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Importing variables from PG5 into PCD8.D81W
Since le version V 5.09 it is possible to import the global symbol from PG5 projects
Import rules and restrictions
- By default the CPU name is part of the symbol name
- The group names up to 10 level are part of the symbol name(as in PG5)
- Symbol with 60 characters maximum can be imported: name of the CPU + group name + name of the symbol. When the symbol name exceeds 60 characters the first extra characters are cut!
- All PG5 symbols can be imported except the DBs. DB have to be added (created) manually in the VT Project
- In case of arrays, N variables will be created with a postfix, e.g. an array of 10 registers with the name MyRegArray will lead to 10 variables:
MyRegArray R [10] gives 10 symboles MyRegArray_0 R to MyRegArray_10 R
- If the option “Symbols synchronisation at VTwin project loading” is enabled, the VTWIN will automatically update the list of symbols at every start.
1. Importing files from the PG5 program.
Open the VTWIN, choose the terminal and the SAIA Driver. Click right-hand mouse key on SAIA S-Bus_a driver and select Properties (or double-click on SAIA S-Bus_a).
Click on the Import Var. button
Click the Browse button:
Select the directory containing the file _GLOBAL.SY5 and click Open ( or 2 x click on _GLOBAL.SY5).
You can active the option “Symbols synchronisation at VTWIN project loading” if you wish that the global symbol list get updated automatically each time the project is open!
When OK is pressed, the program processes the files, constructs a completesymbols table and saves it in the project, where it remains available for importing the variables.
Leave the “Device property” window by clicking OK!
2. Importing variables
Click right on Terminal icon and select Edit (or double-click on Terminal).
In order to open the Project Component window:
- Multiple importations (Recommended)
From the menu select Tool /Import from files /variables in PLC Format
Select the variables to be inserted in the project or click Select all.
If activated (default setting) the CPU name is part of the symbol name
By clicking on the OK button all the variables selected are inserted in the project.
Multiple importations is recommended because you can also choose to import only one variable. Single importation allows the import of only one variable at once!
B. Single importations (not recommended)
Open the “Project variables window” by clicking on Variables in the Project components, then pressesthe button New.
Select the PLC that has already been connected from the Source options, then click on Import variable.
Using the tree view, select thevariable to be imported
then click OK.
Leave the “Project Component Variables” window with OK
The variable is added in the “Project variables” window:
Warning :
If the name of the variable exceeds 60 characters, the first characters will be cut in the import phase. Thus, it is possible to have more than one variable with the same name.
PCD8.D81W Import GlobalsVersion 1.0 07.10.05