Import files into Office 365 through network upload

Shipping drives to Office 365 is a five-part process:

1. Download the SharePoint Online Management Shell

Download and install theSharePoint Online Management Shell(In document Named As (sharepointonlinemanagementshell_4613-1211_x64_en-us)). This installer contains the Windows PowerShell environment for managing SharePoint Online.

2. Connect to your SharePoint Online tenant

Once installed, open the SharePoint Online Management Shell from the start menu.

  1. Run the following to connect to your SharePoint Online tenant:
  2. Connect-SPOService -Url
  3. Once connected to your tenant,leave this management shell window open. You will be using this later to prepare your files for migration and upload them into the Azure service.

3. Get the storage account key and URL

You can get the destination Azure URL and key from theIMPORTpage of the Office 365 admin center.

  1. In the Office 365 admin center choose, theIMPORTtab.
  2. On theImporttab, choose thePlussymbol (+) >Upload data over network. This opens a window with a brief summary of the next steps.
  3. ClickShow keyand then clickShow URL.

Store this key as securely as you would your Office 365 username and password.

4. Create a SPO Migration package

Select one of the following methods, depending on whether the data you wish to migrate is located on a fileshare or on a SharePoint Server site.

Create a package from an on-premises fileshare

Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:

New-SPOMigrationPackage -SourceFilesPath D:\contoso\data -OutputPackagePath D:\contoso\package -IncludeFileSharePermissions

This creates a new SharePoint Online migration package using the files at D:\contoso\data and outputs the resulting files to D:\contoso\package. The “Include File Share Permissions” flag saves the permissions on the file so that they can be reapplied automatically when they reach the cloud.

Creating a package from an on-premises SharePoint Server site

To create a content package from an on-premises SharePoint Server site, the first step is to use the Export-SPweb cmdlet. This cmdlet exports a site, list or library from SharePoint Server.

  • Identity: Specifies the URL or GUID of the Web to be exported.
  • Path: Specifies the name of the export file. Because we require that the NoFileCompression parameter is used, a directory must be specified
  • NoFileCompression: Either enables or disables file compression in the export package. File compression must be disabled.
  • ItemUrl: Specifies the URL of the Web application, GUID, or object to be exported.

# Create new package from an on-premises SharePoint Server site

Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <SPWebPipeBind> -Path <String> [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompressionSwitchParameter>]

5. Prepare the content package

Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:

ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -SourceFilesPath D:\contoso\data -SourcePackagePath D:\contoso\package -OutputPackagePath D:\contoso\targetedPackage -TargetWebUrl -TargetDocumentLibraryPath "Shared Documents"

This command validates that the source package’s contents still matches the source files. The command then connects to the server in order to validate the site collection and the document library you are importing the file share in to (i.e. “Shared Documents”). The new targeted package will be placed at D:\contoso\targetedPackage.

After the package is created, it describes the files in their current state on the local machine or file share. The package must now be retargeted to SharePoint Online so it can be imported.

6. Network Uploading files to Azure

  1. Using the Azure key and URL displayed in the “Upload files over the network” window , type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:
  2. Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource -SourceFilesPath D:\contoso\data -SourcePackagePath D:\contoso\targetedPackage -AccountNamemyaccountName -AccountKey 000000000000000000== -FileContainerName files -PackageContainerName package

The account name is value in the URL between the.
  1. Make a note of the container names, as you will reference them in the mapping file step.

7. Upload mapping file

  1. In the “Upload files over the network” window, selectI’m done uploading my filesandI have access to the mapping file. ClickNext.
  2. Enter a name of your choice for the job. ClickNext.
  3. Choose the Plus symbol (+) and browse to locate your CSV file.
  4. Check the box to agree with the terms and conditions.
  5. ClickFinish. Your job has been submitted and will be picked up momentarily by SharePoint Online.

The CSV file contains the mapping information that describes the imports you want associated with a given job (e.g. you can collate multiple imports together if they are related).
  1. Create a new CSV in Excel similar to this table:

Workload / File path / Name / Mailbox / IsArchive / TargetRootFolder / SPFileContainer / SPManifestContainer / SPSiteUrl
files / package /

The container and manifest should match the values specified when you uploaded the package to Azure. The SP Site URL should also match the SharePoint Online site you are targeting.

Import files to Office 365 by shipping drives

Shipping drives to Office 365 is a nine part process:

You can manage all your import jobs and get additional tenant specific account information on theIMPORTpage:


If you choose to ship your drives, you need:

  • Hard drives and adaptors:Only 3.5 inch SATA II/III hard drives are supported by the PST Import service. Hard drives larger than 6 TB are not supported. For import jobs, only the first data volume on the drive will be processed. The data volume must be formatted with NTFS. You can attach a SATA II/III disk externally to most computers using a SATA II/III USB Adapter.

The following drives and adaptors have been used during testing. This is for reference, not an endorsement:
  • “WD Green 1TB, 2TB, 6TB Desktop Hard Drive: 3.5-inch, SATA 6 Gb/s, IntelliPower, 64MB Cache WD10EZRX, WD20EZRX, WD40EZRX”
The 1,2 and 4 TB drives were used during testing.
  • “ eSATA USB to SATA Hard Drive Docking Station for Dual 2.5 or 3.5in HDD”
Use this to connect the drive above to the computer that you are using to run the Azure Import/Export drive preparation tool.
  • BitLocker encryption:All data stored on hard drives must be encrypted using BitLocker with encryption keys protected with numerical passwords. The Office 365 drive preparation tool will help with the encryption.
  • A carrier account with FedEx or DHL. SeeShippingfor more information.

