Lesson 1: Identify your goals

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going."~Earl Nightingale

Know what you want and generally you will get it. The biggest problem is not so much in achieving your goals, but in setting them. This activity is an exploratoryand fun process that will guide you toward setting and achieving your goals. Please stay committed to the process if you want to see real results. Do not worry about where you are right now in terms of grade, financial security or having friends. For this activity it does not matter where you are. It is ‘where you want to be’ that matters most. GOALS WORK! So start the process.

"The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." Oliver Wendell Holmes

1. List 3 things that you value the most. It could be your family, your education, some material things etc.




2. List three of your good character traits that you are proud of. Think hard. All of us have some good character traits that are either self-evident or hidden inside of us.




3. List three useful productive activities (could be school work like Math, Spelling bee, hobbies, sports) that you love to do on weekends. These are activities when you are engaged in, you don’t feel the time pass by. (Some of us may like to play video games for 6 hours and that doesn’t count).




4. List three to five short term goals that you want to set for yourself. They must be achievable in a year or two:






5. You can achieve whatever your mind can conceive

Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build. ~ Robert Collier (American Author 1885-1950)

I study pitchers. I visualize pitches. That gives me a better chance every time I step into the box. That doesn’t mean I’m going to get a hit every game, but that is one of the reasons I’ve come a long way as a hitter. ~ Mark McGwire (American Major League Baseball Player)

Write in detail (the job, daily routine, etc.) about your career goal. Review items 1,2 and 3 and make sure that your goal supports andenhances your values and character traits.









TIP: Goals must inspire you; they have to move you. If not, you won’t be able to maintain the intensity of pursuing your goals. Think BIG; Set huge goals. You may begin with small goals, but then move on to setting larger goals. Believing in yourself and your goals, and expectation to succeed are as important as your commitment and hard work.

Lesson 2: Planning & Execution

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it”. Johann Wolfgang Von Geothe

TIP:Anytime you want to work on your goals, be relaxed and be positive. If you have any kind of negative emotions, try your best to get rid of them. Write and re-write your long term career goal(s) once in 6 months. This is a means of perfecting your goal. Prepare a collage representing your long term goal(s). Keep them HOT.

1. For each of your goals, start writing a statement of purpose. A strong purpose will help you achieve your goals faster. Purpose should not be “money” or other “material” reward. It has to be something higher than those. In the space below write your purpose statement for your long term goal(s). Use separate sheet if necessary to write similar statements for your other goals.








2. List a few personal advantages of achieving your goals. This will build intensity and a burning desire to achieve your goals. You may list money and material rewards.







3. List all theassets/resourcesthat you would need to achieve your goal. This will be a master list. (e.g. interpersonal skills, education – Math, science, Language etc., character traits, money, other special skills etc..)







4. Review the above list carefully. Is it complete? List those assets/resources that you possess right now.




5. List those assets/resources that you need to obtain. These are your current obstacles to your goal. They are NOT your weakness, but merely obstacles to your goal.







6. You have to make your best effort to improve yourself in those “obstacle” areas. In a separate sheet of paper you have to write a plan for removing each obstacle.

We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.~Maxwell Maltz

  1. List all the activities that you have to do for achieving your goals, and place a timeline for each goal that you have. Timeline should include milestones. Prioritize the list and your actions around your goals. (e.g. Reducing your TV time, working harder in Math & science, Keeping physically fit, etc.). Make your own list.










Follow the steps detailed below for proper execution of your plan:

8. Review all that has been written in Lesson 1 and thus far in Lesson 2. Take all these data and in a separate sheet of paper write a detailed action plan (business plan)in your own words for your goals. Make separate plans for short term goals and long term career goals. Action plan must include your daily routine, specific goals for this week, this month and this year.

9. Begin with the end in mind. Make a collage of your goals. Collage might include pictures and reports relating to your goal. See them once every morning and once before going to bed.

10. Divide your goals into smaller projects. Work on one or more projects at a time. Depending upon the size of your projects, you may have to focus on one or two projects at a time. THERE IS POWER IN FOCUS!

11. Measure your progress. This will help you re-work your plans if needed. Don’t fear obstacles. Consider them as stepping stones. Don’t loose sight of your goals. If you ever slip, start again. The race is not always for the swift; it is for those who keep on running. Be persistent!

Tom Watson, the founder of IBM was once asked, what he attributed the phenomenal success of IBM to, and he said it was three things: The first thing was that he created a very clear image in his mind of what he wanted his company to look like when it was done. He then asked himself, how would a company like that have to act on a day-to-day basis. And then in the very beginning of building his company, he began to act that way.


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