Dear Ms Weller
Freedom of Information Request Ref. F0130
I write with regard to the request for information received on 29th July 2010.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are required to confirm what information we hold, and if we do hold the information, disclose the information, subject to exemptions or other provisions applying.
You requested:
1) Please provide information on your corporate group buildings window cleaning contract, or contracts.
2) What is the (Annual) cost of window cleaning (exc VAT) for your contract, or contracts?
3) When were the corporate window cleaning contracts awarded and to whom?
4) When are the next review date(s)?
5) Where and what date/month/year will you be advertising your futurecontracts for window cleaning?
6) What will be the type of buildings and how many of them (approx)are in the window cleaning contract(s)?
7) If your main window cleaning contract is within your accommodationand building services contract, please state and then confirm ifyou would allow an SME supplier to tender separately for yourwindow cleaning lot?
8) Is there a telephone contact number and email of the procurement office/officer that would deal with this in the future?
Our response:
1) Council Housing: A window cleaning contract is in place for our tenants properties
For the council offices: We do not have a contract for the cleaning of the windows, but we do have a window cleaner on a quarterly basis.
2) Housing: £38,000
Council offices: £413.11 +VAT (quarterly)
3) Housing: Contract awarded to Intex in May 2010 for a period of three years.
Council Offices: F R Tramm Ltd, 3 College Yard, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans
4) Housing: April 2014
Council Offices: February 2012
5) Housing: Council Website Jan 2014
Council offices: Council Website and local papers January/February 2012
6) Housing: Communal windows of flats. 290 blocks
Council offices: entire internal face of the windows in the Civic Centre offices. They can also clean the outside of the glass as well depending on access issues.
7) Housing: New contract will be put out to tender
Council offices: New contract will be put out to tender
8) Housing: Procurement officer is Jeff Minty ()
Council offices: Tim Best, Buildings & Facilities Manager
If you are dissatisfied with this response the Commissioner’s Office recommends that you first refer the matter to the Council. You can do this by writing to me asking for an internal review of my decision. If you wish the Council to undertake an internal review, then you must write to the Council within 40 working days of the date of this letter. The Council will not consider any requests received after this date unless there are exceptional circumstances for the delay.
You have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner's Office at the following address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. You must do this no later than two months after the Local Authority’s last response to you.
Yours sincerely
Piyush Fatania
Head of Internal Audit