Dear Parents,

Your child will love this! You are getting a homework assignment, too. Remember those back to school essays, “how I spent my summer vacation?” Well, this is a whole lot easier and I think my guideline of a million words or less is reasonable!!
It takes me a while to get to know each student. This is your opportunity to tell me everything about your child that you think I should know. You can include academic or personal information. Ideas of things I would love to know about your child: strengths, weaknesses, goals, personality traits, hobbies, plus anything else you think of.

In A Million Words or Less… here are some things I want you to know about me:

My job as your child’s teacher is to listen, ask questions and answer your questions. I will challenge your child to become an independent and responsible learner. I ask that you also encourage your child to step into a "discomfort zone" in order to grow. When students find success in taking on these new challenges, they often gain an extraordinary feeling of confidence. I will remind your child many times this year, “You can do hard things.”

I am a mom and many of the homework/bedtime/friends/behavior issues that you are facing are the same issues I also faced. Please let me know when there is something going on that might impact your child’s learning. I have set guidelines and due dates because I have to, however, I am flexible. If there is a way we can accomplish a school task in a different way, I want to work with you and devise a plan that works for everyone.

OK, like all homework assignments, I must have a due date! Please get IN A MILLION WORDS OR LESS… to me no later than Friday, September 11th. You can send it to school with your child or e-mail it to me.


Toni Clifton