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Stevensville, Maryland 21666
(410) 643-7330
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For current and future Matapeake Middle School students
2017-18 School Year
This booklet contains a description of the courses offered to middle school students.
If you have any questions concerning the information in this booklet,
please do not hesitate to call Matapeake Middle School.
Administrative Personnel
Matapeake Middle School
Mr. John Lischner – Principal
Mrs. Kaylene Kovach - Assistant Principal
Mr. Ed France – School Counselor
Mrs. Deborah Gibson - Teacher Specialist
Mrs. Jen Dryer - Reading Specialist
Mrs. Lauren Bardsley - Math Specialist
Placement Philosophy
No two students learn exactly the same way. Every classroom organizational pattern has its strengths and limitations. What we strive to do is provide a learning setting in all classrooms and a broad repertoire of grouping/teaching strategies to better meet the learning needs of each and every student. We believe there are times when students need to be with their intellectual peers, times when they need to work in cooperative groups, times when they need to work in pairs, and times when they need to work alone.
Students will be identified for their final course placement using the available following criteria:
- COG-AT scores
- County level summative, midterm, and final assessment scores
- Final course gradefrom current classes
- Independent reading and writing level
- Teacher Input
- Parental input
In addition, the following factors are considered in making recommendations for placement:
- Active participation in class
- Improvement in classroom performance
- Independent work/study habits
- Performance based assessment tools to gauge levels of understanding of content.
Your child’s math course recommendation will be reflected in their schedule which will be sent home over the summer. These recommendations are currently being considered based on relevant items on the list from the placement philosophy above.
Regardless of which school your child attends, the curriculum remains the same at all Queen Anne’s County Schools which follow Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS). For more information regarding Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards please visit: On the next page we have provided brief course descriptions for all major content areas.
6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th GradeHistory / Early World History
Students will explore early histories of
Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Japan,
India,and other ancient cultures.
Students will work independently, in
cooperative groups, give presentations
and complete project work. State
required Service Learning participation
is expected.Maryland's College and
Career-Ready Standards also utilized. / Contemporary History – The 1600’s
Students will study contemporary
historical subject matter about
England, Germany, Russia, China,
and other Eastern Hemisphere
countries. Students will work
independently,in cooperative groups,
give presentations and complete
project work. State required Service
Learning participation is expected.
Maryland's College and
Career-Ready Standards also utilized. / U.S. History
Beginning with theorigins of the country
and continuing to the late 1800’s.
State required Service Learning
participation is expected. Maryland's
College and Career-Ready Standards
also utilized.
6,7,& 8 / English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 students read grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts while further developing the ability to cite textual evidence to support analysis when responding to text in written and spoken modes. Students analyze both the structure and content of complex, thematic-based texts. A focus on the communication process of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing through the study of language and literature driven by Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards.
6,7, & 8 / English Language Arts Advanced Class - course requires students to address the expectations of the grade 6, 7, 8 English Language Arts Curriculum, as well as more advanced critical reading, writing, and thinking demands. Advanced sections of reading will also focus on the communication process of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing through the study of language and literature driven by Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards.
Science / Earth Science - the focus is on
exploring and examining the
structure of Earth and its
relationship with other celestialobjects
. / Life Science -the focus is on living
organisms and includes the Family
Life Unit (parent permission
required to participate). / Physical Science- includes
chemistry and physics concepts.
Students will examine the change
of state and energy.
6, 7, 8 / Instruction is based on the
Maryland's College and
Career-Ready Standards. For further
information regarding specific content
areas you can log on to
More information will be made through
the County’s pamphlet outlining math
sequencing and critical area of studies. / Instruction is based on the
Maryland's College and Career-Ready
Standards. For further information
regarding specific content areas you
can log on to
More information will be made through
the County’s pamphlet outlining math
sequencing and critical area of studies. / Instruction is based on the
Maryland's College and Career-Ready
Standards. For further information
regarding specific content
areas you can log on to
More information will be made through
the County’s pamphlet outlining math
sequencing and critical area of studies.
Math 6 & 7
Algebra I / Instruction is based on theMaryland's College and Career-Ready Standards. For further information regarding specific
content areas you can log on to More information will be made through the County’s pamphlet outlining
math sequencing and critical area of studies.
Unified Arts Courses are those courses offered each marking period. The availability of unified arts courses may differ from school to school depending on student demand, teacher expertise and teaching resources. Students are required to participate in a Unified Arts Course each year they are in the middle school as per the Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Requirement.
Physical Education/ Health Courses are required courses for students every year. Students are required to take a minimum of one marking period of physical education. Students are exposed to a variety of team and individual sports, recreational activities, dance, and fitness activities targeting some advance skills, game rules, sportsmanship, and individual responsibility. All classes are taught in a co-educational setting. For health and safety reasons, proper gym attire is required. Dress requirements will be reviewed at the beginning of the course. Lockers are provided and students are encouraged to use the combination lock provided for security. One quarter of physical education class will include a Health component from the Maryland State Curriculum. A separate grade for the Health course will be assigned on the progress report and report card.
UNIFIED ARTS COURSES (Semester long courses. Grades are assigned by marking period. Courses are assigned to students.)
Visual ArtGrades 6th through 8th / The art programs in QAC middle schools provides for student involvement in a wide range of activities. Students will create projects that integrate skills from various art mediums. Students will learn how to use the elements of art and the principals of design to create works of art. At the end of the marking period student artwork will be showcased. This course meets the MSDE Fine Arts requirement.
