Importing a record from LCDB (simultaneous search and overlay)


Date: April 2, 2002/REV 5/04/02

NOTE: This workflow is focused on import procedures used in cataloging. Some adjustments need to be made if importing is intended for catalog maintenance, i.e. to replace a fully cataloged record.

Because Voyager work involves multiple windows, batching your work is recommended. Start with smaller batches, e.g. 5-6 titles.


Each title is represented by a record (usually in-process) in Orbis.

You have verified that the title is not an added copy (i.e. is not already represented by a fully cataloged record in Orbis)

It is recommended that any windows are closed at this point in the workflow to avoid confusion.

1. First, set the import profile for the LCDB character set.

From Options menu, select Preferences, then click on the Mapping tab

Verify that the Local Import option is set for MARC 21. If not, use the pull down menu to select that option and click OK

2. Before you begin searching, set the searching parameters to search the LC resource database (LCDB) as follows:

From the Search dialog box, click the Remote button.

Select Local Database and LCDB and click the Add button

Click Connect.

Voyager will search both Orbis and the LC resource file for the duration of your session. (You will have to re-set the Remote if you log off and then log on again.)

3. Search item to be cataloged; use an ISBN. TITLE, LCCN, or ISSN search. A title or ISBN search is preferable since this maximizes the possibility of a hit in both Orbis and LCDB. If there is a hit in either Orbis or LCDB (or both), a Search Status dialog box will open. Staff searches (searches beginning with “Staff”) do not function with simultaneous Orbis/LCDB searching.

Example 1. Results of a simultaneous search with ISBN 9064503443, where 020 is in both the Orbis and the LCDB record

Example 2: Results of an ISBN search for 3924963649 where there is no 020 in the Orbis record:

4. If a record was found only in Orbis, set the book aside for searching later in OCLC or RLIN. If a record was found only in LCDB or in both Orbis and LCDB, click Show Results button. If a hit was made in both Orbis and LCDB, a Titles Index box will display:

Click Select All and then click OK. Both the Orbis record window and the LCDB record import window will open. You may see only one window even though 2 windows are open. In that case, from the Window menu, select Tile and click. You should now be able to see both the Imported Remote Bib record and the Orbis bib record. side by side.

If the Orbis record was not retrieved on the simultaneous search (e.g. it lacked a 020 field), clicking Show Results will display only the import record. In that case, retrieve the Orbis in-process record on a barcode search and then tile the records.

NOTE: If the Orbis and LCDB records in a simultaneous search have a matching 010 field, LCDB record is not displayed when the Show Results button is clicked; only the Orbis record window displays. If the Orbis record is a candidate for overlay (brief or CIP), delete the 010 field from it and re-execute the search using Title or ISBN. When the Show results button is clicked, both the Orbis and LCDB records will be retrieved. Select and display both records, tile the windows, and go on to Step 5.

5. With both the import and Orbis in-process record displayed,

copy the 010 field of the import record (Select the 010 field, right click on the arrow pointing to the field to bring up the menu, and click on Copy this field)

save the updated target record (click on the Sailboat button on the toolbar)

at the beginning of the session, you will be prompted to change your import/replace profile from the default: YL IMPORT CONDITIONAL. Click on NO. The prompt will not return for the duration of the session.

click in the import record window to reactivate it and click on the Sailboat.

if any MARC tags or indicators are not authorized by the YUL MARC validation profile, a dialog box will display showing the problem tags/indicators. Close the dialog box, make the necessary updates to the record, and click on the Sailboat button again

the authority validation dialog box will now display. Click the Continue button in the Authority Validation dialog box

Bibliographic DeDup Detection dialog box will display. There should be one record displayed; the in-process record with the 010 match point. Select the record by clicking on it if it isn’t highlighted. (Check with your supervisor if more than one record is displaying)

check the menu slot to the right of the Replace/Merge Using Profile button and make sure the menu selection is YL Merge, and then click on the Replace/Merge Using Profile button.

Voyager will display the message: The record was added to the database. It replaced existing duplicate #<record id number>. The import record will disappear from the tile display.

if the record has a series, verify that the series is not classed together

  • click RecordRetrieve Authorities. The Select One or More Authorities dialog box will open.
  • if the series is not listed, close the dialog box and go on to Step 6.
  • if the series is listed, double-click on the grid line of the series. The authority record will open.
  • check for a 090 with the local classification number and location
  • if there is a 090, copy the call number assigned to the series
  • if there is no 090, search the series in Web Voyage to make sure it isn’t classed together; if it is, copy the call number from one of the analytic records. Notify your supervisor to have the series authority record updated.

6. If the LC record was CIP, update the record as necessary, and then click on the Sailboat toolbar button to save to the Orbis database.

7. If the record overlaid was in-process, retrieve the MFHD record to enter the call number.

Click on the GET HOLDINGS toolbar button. If there is only one MFHD record, it will display. If there is more than one call number, the MFHD dialog box will display; in that case select the appropriate MFHD for your item.

Use ctrl-n to copy the 050 call number into the call number subfields. Most workstations should have Preferences set for ctrl-n to copy the call number appearing in 050 or 090, in that order. If you are not using LC classification practice for your call number, skip this step and type or paste in the alternate call number.

Make local adjustments to the call number if necessary. (e.g. paste in the classed together call number, add the volume for the analytic & make any other local adjustments where necessary such as adding + $m Oversize or (LC) if policy requires)

Save the MFHD record to the database. (Click on the Sailboat) For more detail, see the MFHD policies and procedures document.

8. Follow separate instructions for saving the bibliographic record to the export file.

9. Charge the item record to the appropriate status if necessary.

10. Close all windows associated with the cataloged item.

11. Search the next item.

12. When all records have been searched in LCDB, disconnect:

From the Search dialog box, click the Remote button

Select LCDB and click the CLEAR button

Click the Connect button. Voyager will automatically reconnect to Orbis only