of the up to date online reporting list. He also advised that on the route to Nuthanger (paths 23 and 21) there are overhanging trees which are causing an obstruction for walkers. This will be reported to the Sydmonton Estate.
b) New issues
No new issues were reported / DG
11 / New business.
EVH grass cutting grant
82/15 Resolved
To make a grant of £650 to EVH towards the cost of grass cutting.
Election of Chair
The Chairman (Cllr Vaisset) had already advised the PC that he would unfortunately need to resign from the PC with effect from the end of the current meeting, due to increasing pressures of work.
83/15 Resolved
Cllr Hall was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Vaisset and seconded by Cllr Johnson. Following a unanimous vote Cllr Hall was elected as Chairman and took over the running of the remainder of the meeting. The relevant Acceptance of Office form was signed.
Cllr Hall thanked Cllr Vaisset very much for the hard work he had done as Chairman.
Planning applications
The Clerk reminded Cllrs that they would need to make arrangements for the receipt of new planning applications, as these had previously been sent to Cllr Vaisset.
84/15 Resolved
After discussion, that planning applications should be sent to the new Chairman (Cllr Hall) initially, with the situation being reviewed in six months if necessary. The Clerk will advise BDBC of the change. / DG
12 / Matters for discussion
a) Parish Lengthsman
The Clerk reported that the Lengthsman has completed the tasks allocated and all hours have been used for this year. The allotment plots have been cleared and the Lengthsman did 6 hours litter picking along Hyde Lane, starting at Darling Buds of May. The road sign pointing to the village hall requires a new bracket, which the Lengthsman can do if the scheme continues next year; this should take one hour.
85/15 Resolved
That the Lengthsman be asked to do this job next year.
Cllrs will start suggesting tasks for the coming year. The Chairman (Cllr Hall) suggested that the small area by the village hall entrance, where the notice board is, should be cleared and possibly planted with bulbs.
b) Sector led body for internal audit
The Clerk reported that she has checked her understanding of the situation with the internal auditor and he has confirmed that if the PC wish to opt in to the scheme and, given that we are in the under £25K group, no further action needs to be taken. Item to be removed from the agenda.
c) AGM and Assembly
The Clerk advised that Borough Cllr John Izett has agreed to give a presentation at the Assembly on planning, focusing on applications which are likely to impact on the parish. She will send formal invitations to Borough Cllr Graham Falconer and County Councillor Tom Thacker and the police. She will also provide some notes on the PC’s activities during the year for the Chairman’s speech. Cllr Johnson will also give a short presentation on the new website.
86/15 Resolved
After discussion, that the Chairman (Cllr Hall) will produce a flyer advertising the event and the Clerk will arrange for 200 copies, to be delivered to residents by the Cllrs.
The Chairman (Cllr Hall) also suggested the PC obtain a “pull up banner” with the PCs name on it and text outlining the responsibilities of the PC, to be used at all PC events.
87/15 Resolved
To obtain such a banner and that the Chairman (Cllr Hall) will arrange this.
d) Ditch clearance
The Clerk advised that she has received definitive confirmation from Highways that landowners are responsible for clearing any ditches adjacent to their land. Also, with regard to the current ditch issues which the Lengthgsman said should be referred to Highways, that Highways are not likely to be able to fund drainage improvements in the coming financial year. The options open to Cllrs are to contact landowners and press for the work to be done, or to have the work done by the Lengthsman where this is possible; the PC would then contact the landowners advising that the ditches should be kept clear in the future.
88/15 Resolved
After discussion that the Chairman (Cllr Hall) and possibly Cllr Bayliss will meet with the Lengthsman to confirm the extent of the work to be done. A programme of work will then be sent to the Lengthsman.
e)Vacancies on the PC
The Chairman (Cllr Hall) reminded Cllrs that, as there are now three vacancies on the PC, it is essential that every effort is made to encourage more to join. He has approached some residents who are considering applying. All Cllrs to do the same and an active recruitment drive to take place. Cllr Johnson agreed to produce an advertising flyer about vacancies for posting on parish noticeboards.
f) Village maintenance
The Clerkreported that she has received the signed maintenance contract from the contractor.
89/15 Resolved
After discussion, to ask the Lengthsman to strim back the area around the telephone box from time to time, to prevent it getting out of control.
g) Bench at war memorial
The Clerk advised that she has contacted a descendant of Charles Clifford-Kingsmill who has agreed that the family will replace the bench and put the commemorative plaque back on it. This matter will remain part of the quarterly risk assessment survey and a reminder will be sent to the family if the replacement becomes urgent.
h) Allotments
The relevant plots have been cleared and someone has come forward to rent one of them this year. There are still one full plot and one half plot vacant. These should be advertised whenever possible.
i) Parish website
Cllr Johnson gave an update on progress with the new website. There had been a problem over transferring the information on the Local Directory and Parish Amenities pages;, the previous website provider, have been extremely unhelpful on this. He has now produced the information in a format that the new provider can hopefully use and is awaiting feedback from them on this. It is hoped that all the information will soon be on the new website and it can then be amended/updated by ourselves. He and the Clerk will continue to pursue the matter with the web designer.
j) Oak tree at Cashel Cottage
The Clerk reported that Cllr Dain has obtained advice from a horticulturalist regarding the siting and planting of the replacement oak tree. It would be preferable to postpone planting until the autumn, to give the tree the best chance of surviving.
90/15 Resolved
To review this matter in October, with a view to planting in November. The Clerk will advise the home owner of this proposal.
j) Safer Neighbourhoods Team
The Chairman (Cllr Hall) reported that ex-Cllr Court had offered to continue to circulate the emails received from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team.
91/15 Resolved
After discussion, that since Safer Neighbourhoods is not specifically a PC matter, circulation of the emails can be left with ex-Cllr Court; the matter can be reviewed later if necessary. This item to be removed from the agenda in the meantime.
j) Litter wardens
The Clerk advised that the salary for the Litter Wardens will be increased to £7.20 an hour from 1 April, in line with the minimum wage.
k) Parish Magazine
Items for inclusion in the parish magazine were agreed and the Clerk advised that she would draw up a new rota for magazine writers. / DG
13 / Date of next meeting
Wednesday13 April 2016at Ecchinswell Village Hall at 7.30 pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at9.20 pm.