The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science, Mechanical and Automotive Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
IMSMATEC’18 DOC-File Template
Author1a and Author2b
a Organization, City, Country, E-mail:b Organization, City, Country, E-mail:
The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science, Mechanical and Automotive Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science Mechanical and Automation Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science Mechanical and Automation Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
This paper is a doc-template and contains some information for preparing the paper for the IMSMATEC’18 symposium to be held April 10-12, 2018 in Çesme/İZMİR, Turkey. This paper also provides an example how the paper title and section headings should look like. The authors are expected to follow these instructions. Beside it gives well looking papers, it also gives uniform outlook for the proceedings.
Keywords: Maximum 5 words
1. Introduction
Each paper can have at most 6 printed two-column pages in the proceedings. Over length papers are due to extra charges. The maximum file size is 5 Mb.
The symposium organizers have prepared sample MS Word docx-file (IMSMATEC2018_DOC_TEMPLATE(EN).docx), which should be followed. The instructions are shortly repeated below together with other information.
2. General
It is desired that authors will use writing styles that are commonly used in the literature which is quite closely followed here. Font size should be 9 pt with single line which is regular practice. Fonts should be Arial type and the text should be justified.
There should not be page numbers in footers or headers and the left header should contain the symposium name " International Conference on the Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science Mechanical and Automation Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018" at 8 pt size.
3. Margins
Paper size is A4 (297 ´ 210 mm). The margins and other strategic information are presented in Table 1.
4. Title and Headings
4.1. Paper Title
The paper title should be centered and capitalized at 14 pt font size. The author name(s), affiliations and countries (no phone numbers) should be centered two lines below the paper title. The author names and affiliations should be in regular size (which is 9 pt).
Table 1 Margins, text width, etc. definitions.
The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science Mechanical and Automation Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
Size / Object20 mm / Left and right margin
30 mm / Top margin (includes the header)
15 mm / Text and header separation
25 mm / Foot margin
170 mm / Text width
83 mm / Column width
4 mm / Column separation
240 mm / Text height
14 pt / Paper title font size
11 pt / Section font size
9 pt / Sub section font size
9 pt / Text font size
The Internatinonal Conference on Materials Science Mechanical and Automation Engineerings and Technology in ÇEŞME/İZMİR (IMSMATEC’18), April 10-12 2018
4.2. Section Numbers
Primary section headings should be justified at left and enumerated by Arabic numerals. Secondary headings are flush left and enumerated by Arabic numerals and tertiary headings are indented and enumerated by Arabic numerals as well. Headings should be bold.
4.3. Section Fonts
Subsection headings should be written using 9 pt font sizes.
4.4. Equations
Equations should be justified at left and numbered in parenthesis onto right hand side like
References to equations should be done using equation numbers, e.g., “In (1) t means time and q is a constant”. Mathematical variables should be written in italics whereas functions as regular text.
5. References
References to figures and tables should be done as Fig. 1 and Table 1, respectively.
Figure 1. An example.
The literature reference list should be made as using either full names or official abbreviations. The references should be numbered in the order of appearance. In text, reference numbers are enclosed by square brackets, e.g., ‘In [1, 2], [3-5]’. Please do not number the title of References as it is seen below.
6. Figures and Tables
Captions should be above tables and below figures. Tables, figures and their captions should be centered. Clarity is the key point in figures and tables. An example figure is Fig. 1. Two columns can be used for Figures and Tables at big sizes by giving breaks in main text.
7. Final Form
The papers should be delivered at Office Word 2007 and lower versions as doc format. Highest word formats should not be used.
[1]Orhan, N; Kurt, B, The effect of small amounts of Al and Si on the superplastic behavior of a hypoeutectoid high carbon steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 136, 174-178, May,,2003..
[2]Bulent Kurt, Nuri Orhan, Ertan Evin and Adnan Çalik, Diffusion bonding between Ti–6Al–4V alloy and ferritic stainless steel, Materials Letters, Vol 61, p. 1747-1750, 2007..
[3]Çarboğa C., Kurt B., Dal S., Microstructure Investigation of High Rate Boron Added 1020 Steel Joined by Gas-Metal Arc Welding Technique, İcwet, pp. 1-8, 2014, Manisa.
[4]Adry P.R. and Dempster M.A.H., Introduction to Optimisation Methods. Chapman and Hall Ltd, London, 1974.
[5]Haardt, M. and Markus, E.A., Unitary ESPRIT: How to exploit additional information inherent in the rotational invariance structure, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 4, IV229-IV232. 1994.