
That which is now, already has been; and that which is to be, has already been. (Ecclesiastes 3:15)

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (St. Matthew 6:33)

We do not rejoice in the things which are seen, but in the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.(2 Corinthians 4:18)

Act out the thing you desire to demonstrate. This is the right use of will scientifically understood. (Emmet Fox)

What animal has the most babies per litter? Counting fish, the shark, probably. Females have been caught with as many as 70 baby sharks in them. (L. M. Boyd)

Bacteria increase from one to one billion in a petri dish in twenty-four hours. (Noel Botham, in The Ultimate Book of Useless Information, p. 64)

Generation time of bacteria is 20 minutes, meaning that’s how long it takes for them to double in number. (L. M. Boyd)

Bacteria reproduce approximately every twenty minutes; one micro-organism could result in a colony of 500 billion billion in twenty-four hours, provided nothing interfered with its growth. (Miller/Goode, in Man & His Body, p. 50)

If the bacteria in a glass of milk multiplied under good conditions without the death of any, how long would it take for them to make a mass the size of the earth? Five days. (L. M. Boyd)
Fastest-growing plant on earth: bamboo, which can grow as much as 35 inches a day. (Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: Extraordinary Book of Facts, p. 32)

Everything’s coming up roses. The trouble is, I planted asparagus! (Tom Wilson, in Ziggy comic strip)

On Tuesday, February 25, MaxFund will spay or neuter 80 cats and dogs for free for Denver low-income residents. The group cites these pet overpopulation numbers: 420,000 - The theoretical number of descendents of two unaltered cats after seven years. 67,000 - The theoretical number of descendents of two unaltered dogs in six years. $1 billion: The annual nationwide price tag to capture, house and kill homeless animals. (

You are at times disheartened because you see so little result from your efforts.Why should you condemn or criticize yourself for your failure to be perfect or to accomplish something?God does not. Peace, peace, my sister.It is all right.The Master is doing His own work through you every moment that you give yourself wholly to Him.“Speak the word only.”You are bothering about results because you do not see them. That is His part, not yours. (H. Emilie Cady)

The expression “breed like flies” is quite apt.If all the descendents of a single pair of flies survived, they would number over 335 trillion at the end of one summer.(Denver P. Tarle, in A Treasury of Trivia, p. 194)

We must realize the foolishness of living in that most external realm where only the husks of things are, and upon which we would fain satisfy ourselves, but cannot. Then let us turn our attention within; by traveling for a season in that direction we find the source and substance of life. (Charles Fillmore, in Christian Healing)

Jesus points out here that there is an orderly activity of growth, which has nothing to do with time. The time required in healing or demonstration of any kind depends only on the consciousness of the individual – the response of the finite to the expansiveness of the infinite. (A Synoptic Study of the Teachings of Unity, p. 51)

A queen honeybee can lay as many as 1,500 eggs a day. (Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: Extraordinary Book of Facts, p. 84)

Insect offspring: Aphid – can produce 6 billion in one summer; Flea – lays 5,000 eggs in lifetime; Fruit fly – lays 800 eggs in lifetime; Tick – lays 7,000 eggs at a time; Ladybug – lays 1,000 eggs in lifetime; Termite – lays 30,000 eggs in one day. (World Features Syndicate)

Four jackrabbits are strolling on the prairie when a gang of coyotes begins to chase them. The rabbits run under a huge cactus for refuge. The coyotes surround the cactus. One rabbit says to another, “Should we make a run for it, or wait till we outnumber them?” (Rocky Mountain News)

How Jesus Manifested Good:
1. Jesus recognized order as a fundamental factor in the law of increase.

2. When He fed the multitude He made them sit down in companies. If you study the story carefully you will see that there was a great deal of preliminary preparation before the demonstration was made.

