Getting organized for the school year– Y10 Community period.
Organize yourselves into groups with one member from each HR, especially from Jensen’s HR class.
- Set up a folder on your phone to put all of your school apps in (Moodle, Outlook, Powerschool, your calendar). Do you need a folder for certain subjects (Art, DT)?
- Download Outlook App – or do you have a different calendar app? (Niall)
- Does Moodle have an app? Manage bac? Download Moodle, Manage Bac, Powerschool and ?
What other apps do you use for school?
- Link your phone to your outlook. (especially mail)
- Set up notifications for mail.
- Set up your signature
- Sincerely, + your nameS (all of them) + your Y/HR – All Chinese and Korean students must be sure to include their given and nicknames.
- Be sure you can log into outlook 365– Use the Word, PPT, spreadsheets and other software found here to draft your work. It saves as you go, but you will also save each session in Moodle and on your HD.
- Use “task lists”or “notes” and link to your outlook/smartphone.
- By date
- By class
- Do you have a cloud? If not, use Moodle. Find a space you want to use to save ALL of your work on Moodle or a cloud. Do this in conjunction with Microsoft 365.
- Set up a folder for every class. You may need to add folders for HR, CAS or other major classes/events that come up.
- Set up folders for units or key (regular/routine) assessments/routines (tests/quizzes/notes/projects…)
- Appointments on calendar w/reminders
- – make sure the calendar is paired with your phone like your emails.
- – make sure you have enabled notifications (with vibration)
- Adding homework/major projects
- Putting in class notes and images, etc.
- Scheduling times to meet with group members
- Adding your piano lessons and doctor’s appointments
- **Evening/Weekend study schedules (match colours to your school timetable)
- Adding meetings such as: basketball practice, returning your uniform, MUN, Youth Group, CAS project dates & meetings, free dress days, key tests, etc.
- Put recurring meetings in as recurring meetings!
- Add reminders
- Develop good habits – it usually takes 2-3 weeks (21 days) or up to 2 months of consistent behavior to form a habit. Start recording your HW in your diary, “Notes” or “Tasks” starting NOW. Don’t leave any class without making a note, even if the note is “no HW”.
- Do you have a couple of homework/study buddies for each class? Perhaps you need a WeChat group (labelled with a subject) to help keep up to date with the homework and projects.
- Make schedules for lockers/desk at home – especially if your schedule changed. Follow the same colour pattern (for each class) when using your Outlook calendar.