OCCG Weekly Bulletin
Wednesday 20 April 2016
  • IMPORTANT – Junior Doctors’ Industrial Action: 26 and 27 April 08.00-17.00
  • REMINDER – Brief Questionnaire for GPS and Practice Staff for Feedback on Treating Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Information for Practices
IMPORTANT – Junior Doctors’ Industrial Action: 26and 27April 08:00 – 17:00:
Primary care needs to prepare for the junior doctors’ industrial action taking place next week.
The industrial action is planned for Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 April - 8am to 5pm on both days. This will include withdrawal of emergency cover.
We anticipate very limited urgent care capacity in our local hospitals, as well as greatly reduced outpatient activity.
Primary care medical practices need to be aware of this, and to consider how they can provide more urgent care to patients in their communities on both days.
Oxford Health are preparing to increase capacity within Hospital at Home and the Emergency Multidisciplinary Units to support patients within the community where possible during the period of industrial action.
Please consider calling Single Point of Access (SPA) on 01865 903750 to co-ordinate care locally for patients to avoid admission where possible.
REMINDER – Brief Questionnaire for GPs and Practice Staff for Feedback on Treating Refugees and Asylum Seekers:
Refugee Resource is an Oxford -based charity which is helping to address health inequalities in Oxfordshire by investigating the experience of refugees, asylum-seekers and vulnerable migrants as users of primary health care services, and the issues that arise for health care professionals in supporting them.
A brief questionnaire is asking GPs and Practice Staff for feedback on treating refugees and asylum seekers for a small research project funded by Healthwatch Oxfordshire. The research will identify challenges and ways to overcome them for service providers, identify unmet need and barriers to access for patients and recommend how service could better meet the needs of this group.
Please click hereto download the questionnaire and please return to or Jane Shackman (Researcher) –
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