Headline Business Plan

Improving Literacy and Numeracy

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Improving Literacy / Gwella Llythrennedd
·  Improving Numeracy / Gwella Rhifedd / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview, progress and targets see ERW Business Plan. In addition, we have set success criteria over 3 years for each work stream. This is included in BP.
·  CSI KS2
·  CSI KS3
·  National test scores
·  Value added
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Regional strategy refreshed and embedded practice shared.
·  Deliver agreed plan for completing LNF programme in lieu of CFBT.
·  Clear work plan for school to school LNF support for 2015-17.
·  Identify new and sustain current key schools to take on developments.
·  Review work of S2S and index of excellence for effectiveness of dovetailed support for LA services / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018.
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Review and prioritise digital literacy as means of supporting and strengthening LNF
·  Fully embedded Literacy numeracy with increased capacity and competence in physical literacy and digital literacy

Headline Business Plan

Reduce Impact of Poverty

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Reduce Impact of Poverty / Lleihau Effaith Amddifadedd / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan.
In addition, we have set success criteria over 3 years for each work stream. This is included in BP.
·  e-fsm progress and performance at all key indicators
·  performance against regression line
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Strategy in place.
·  Identify key schools to lead on sharing successful strategies.
·  Agree a common VAP across the region.
·  ERW Toolkit to identify school lit of success to signpost (EIG).
·  Work done to explain types of poverty experience in ERW.
·  Populate to new VAP across the region.
·  Seminars to promote.
·  Support identified schools that are not closing the gap.
·  Poverty map highlighting types of poverty in ERW.
·  Share effective practice on website to build on success on 2015 conference.
·  Place intervention strategies to target key schools then sit within each area and what are they doing to overcome.
·  2nd core visit to highlight on pupil level progress (FSM)
·  2nd visit to measure impact to write next plan EIG / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Embed process into planning.
·  Focus on specific
·  Review new list of top 20 and bottom 20.

Headline Business Plan

Regional Delivery of National Programmes

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Regional Delivery of National Programmes / Cyflwyno Rhaglenni Cenedlaethol / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan In addition; we have set success criteria over 3 years for each work stream. This is included in BP.
·  Proportion of leadership judgments are improving year on year in categorisation
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  School led delivery of HTLA programme
·  Successful delivery of NPQH
·  Priority planning of post Donaldson arrangements
·  Build on the successful implementation of School Challenge Cymru by resourcing similar arrangements.
·  Deliver final tranche of LNF support to schools in partnership with WG, by using PLS to deliver and design / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
These projects are specifically funded usually and outside EIG – nevertheless the statement applies.
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Share the most effective practice and celebrate progress in LNF, SCC and changing face of education
·  Review success criteria of all priorities against impact on outcome dashboard

Headline Business Plan

Governor Services

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Governor Services / Gwasanaethau Llywodraethwyr / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan. In addition, we have set success criteria over 3 years for each work stream. This is included in BP.
·  Proportion of green and yellow schools increasing
·  Fewer schools in Estyn follow up categories
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  All information, advice and training to be available on ERW website, in line with branding.
·  Delivery of statutory and non-statutory training programmes.
·  In light of WG review, agree strategy for the improved delivery of Governor Support.
·  Identified Challenge Adviser for governor support at hub level.
·  Implement improvements.
·  Annual hub level conference to share and stimulate effective practice
·  Include brokered support to governors in line with Ladder of support and intervention / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Governor training delivered by schools in clusters or online
·  Significant GB to GB support and challenge
·  Review progress and legislative position

Headline Business Plan

Specialist HR Support

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Specialist HR support / Cymorth Arbenigol AD / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan
Increase proportion of good or better teaching – as seen by Estyn
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Ongoing engagement with pilot schools – support and engagement.
·  Review of progress with regional appraisal and capability policies.
·  Sign off of pay policy.
·  Implement appraisal policy as part of New Deal offer.
·  Improve engagement with TUs over time and focus on early dispute resolution / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
2016/17 widen scope and range of pilot, and share practice
·  Be aware of possible arrangements to devolve pay and conditions to Wales

Headline Business Plan


Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  14-19 / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan
·  All key post 16 indicators
·  Proportion of early leavers
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Review of EOTAS provision in Key Stage 4 across ERW region.
·  Allocate effectively EST and EIG funding to appropriate alternative, EOTAS and YEPF provision.
·  Challenging targets to be set for all subjects to ensure learners reach their potential across all phases and subjects
·  Support schools to manage curricular pressures in KS4. / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Consistent model for EOTAS model across region
·  Support ESF grant in line with regional priorities

Headline Business Plan

Regional Digital Literacy

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Regional ICT Strat. / Rhanbarthol TGCh / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan
·  This aspect will support pedagogy in all learning and pedagogy. Increasing capacity and capacity will be the main success criteria. Not measurable at this point.
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Regional ICT for Learning Strategy refreshed and encompass ICT training programme quality assurance.
·  Resource identified schools to develop capacity for digital competence work through school to schools support.
·  Build regional central capacity for the delivery of all regional functions though technology – leading schools by example.
·  Set arrangements for digital literacy across region to build teacher capacity to link digital competence to pedagogy. / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Establish teacher training programme on digital literacy to retrain and focus pedagogy and digital literacy
·  Continue to use the infrastructure to develop the workforce skill levels fro Donaldson.

Headline Business Plan

Welsh in Education

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Cymraeg mewn Addysg / Welsh in Education / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan
·  Proportion of learners receiving WM education
·  Proportion of WM schools where high prop of pupil undertake full course.
·  Access to high quality resources
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Deliver the WM resource amnesty online, for 1st and 2nd language settings
·  Create bespoke data sets and analysis for WM and streamed schools for use during the ACV analysis process.
·  Secure the required capacity of advisers to deliver the Ladder of Support and Challenge to all schools
·  Draw together a common over view of the WESPS to support a collaborative approach to developing welsh in education within the constraints f the planning process. / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Welsh in Education ERW coordinating group to refocus their work on the delivery of school improvement and standards.
·  Review early impact of roll out in Pioneer schools where welsh taught as second language currently to gauge improvement?

Headline Business Plan

Support for Early Years & Foundation Phase

Priority /Blaenoriaeth
·  Support for Early Years & Foundation Phase / Cefnogaeth Blynyddoedd Cynnar a Chyfnod Sylfaen
·  *Including non maintained / Desired Outcomes / Deilliannau
All outcomes are noted in the priority outcome dashboard. These have been selected from that list, for full overview see ERW Business Plan
·  FPI
Main activities / Prif weithgaredd:
·  Early identification of learning needs to plan effective provision for pupils in Foundation Phase (particularly literacy and numeracy skills)
·  Improve the quality and level of challenge of continuous and enhanced provision in Foundation Phase.
·  Schools not making sufficient progress to be targeted for additional support in order to raise standards.
·  Monitoring and evaluation of the impact on practice and outcomes in across all phases. / When? Pryd? / Who? Pwy?
All activities will be delivered by ERW in partnership with its 6 constituent LAs and key partners. Bullets are grouped quarterly. The details are set out in the ERW Business Plan
2015 – 2018
Resources / Adnoddau
All work streams are resourced from a combination of core resources, grants, income generation, LA resources, and schools.
The details are available in the financial plan. Budget has been signed off by JC.
Current EIG details are not available / Key Milestones / Cerrig Milltir 2015-18
2015/16 As above – see main actions
·  Review possible efficiencies in T7D as well as delivery across region
·  Expectations of embedded process having an impact on an literacy and numeracy skills beyond foundation phase

Headline Business Plan