Importing LACC Student Roster Using Course Manager

Download Roster

Prepare Roster

Import Roster

Setting Up E-Mail Accounts

Note!The screen shots in this handout in some cases represent Classes and Sections in which the Interim Gradebook is enabled and in use. If you do not have a Gradebook enabled, your views and some features will vary. The enabling or disabling of Messaging, Resources, Formatting Assistant, Hide Format Scoring from Student, Score Keystroking, and Proofreading Viewer also affects the appearance of GDP screens:


  1. Download your class roster online from the LACCD Web site at
  2. Click Faculty & Staff Resources.
  3. Under Faculty Services—Instructor System, click View your class roster.
  4. At the InstructorLogin, type your User ID and Password.
  5. Click the desired semester and desired class; click ViewRoster.
  6. Click Download to Excel and save your roster.

Note: The steps to import a roster that follow are rather involved. It may be easier just to download and open your roster and copy/paste information into these fields in Course Manager when you log in as a Full Instructor:

Prepare Roster

  1. A typical LACC roster needs to be rearranged for a successful import. Rearrange and delete columns and rows so that information appears in the columns in the order shown below; delete all extraneous rows and columns—remember to use Undo (Ctrl + Z) if you make a mistake.

Note: To delete a row in Excel, click on the number of the rowheader (on the left of the spreadsheet) of the desired row—this action selects that numbered row; right-click and click Delete.

Note: To delete a column in Excel, click the letter of the columnheader (on the top of the spreadsheet) of the desired column—this action selects that lettered column; right-click and click Delete.

Note: To move a column in Excel, click the letter of the columnheader (on the top of the spreadsheet—“E” in this example) of the desired column—this action selects that lettered column; mouse over either column border until you see a move pointer; hold down the Shift key and drag and drop the selected column into place over the desired column letter, which will push that column over to the right.

  1. Student ID (use LACC student ID—this ID must be unique for each student)
  2. Last Name
  3. First Name
  4. User Name (copy/paste over LACC student ID temporarily—this must be unique for each student; user name is case sensitive)
  5. Password (use lowercase initials for simplicity—password is case sensitive)
  6. Email (use a fictional one repeatedly——as needed; see Setting Up E-Mail Accounts.)Make sure that students can edit their own information after they log on:
  7. Log on to CourseManager as FullInstructor; under USERS, click Classes.
  8. Under the Classes tab, select the class; under the Actions menu, click Edit.
  9. Under the Preferences tab, EditProfile, ChangeEmail, click Yes.
  10. Registration Code (optional)
  • The order of columns of your final roster must match the order in the next example exactly.
  • All cells must have information entered except for ColumnG. If you included registration codes (which is unlikely), they would appear in ColumnG.

Student ID
(school ID) / Last Name / First Name / Username
(student ID) / Password
(lowercase initials) / Email
(fictional if unknown) / Registration Code
  1. Save the roster in csv format: F12; from the Save As dialog box, Save as type box, click CSV(Comma delimited) (*.csv), Save.
  1. If you see this prompt, click Yes; close the file; reopen the file to look at it—all e-mail hyperlinks and borders should be gone; close and save it again.

Import Roster

  1. Log in as a FullInstructor to open CourseManager.
  2. From theClassestab, click an arrow next to the class name to expand the section; click the desired SectionName.
  3. Under the Actionsheading, click the list arrow; then clickImportStudents.
  4. UnderImport type, click the list arrow and click NewStudents. (Use the NewStudents option only to import student accounts that do not already exist inGDP)
  5. CheckEmail Students Username and Passwordif you wish to have the GDP systemautomatically email each student his/her log in information; keep in mind that some messages will bounce due to incorrect or fictional e-mail addresses.
  6. Next to the File to upload box, click Select; browse to select the csv file.
  7. Click Import.When the import is complete, Course Manager will indicate the number of records thatwere successfully imported. If there were errors, the Errors box will display detailed informationabout each error.

Setting Up E-Mail Accounts

  1. Use an e-mail provider that has a simple sign-up—here are screens for Hotmail and Yahoo:
  1. New students often forget their address/user ID and password—these procedures might help you help them later if they forget:
  2. For the e-mail address name, suggest they use their complete first and last name, all lowercase. If that name is already taken, add a middle initial or number.
  3. For a password, suggest they use their birthday with the month spelled out followed by the day as a figure with no spaces.

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