AkLA-A Minutes, August 6, 2013


Meeting Minutes

August 6, 2013, 5:30-7:15 p.m.

Special Education Service Agency (SESA), Anchorage



AkLA-A Minutes, August 6, 2013

  1. Sigrid Brudie
  2. Mollie Bynum
  3. Sallie Bynum
  4. Sue Sherif
  5. Anne Freitag
  6. Patience Frederiksen
  7. Jodi Jacques


AkLA-A Minutes, August 6, 2013

Program: Anne Freitag gave us a tour of SESA’s library, where she has been the solo librarian for many years. As described at SESA’s website:

The SESA Library supports all of the programs and grants housed at SESA, so it includes information on special education and disabilities. The library provides information and equipment (including assistive devices) to SESA staff and the school districts SESA serves so they may assist the students on their caseload; and to anyone in the state of Alaska so they may help individuals with special needs, or have an opportunity to develop a better understanding of special needs.

Call to Order: Business meeting called to order at 6:20 p.m. by Jodi.

Welcome/Introductions: Briefly discussed books we’re currently reading.

Additions to the Agenda: None.

Legislative Priorities: Reviewed “Alaska Library Association Legislative Priorities 2012-2013.” Jodi asked for additions/revisions to bring to AkLA E-Council in September.

  • Priority 1: Full funding for Public School Library Collection Development Grants. Sue suggested talking to members of Alaska Association of School Librarians (AkASL) to encourage them to advocate to the Legislature. She suspects they’re tired of fighting for this funding every year and might be backing down. Patience said smaller school districts in Alaska might not be used to asking the Legislature directly for money. Agreed that it should remain a priority.
  • Priority 2: Funding for the new Alaska State Libraries, Archives and Museum facility (SLAM). Will remain a priority but will be reworded to “finish funding…,” since construction has started.
  • Priority 3: Funding of Library Construction and Major Expansion matching grant program. Sue pointed out that this is another piece of legislation that has passed but does not have continuous funding. Patience said five new libraries have been built/expanded and five are pending. She helped write AkLA’s resolution of thanks to send to all legislators. Sue suggested that directors of new/expanded libraries could talk to Legislature about positive impacts on their communities. Perhaps there could be an easel out during legislative budget hearings with photos of the projects. Discussed that Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks are too big to qualify for this program. During the last legislative budget hearings, everyone was confident that Anchorage Public Library would get state capital funding towards the Loussac renovation, because the Anchorage Assembly had approved the request to be included in Project 80s building upgrades. Loussac was somehow dropped from the final state capital budget. So Anchorage libraries fell between the cracks, too big to qualify for the matching grant program but ignored in the Project 80s budget. Jodi and Sue suggested that the E-Council might be able to draft a letter to the Anchorage mayor and Assembly reiterating the importance of renovating Loussac. Someone with a long history with Loussac and with Project 80s might be able to help with advocacy. Sue Urig’s name came up, since Sue is a longtime member of the Anchorage Library Foundation Board.
  • Priority 4: Funding improved access to library broadband and the OWL project. Sue said the funding did come through, so most of the wording can be deleted, but she feels the last bulleted paragraph should remain in case E-Rates change radically: “Alaska has traditionally funded improved means of communication throughout the state, so providing broadband access to its residents is critical, especially in rural and remote areas and at a time when many government, education, and commercial services increasingly require interactive access to the web.” Sue added that funding of SLED’s live homework was renewed, and use increases yearly, which will result in increased technological requirements that will need funding—another reason this priority should remain for next session.

It was suggested that the E-Council be reminded to discuss what AkLA will need for a lobbyist when Clark Gruening leaves or retires. This might not be imminent but deserves discussion.

Approval of Minutes: Anne moved to approve May 15 meeting minutes, Sigrid seconded, all approved.

New Business:

  • Treasurer’s Report. Ellen could not attend with a Treasurer’s Report. Jodi said that $100 was spent for Doug’s annual BBQ, which leaves about $2,100 in the general fund.

Old Business: None.


  • Sue said that offering a library training session to new school librarians would be a good way to boost AkLA-A’s visibility and bring in new members. There were so many openings for school librarians this year that the district hired certified teachers on the condition that they complete a library degree in 2 or 3 years. AkLA-A could serve a role here.
  • Sigrid announced that the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association is having their annual meeting in Anchorage this year and encouraged the group to look at the workshops that were open to all librarians, not just those attending the meeting.
  • Jodi suggested a thank-you card to Doug for hosting another amazing BBQ this summer. Mollie said she would do it.
  • Sue suggested that we encourage new Loussac employees to come to an AkLA-A meeting.
  • Patience suggested that the October meeting be breakfast at Doriola’s. All approved.

Meeting adjourned by Jodi at 7:15 p.m.