Prairielands Council Boy Scouts of America

Council Executive Board Meeting

Monday, January 30, 2012


Call to Order: John Frauenhoffer, Council President, called to order the regular meeting of the Prairielands Council Executive Board at 7:10 pm on Monday, January 30, 2012 at the Round Barn Banquet Center, Champaign, IL.

Attendance: Twenty-eight Executive Board Members, ten Advisory Board Members, five guests and three staff were present. The quorum requirement of 1/3 members voting members (13) present was met.

Executive Board Present: Linda Atherton, Michael Brown, David Burns, Peter Clausen, Harry Clem, Brian Egeberg, Chuck Eyman, Fred Faulstich, John Frauenhoffer, Gary Gaudio, Ken Gunji, Stan Herrin, Mike Hirschi, Jennifer Ivory-Tatum, Marion Knight, Ellen Kuchenbrod, Jack Jones, Jim Lee, Travis Mains, John Marquardt, Gabrielle Martin, Victor Mullins, Flint Pellett, Mike Potts, Glen Semple, Robert Sloan, Curt Ware, Wayne Weber

Executive Board Excused; George Anagnostopoulos, James Ayers, Bill Black, David Crow, Robert Ewbank, Eric Meyer, Jacob Ramsey, Becky Von Holten

Executive Board Absent: Scott Moe, Jonathan Myers, Seon Williams

Advisory Board Present: Steve Carter, John Dudley, Milt Forsberg, Kermit Harden, Ralph Kuchenbrod, Billie Lee, Tony Martin, Lou O’Brien, Stan Rankin, Steve Setzler

Guests Present: Kris Fitzpatrick, Cole Kangas, Randy Kangas, Charles Walters, Samuel Walters

Staff Present: Dan Baker, Sharon Kirk, Timothy J. Manard

Summary of Actions

1.  The Consent Agenda was approved. Included in the Consent Agenda were:

Minutes of the November 28, 2011 Executive Board Meeting;

The 2013 Charter Renewal fee of $15,524

Signature Authorization for 2012: John Frauenhoffer, Eric Meyer, Mike Potts, David Crow,

Gabrielle Martin, Timothy J. Manard and Sharon Kirk (limited to checks of $150 or less)

Executive Board Meeting Minutes, page 2

Consent Agenda con’t:

Approval of revised Endowment Fund spending policy. New policy states that “expenditure in any one year will not exceed interest and dividends of the combined Unrestricted and Restricted Funds less applicable management fees.”

Motion by Ellen Kuchenbrod; second by Robert Sloan; carried.

Council Business

Council President Opening Comments: Newly elected Council President John Frauenhoffer stated his basic goals for the coming year including: 1) Raise enough money to sustain the council operation and end the year with a surplus; 2) Identify new charter organizations and work with them to organize new Scouting Packs, Troops and Crews; 3) Recruit more volunteers with an emphasis on Commissioners to support our units.

Friends of Scouting Kick-off: Development Director Dan Baker reported that the Friends of Scouting campaign had kicked-off with the Staff Campaign having raised nearly $4,000.00. Baker then shared the campaign plan for 2012 and the Scouting success stories that will be featured in the Family Presentations. Baker and Vice-President Brian Egeberg then solicited the Board for their personal gifts and distributed past donor pledge cards to be worked. At the end of the evening it was announced that with previously pledge Board gifts and those collected during the Board Meeting, the Board had raised just of $40,000 for the campaign.

Council Commissioner Report: Ellen Kuchenbrod commented that she is excited about the coming year calling an “exciting year; scary and challenging.”

Scout Executive Report: Scout Executive Tim Manard reported that the professional staff had met in his basement for a four day planning conference. Out of that meeting several objectives were identified for the year:

Manpower development including continued new members of the Executive Board, growth on the District Committees and Commissioner Staffs & use of Friendstorming to identify new prospects

Friends of Scouting Campaign Disciipline to complete the campaign; a focus on Major Gifts; Merits of Scouting continues growth; review of the Popcorn Vendor & possible change; Events budget management

Membership back up to over 4,000 but very difficult with budget cuts to ScoutReach

New unit development focus using the BSA Sustainable Unit organization plan

Complete the Camp Drake Master Plan

Reinitiate Council Strategic Plan development


The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Executive Board Meeting Minutes, page 3

Minutes submitted by: ______Timothy J. Manard

Scout Executive

Minutes Approved by ______John Frauenhoffer

Council President