NSE Motto

“Our Children, Our School, Our Success”

NSE Theme for 2014-2015

“Learning is an adventure…discover your treasure”

NSE Vision Statement

Nichols Sawmill Elementary is a community of learners working together, inspiring a lifetime of learning for all of our students.

NSE Mission Statement

Nichols Sawmill Elementary strives for excellence by providing a positive and respectful learner-centered environment where the needs of all the students are met. Through cooperative efforts of staff, parents, students, and community, we will prepare citizens for the challenges of the future.

NSE Beliefs

  • All children have a natural desire to learn and can learn.
  • Teaching and learning should be fun.
  • Our instruction meets the different learning styles of all children. We are very child-centered with instruction.
  • Activities, instruction, and commitment will be centered around meeting the needs of individual students, cultural diversity, and the culture of the community.
  • All staff members will provide a safe and secure environment for all students and staff while still welcoming approved visitors to our campus.
  • Anything can be accomplished through teamwork.
  • Positive attitudes produce positive results.
  • Children will become well-rounded individuals by being taught through quality teaching methods and recognizing the importance of the school community.
  • Students and staff will master the use of technology in order to utilize it effectively and responsibly as a natural part of our classroom setting.
  • All staff members will work together to help all students achieve academic success at the highest standards.

Pride of Nichols Sawmill Elementary

Morning Routine

Students may enter the building starting at 7:45. They may either go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or to the gym to wait for morning assembly to begin. Each morning from 7:55-8:10 our NSE family gets together to start our day. All staff and students meet in the gym and sit in their homeroom lines. At 7:55 we begin our Morning Assembly with our gathering song. This signals the students to sit up, sit straight in their lines, and show us they are ready to begin our day. We then say the US and Texas pledges together. We have a moment of silence and sing a patriotic song. On Friday we show our school spirit and sing our school song. Our announcements and student recognitions are announced during this time together. We end our Morning Assembly by stating the NSE Creed together. Parents are welcome to sign in at the front office and join us for Morning Assembly.

School Song = “N.S.E. A Great Place To Be”

Nichols, Nichols Sawmill, Nichols Sawmill Elementary

It’s where we grow, and where we know,

We can reach the goals we seek.

Building, building our future,

Building our future through today’s dreams.

Yes at Nichols Sawmill Elementary we’re one great family!

Chant: NSE a great place to be!

NSE a great place to be!

Nichols Sawmill Creed:

I am a Nichols Sawmill Bulldog.

I take pride in myself.

I am responsible for my actions.Today I will work hard.

I don’t blame someone else.I will always do my best.

For all of these choices,

I choose to be happy,Put us above the rest,

To show that I care,

To love and be honest,Because NSE is a GREAT place to be!

To be kind and share.

Important Reminders at NSE

Lunch Charges:

Please remember that if your child has $5.00 worth of charges, they will only get a cheese sandwich and milk for lunch. As charges occur the cafeteria staff sends home lunch charge slips, and the students are responsible for getting those home to parents. It is important to stay current on your child’s lunch account, so we can provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch to your child. All lunch accounts can be paid on-line through the Magnolia ISD website.

Tardies and Leave Earlies:

The NSE tardy bell rings at 8:15 a.m. Students are tardy if they are not with their class in the gym or in their classrooms by the 8:15 a.m. bell. If your child is a car rider, please deliver your child to school between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. so he/she can participate in Morning Assembly. If your child arrives after the bell has rung, he/she will go to the front desk to receive a tardy slip to take to his/her teacher, and the registrar will mark your student “tardy.”

Please be advised that if your child leaves school before 2:45 p.m., a “leave early” will be recorded. No students will be released after 2:45 p.m. due to traffic in the car rider line. If a student accumulates 8 tardies (8:15 a.m.-10:00 a.m.)or leave earlies (10:00-2:45),parents must attend a parenting class according to the tardy policy as outlined in the MISD student handbook. Students will miss recess the number of minutes tardy until parenting class proof is sent to and recorded by the NSE registrar. Tardies or leave earlies can only be excused with a medical note from a doctor.

School Visitors:

Anyone visiting a Magnolia ISD campus must check in at the front office and will be asked to present a drivers license or a picture ID. This helps ensure the safety of our students.