3. There was a recognition of the seed ideas, the loaves and fishes carried by the small boy.

4. There was a prayer of thanks for that supply and then it was blessed. All this preceded the actual appearing and appropriation of the supply. Every demonstration is based on the same law of increase and goes through the same orderly steps. (Charles Fillmore, in Prosperity)

Largest pet litters:

1. House mouse -- 34

2. Golden hamster -- 26

3. New Zealand white rabbit -- 24

4. American foxhound -- 23

5. St. Bernard -- 23

6. Great Dane -- 23

7. Burmese/Siamese cat -- 19

8. Ferret – 15

9. Mongolian gerbil – 14

10. Guinea pig (cavy) – 12. (Guinness Book of Records, 1993)

A female mouse may spawn as many as ten litters of eight to ten young during her lifetime – which generally is less than a year. The gestation period is three weeks, and the young mice reach maturity in only ten weeks. (David Louis, in Fascinating Facts, p. 14)

We shall manifest outwardly the presence of God.The invisible and the visible shall be one in us. (Nona L. Brooks, in In The Light of Healing)
A single-celled animal, the paramecium, divides in two when it is about twenty-four hours old.If a single paramecium began to divide on January 1, and if all its offspring survived, its descendants would fill the volume of one cubic mile by March 7, and their combined volume would be as large as the Earth’s by April 12. (Isaac Asimov’s Book of Facts, p. 249)

There is a process of expression that must always work from the inner to the outer. Any attempt to reverse the process or to limit it in any way always results in chaos. (A Synoptic Study of the Teachings of Unity)

I would like for us to consider another of Dr. Einstein’s propositions: that energy, which is invisible, and mass, which is visible, are interchangeable. Is this any different from the Bible saying: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh”? The thought of God becomes form. What we see comes out of what we do not see. The invisible becomes visible through the Law of Mind. (Dr. Ernest Holmes)
Rats can have sex twenty times per day. They multiply so quickly that one pair of rats might have more than 15,000 descendants in a year. Experts estimate that there are more than 56 million rats in New York City, or roughly seven rats for every person. (Harry Bright & Harlan Briscoe, in So, Now You Know, p. 98)

Rats are capable of multiplying so rapidly that in a year and a half a single pair could have one million descendants.(Paul Stirling Hagerman, in It’s a Weird World, p. 91)

Results are produced at the level of our belief. No one can expect results one millimeter higher than his faith. (Church of Today newsletter)

Men produce fifty thousand sperm per minute. (Don Voorhees, in The Essential Book of Useless Information, p. 127)

If old states of mind are not dealt with in consciousness, they will manifest. (J. Sig Paulson)

The T cells known as helper T’s, which first detect antigens, carry no weapons.Rather they send urgent chemical signals to a small squadron of allies--the killer T cells trained to recognize that specific enemy. The message: multiply fast!Soon the squadron reproduces into an army, which chemically punctures the membranes of infected cells before the viruses inside have time to multiply.In the process these cells are destroyed. (Peter Jaret, in Reader’s Digest)
Man’s tendency is to become centered in things, in outer conditions and circumstances.“We live too close to the circumference of our being.” When we are centered in materiality, in sense consciousness, then we think that we are using life, using us money, using ideas, rather than being the expression of life, substance, and intelligence through from the inner Kingdom.(A Synoptic Study of the Teachings of Unity, p. 51)

In a single day, a pair of termites can produce as many as 30,000 offspring. (Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: Extraordinary Book of Facts, p. 84)

In one of the eeriest cases in modern medical history, a tiny tissue sample from a woman who died in 1951 began reproducing itself--and is still alive and growing today. The weird body cells from Baltimore housewife Henrietta Lacks reproduce so rapidly that unchecked they would cover the whole world in just a few years, says cell expert Dr. Walter Nelson Rees. (Jerry Oppenheimer, in National Enquirer)

Another town that grew up fast was Guthrie, Oklahoma. Within seven days, it had 50 saloons. In another 21 days, it had one hotel, three newspapers, three general stores and several restaurants. (L. M. Boyd)
That which is manifest is etymologically “grasped by the hand.”The word comes via Old French from Latin manifestus. This was a later form of manufestus, a compound formed from manus “hand” and festus “gripped.”(John Ayto, in Dictionary of Word Origins)

The world, with all its beauty, its happiness and suffering, its joys and pains, is planned with the utmost ingenuity, in order that the powers of the Self may be shown forth in manifestation. (Annie Besant)