General Music
Grades 6th through 8th / The general music program provides instruction in music theory, composition, history, and instruction to develop basic math skills. Students will experiment with the different facets of music as they gain musical background. This course meets the MSDE Fine Arts requirement.
Computer Applications and Keyboarding
Grades 6th through 8th / This course is designed to develop a foundation of essential computer skills by integrating Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Internet research. Keyboarding skills will also be developed.
World Language Exploratory (FLEX)
Grade 6 / This course provides students with an opportunity to explore different languages and cultures. As a result of this class, students develop clearer concepts of the role and nature of language and a better understanding of people and cultures.
Gateway to Technology: Automation and Robotics
[6th Grade only] / This STEM course is offered to students with strength and interest in math, science and engineering. The program will encompass two components: Robotics and Automation. Students will be instructed on practical problem solving in the areas of electrical and structural engineering. Students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics. They learn about mechanical systems.
Gateway to Technology: Flight and Space
[7th Grade only] / This STEM course is offered to students with strength and interest in math, science and aeronautical engineering. The rich history of aerospace comes alive through hands-on activities, research, and presentations. Students explore the science behind aeronautics and use their knowledge to design, build, and test an airfoil. Custom built simulation software allows students to experience space travel.
Gateway to Technology: Introduction to Computer Science 1
[8th Grade only] / In this Gateway to Technology Specialized Class, students discover the principles of fast-growing field of Computer Science by focusing on creativity and an iterative the design process as they create their own basic apps using MIT App Inventor.
Unified Arts (cont.)
Note: StudentsCANNOTtake a full year of Instrumental Music ORa full yearChorus course along witha full year Spanish
in 7th or 8th grade. However, students can take a ½ year of Chorus with Spanish or ½ year of Band as a selection with Spanish.
Instrumental MusicGrades 6th through 8th
Interested students must sign-up for this course. / This course is designed to give students the knowledge, skills, and guidelines needed to make musical performance an active part of their lives. All students must provide their own instrument, music folder, and method book. Students are expected to participate in rehearsals during school and outside school hours when scheduled and perform in concerts. Each student is expected to practice at home daily. This course meets the MSDE Fine Arts requirement.
Grades 6th through 8th
Interested students must sign-up for this course. / This course is designed to give students the opportunity to develop their vocal skills and use those skills in performance. Students are expected to participate in rehearsals and perform in concerts. This course meets the MSDE Fine Arts requirement.
Spanish I
Grades 7th & 8th
Interested students must sign-up for this course. Course is a 2 year commitment to receive potential High School credit. / This is the high school Spanish I course completed at the middle school over two years. Students will begin their skill development in the seventh grade and continue instruction in eighth grade. At the completion of this course in 8th grade, students are required to take the high school final exam. Students must pass the course and take the final exam to potentially earn the high school credit. With the understanding that this is a high school course, students should be academically motivated, consistently complete in and out of class assignments, and well prepared for tests/masteries. Students cannot be in Intervention classes and have Spanish.
Below are opportunities where your child’s input provides us necessary information to match their interests to a particular UA course offered. Our goal is to provide a balanced UA experience over the course of their 3 years at MMS while also meeting State guidelines. For example, all students must have an opportunity to take Health & PE and a fine art course in their schedules each year.
Please take a moment and see if your child has a desire to select any of the courses listed for their UA experience. Make an “X” next to the statement(s) that fit their interest for the upcoming school year. If your child does not select any of the Band, Chorus, or Spanish situations, which is okay, then they will have their Unified Arts classes selected for them.
Please note the following scheduling rules:
- Students cannot take a yearlong Unified Art course with another full yearlong UA course.
Those courses would be:
1) Band/ (Instrumental Music)
2) Chorus
3) Spanish 7th or 8th Grade
4) Assigned Intervention class [Focus Math/Focus Reading w/ YR long course.]
- Students can take a ½ year of Chorus with Band as a selection.
- Students can take a ½ year of Chorus with Spanish.
- Students can take a ½ year of Chorus with an Intervention class [Focus Math or Focus Reading].
Section for MMS Students Entering 8th Grade for school year 2017-18:
_____ Chorus (yearlong).
______Chorus (1/2 year). All students may consider this option (even students that have selected Spanish or Band as an option).
_____ Band (Instrumental Music) The instrument I play is:______.
_____ I no longer desire to be a part of the Band or the Chorus program.
Spanish I (Part 2): Students that have passed Spanish in 7th grade, will automatically be given this courseunless indicating a desire to discontinue below. Please know that if you do not continue with the second part of Spanish I from 7th grade,
you will be unable to receive a high school credit for Spanish I in middle school.
_____I no longer wish to continue Spanish Iin the 8th grade. I understand that I will not receive the potential high school
credit earned for Spanish I by opting out in my 8th grade year.
______I am not interested in any of the above Unified Art options. I understand that Unified Art classes will be assigned by State guidelines, course & seating availability.
Please have your child return this form to their homeroom/classroom teacher no later than June 9th, 2017. Any questions regarding scheduling and/or courses, contact Mr. France, School Counselor,at (410) 643-7330 or through e-mail.
Student’s Name (print) Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Today’s Date:______Child’sgrade level for 2017-2018:______