Classroom Visits:

Parents are always welcome at NSE but please be sure to schedule these visits with your child’s teacher 24 hours ahead of the visit time. This is important so the teacher can let you know if there is testing and/or special events that might interfere with a visitation. Please call 281-252-2133 to leave a message for your child’s teacher, and he/she will return your call. Conferences may be scheduled at a teacher’s conference time, before school or after school. Please do not try to conference with the teacher when he/she is responsible for monitoring children either during class, out at recess, or at lunch time. It is important for the teachers to give their full attention to the students.

Change in Transportation:

If you need to change transportation for your child on a particular day, please send a separate note to school in your child’s planner. Be sure to include your child’s full name, the teacher’s name, the new method of transportation, the date, and contact phone numbers. If you need to change transportation during the day, please call the school office at 281-252-2133 by 2:30 pm. Please do not send an email/fax for transportation changes as there is no guarantee these will be received. If you do not send a note or call the school, your child will be sent home their usual way.

Make-Up Work:

If your child is home sick, he/she will be allowed the number of days absent plus one to make up the work. If you want to pick up work, please allow a day for work to be gathered. There will be some work and classroom instruction that must be completed at school; therefore, some work may have to be made up during recess.

Bus Discipline:

Minor infractions (such as out of seat, eating on the bus, yelling, throwing things, etc.)

--3 verbal warnings—A copy of the warning will be sent or the parent will be called.

Major infraction (such as cussing, fighting, repeated redirection, etc.)

--Formal write up

Formal Write ups:

1st formal write-up . . . 1-3 days bus suspension

2nd formal write-up . . . 5 days bus suspension

3rd formal write-up . . . 10 days bus suspension

4th formal write-up . . . bus suspension for the remainder of the year

Traffic Flow at Nichols Sawmill

In order to keep all students safe at Nichols Sawmill, we will ask all car riders to follow these guidelines when bringing students to school or picking them up from school in the front parking lot.
AM Drop-Off

After 7:45 a.m. students may be dropped off in front parking lot of Nichols Sawmill. Please pull up to the adult on duty, and they will help your child out of the car to monitor them as they walk into the building. Please do not park in the parking lot and allow your students to walk across the parking lot without parental supervision. If parents or guardians have an appointment or have to come into the building, they must walk with their students and monitor their safety as crossing at the cross walk.

PM Car Rider Pick-Up

Car riders are called to the front porch starting at 3:20 p.m. Students will be seated on the front porch by grade level. Students will be asked to sit quietly and watch for their ride. The adults on duty will be calling the students to the colored cone as their ride arrives at the front porch area. Parents or guardians will be asked to have a “car rider card” with the students’ name boldly printed on it. These cards will be given to car riders the first week of school. The adults will read the name and call for the students to go to the cone. If you do not present your “car rider card,” drivers will need to present their identification to an adult on duty. There will be an adult or safety patrol at each cone to help the students into their cars. Parents or guardians may not park and walk up to the porch to get students because the NSE adults cannot check the adults coming to the porch to pick up the students. Crossing the parking lot is very dangerous during dismissal and cannot be allowed.

PM Traffic Flow

In order to avoid accidents we request that cars enter the parking lots from Nichols Sawmill Road by heading east on Nichols Sawmill Road and turning right into the parking lot. Left-hand turns into the parking lot can cause accidents. If needed, cars may go down to Sawmill Estates, enter the subdivision, and make a U-turn and go down Nichols Sawmill Road heading east. It is not legal to park along Nichols Sawmill Road; therefore, do not park on Nichols Sawmill Road and walk up to the porch to pick up your student from the car rider line.

Please follow these guidelines to ensure the safety of OUR CHILDREN at Nichols Sawmill Elementary. Your patience and support of these guidelines are greatly appreciated.

NSE Master Schedule


Lunch Schedule

Kindergarten / 10:30-11:00
4th / 10:45-11:15
1st / 11:00-11:30
2nd / 11:15-11:45
AM PreK / 11:15-11:45
3rd / 11:45-12:15
PM PreK / 11:45-12:15
5th / 12:15-12:45

Specials Schedule

5th / 9:00-9:45
4th / 10:00-10:45
3rd / 11:00-11:45
2nd / 12:45-1:30
1st / 1:35-2:20
Kinder / 2:25-3:10

Morning Assembly 7:55-8:10

Tardy Bell rings at 8:15

Announcements at 3:17 pm

Dismissal starts at 3:20 pm