1. Download and install the drive preparation tool

You can prepare your drives with the Microsoft Azure Import/Export Tool. For more details about using the Microsoft Azure Import/Export Tool, seeMicrosoft Azure Import/Export Tool Reference. You can download theMicrosoft Azure Import/Export Toolas a standalone package.

2. Download SharePoint Online Management Shell

Download and install theSharePoint Online Management Shell. This installer contains the Windows PowerShell environment for managing SharePoint Online.

3. Connect to your SharePoint Online tenant

Once installed, open the SharePoint Online Management Shell from the start menu.

  1. Run the following to connect to your SharePoint Online tenant:
  2. Connect-SPOService -Url
  3. Once connected to your tenant,leave this management shell window open. You will be using this later to prepare your files for migration and upload them into the Azure service.

4. Get the storage account key

You can get the destination Azure URL and key from theIMPORTpage of the Office 365 admin center.

To copy the key and URL:

  1. In the Office 365 admin center choose, theIMPORTtab.
  2. On theImporttab, choose thePlussymbol (+) >Ship data on physical hard drives.
  3. This opens a window with a brief summary of the next steps.

ClickShow key.

  1. These will be used when uploading the package and files.Leave this window open.

Store this key as securely as you would your Office 365 username and password.

5. Create an SPO Migration package manifest and data

Create from a fileshare

  1. Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:New-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -SourcePathPathToTheSourceData> -OutputPackagePathTempLocationForTheManifest
  2. #Example:
  3. New-SPOMigrationPackage -SourcePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPDataSourceIngestionTest -OutputPackagePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\TempPackage
  4. The next step is to target the data source and manifest to a web to be imported. Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -TargetWebUrlUrlOfTheTargettedWeb> -SourcePackagePathManifestSourceLocation> -OutputPackagePathOutputManifestLocation> -targetDocumentLibraryPathNameOfTheTargettedList> -sourcefilespathPathToTheSourceData> -Credentials <CredentialsToAcessToTheTargettedWeb
  5. #Example:
  6. ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -TargetWebUrl -SourcePackagePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\TempPackage -OutputPackagePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPOPackageIngestionTest -targetDocumentLibraryPath Documents -sourcefilespath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPDataSourceIngestionTest -Credentials (Get-Credential )

Create from an on-premises SharePoint Server site

  1. Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <SPWebPipeBind> -Path <String> [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompressionSwitchParameter>]
  2. # Create new package from an on-premises SharePoint Server site
  3. Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <SPWebPipeBind> -Path <String> [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompressionSwitchParameter>]
  4. The next step is to target the data source and manifest to a web to be imported. Type the following command in the SharePoint Management PowerShell window:ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -TargetWebUrlUrlOfTheTargettedWeb> -SourcePackagePathManifestSourceLocation> -OutputPackagePathOutputManifestLocation> -targetDocumentLibraryPathNameOfTheTargettedList> -sourcefilespathPathToTheSourceData> -Credentials <CredentialsToAcessToTheTargettedWeb
  5. #Example:
  6. ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -TargetWebUrl -SourcePackagePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\TempPackage -OutputPackagePath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPOPackageIngestionTest -targetDocumentLibraryPath Documents -sourcefilespath E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPDataSourceIngestionTest -Credentials (Get-Credential )

6. Prepare your drives

The Microsoft Azure Import/Export Tool generates adrive journal filefor each drive it prepares. A drive journal file includes the drive ID and the BitLocker key, as well as other information about the drive. The drive journal file is stored on your local computer, not on the drive itself. You'll upload the journal file when you create the import job.

  1. Mount the drive in a computer and get the drive letter. For example: F:\ 2.
  2. Copy the manifest.
  3. WAImportExport.exe PrepImport /j:C:\journalFiles\SPDiskShipping1.jrn /id: spopackageingestiontest /sk: <AzAccountKey> /t:F /srcdir: E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\SPOPackageIngestionTest /dstdir: spopackageingestiontest /encrypt /Disposition:overwrite /logdir:c:\azureImportLogs
  4. Copy the data. Type the following command:
  5. WAImportExport.exe PrepImport /j:C:\jounalFiles\SPDiskShipping1.jrn /id: spodataSourceIngestionTest /srcdir:E:\Ingestion\Ingestion\SPDiskShipping\ SPDataSourceIngestionTest /dstdir: spdatasourceIngestiontest /Disposition:overwrite

7. Prepare the mapping file

This is same as preparing for a network upload. The CSV should look like this:

Workload / File path / Name / Mailbox / IsArchive / TargetRootFolder / SPFileContainer / SPManifestContainer / SPSiteUrl
files / package /

8. Upload drive files and mapping file

  1. In the “Ship files to Microsoft on physical hard drives” window, select “I’ve prepared my hard drives and have access to the necessary drive journal files” and“I have access to the mapping file”. ClickNext.
  2. Enter a name of your choice for the job. Clicknext.
  3. On theUpload Drive Fileswindow, browse to the file location to upload the drive journal files that you obtained during the drive preparation step. You'll need to upload one file for each drive that you have prepared.
  4. On the Upload mapping files page, browse to the file location to upload the mapping file.
  5. On the Contact Details page, provide contact information for the person responsible for this import job.

Make note of the shipping address to ship the prepared drives to. This address is auto-generated based on your Office 365 datacenter location.
  1. Verify the details on the Summary page, and chooseFinish.

Syed Sabhi Zaidi(MCT)Microsoft MicrotechX