Navy Search
TNT Records Management
PO Box 7814
Tetron Point
William Nadin Way
DE11 1EG
Telephone: 01283 227913
Fax: 01283 227942
Our reference: / CNPers
20 December 2013
Thank you for your request for personal information. Your enquiry is considered to be a request for information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We have given it the reference number shown above and it would be useful if you could use this in your reply to us.
When you reply to this letter, please remember to:
· FOR A GENERAL ENQUIRY - Enclose Part 1 & Part 4. Death certificate and cheque (see below).
· FOR A NEXT OF KIN ENQUIRY Enclose Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4. Death certificate and cheque (see below).
Enclose a death certificate, if the person died after leaving the service (you may be able to request a copy of the death certificate from the Office of Population Census and Survey (OPCS) Telephone 0300 123 1837.
Enclose a cheque or postal order for £30 per record, if you are not the widow/widower or civil partner of the data subject at the time of death, made payable to “The MOD Accounting Officer”. DO NOT SEND CASH! Regretfully we cannot accept Canadian Postal orders. (This non-refundable fee covers the research into the information you seek although we are unable to guarantee that we will be able to find any data relating to the individual).
Please only enclose copies of Death certificates etc as we do not accept responsibility for lost or damaged documents.
Please be aware that WWII documents were not produced in the same way as modern records due to a direct consequence of the conflict. They were not created or kept for research purposes, but for use by the government or law courts of the day. Consequently, you may find that the records you receive are not as full or as comprehensive as you might expect.
Yours sincerely
Navy Search
/ Request for Information held on the Personnel Records of Deceased Service PersonnelApplication Form Part 1 for General Enquirers /
* If you are the immediate Next of Kin or able to provide the consent of the immediate Next of Kin you should make your application on the Application Form Part 2 for Next of Kin or Enquiries with the consent of Next of Kin.
Note that if you are not the immediate Next of Kin or do not have the consent of the Next of Kin* then for a period of 25 years following the date of death the only information that will be disclosed to you is: surname, forename, rank, service, service number, regiment/corps, place of birth, age, date of death where this occurred in service, the date an individual joined the service and the date of leaving, good conduct medals (ie; Long Service and Good Conduct Medals (LS&GCM)), and any orders of chivalry and gallantry medals (decorations of valour) awarded, some of which may have been announced in the London Gazette.
After this period the following information will be disclosed, the units in which he/she served, the dates of this service was carried out an details of WWII campaign medals.
PART 1 – Applicant Details
Forenames / First Names (In Full) / Surname / Family name
(Block Capitals) / Signature
Full Address including post code / Telephone No (optional)
e-mail address (optional) / Date of Application
· Unless the individual died in service, you are required to provide a copy of a death certificate as proof of death before a request can be accepted. However, if the date of birth of the individual was more than 116 years ago the requirement to provide a death certificate will be waived.
· There is a charge of £30.00 per record requested for provision of this service.
· The information that is held on individuals varies, and until the search has been undertaken there is no way of knowing what information is held. In a small number of cases no information is found. If a search is unsuccessful we are unable to refund payment.
/ Request for Service Details
Of Deceased Ex-Service Personnel Disclosure to Next of Kin or with Consent of Next of Kin
Certificate of Kinship /
In the first 25 years from the date of death information from the personal record of deceased ExService Personnel can be released only to the official Next of Kin, or with the consent of the official Next of Kin. This form aims to identify whose consent is required and the data you provide will be used only in connection with your enquiry.
Note that if you are not the Next of Kin and do not have the consent of the Next of Kin, then for a period of 25 years following the date of death the only information that will be disclosed to you is: Surname, Forename, Rank, Service, Service Number, Regiment/Corps, Place of Birth, Age, Date of Death, the date an individual joined the service and the date of leaving. If you require this information please use the form for Disclosure to General Enquirers.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Ministry of Defence will collect, use, protect and retain the information on this form in connection with all matters relating to our personnel administration and policies.
The official Next of Kin is the first Person in the following list who is still alive.
Read the list below when you come to the first living relative place an ‘X’ in the box and write their full name next to it.
List of Relatives – Only place an ‘X’ in the box of the first living relative and write their full names next to it.
Widow / WidowerSon / Daughter
Father / Mother
Brother / Sister
Nephew / Niece
Other (specify)
· Proof of death is required before a request can be accepted. However, if the date of birth of the individual was more than 116 years ago the requirement will be waived. The widow/widower or civil partner at time of death will be provided with information free of charge. Other family members, given consent by the Next of Kin, will be charged the fee for provision of this service, currently set at £30.00 per record.
· The information that is held on individuals varies, and until the search has been undertaken there is no way of knowing what information is held. In a small number of cases no information is found. If a search is unsuccessful we are unable to refund payment.
· If you are not the official Next of Kin you must send us the written authority of the person named above for the information to be released to you. Now please complete Part 3.
PART 3 – DECLARATIONTo the best of my knowledge the information Ihave given is correct and as full as possible / WARNING!
It is an offence to knowingly withhold relevant information or give false information
Please note that you may be asked to provide proof of Kinship.
Date / Surname / Family name(Block Capitals) / Signature
Forenames / First names (In Full)
Full Address / Telephone No.
e-mail address
Please now complete Part 4 to provide details to enable a search to be made:
When completed send Parts 2, 3 and 4 to the address given on part 4.
You must also include:
a. The written authority of the Next of Kin if not yourself.
b. If you are NOT the surviving spouse or civil partner of the deceased, then include payment
[Cheque for £30 (Sterling) per record requested]. Cheques to be made to The “MOD Accounting Officer”. Regretfully we cannot accept Canadian Postal orders or Cash.
c. Please note that this payment is not refundable.
The personal data that you have provided in the form will be used only for the purposes of processing your request for information by the relevant branch of MOD; this form will be retained for 2 years and then destroyed.
By signing this form you are confirming that you understand the above and that you agree that your personal data can be used as stated.
Part Part 4 – Royal Navy / Royal Marine SpecificPlease return this form to the address given below. You must also include:
a. The written authority of the Next of Kin if not yourself.
b. Evidence of ex-serviceman’s/woman’s death (e.g. photocopy of the Death Certificate) if he/she died following discharge from the service
c. If you are NOT the surviving spouse or civil partner of the deceased, then include payment in the form of a Cheque drawn on a UK bank for £30 (sterling) made payable to ‘The MOD Accounting Officer’
Commodore Naval Personnel
Navy Search
TNT Records Management
PO Box 7814 Tetron Point
William Nadin Way
DE11 1EG