Monday, May 21, 2012


Brandon Residential Treatment Center, Tim Callahan / Latham Centers, Inc., Anne McManus
Cambridge Family & Children’s Services, Maria Mossaides / North Suffolk Mental Health, Jackie Moore
Children’s Friend, Inc., Karen Ludington / MA Department of Mental Health, Joan Mikula
Children’s Friend & Family Services, Carla Saccone / Old Colony YMCA, Sandra Bromberg
Children’s Study Home, Eliza Crescentini / Strengthening Families Coalition, Susan Elsen
Cotting School, Dave Manzo / The KEY Program, Bill Lyttle
Dare Family Services, Greg McDermott, Susan Pederzoli / Wayside Youth and Family Support Network, Eric Masi
Doc Wayne Athletic League, David Cohen / Susan Colwell
Family Continuity, Skip Stuck / Susan Maciolek
Gandara Mental Health Center, Inc., Henry Julio East-Trou / Children’s League of MA, Barbara Talkov. Erin Bradley Christine Cutting

Guest Speaker – Susan Maciolek, DMH Research and Training Center

Susan Maciolek is a consultant and works out of the Research and Training Center at DMH, an office whose focus is on analysis of existing research, and applying it to policy. The Center accesses research and best practices nationwide, and seeks to apply those findings to the current state in the Commonwealth. The Center was established in the statute that reformed the children’s mental health system, Ch. 321 of the Acts of 2008, for which the Children’s League advocated.

Ms. Maciolek serves as the intermediary between research and practice, working on both the public and private systems for children’s behavioral health. Of particular interest is moving forward the successes and innovations achieved in the public system, and advocating for their adoption in the private sector. Information sharing is an important part of the Center’s mission.

The Center has a small budget and staff. As is the norm nationwide, Ms. Maciolek works as a consultant. She has many ideas for the future state of the Research and Training Center, but due to budget and time constraints, she has chosen to focus on key themes, as outlined in the handout made available to members prior to the meeting.

Currently there are a handful of projects undertaken and funded through the Center. Two of the current projects include:

  1. Efforts to increase the adoption competency of DMH. This includes post-adoption supports for kids and families. The Center is speaking with adoptive parents and youth to engage in understanding best practices for the population. Included in this effort is a post-adoption summit to be held in June co-sponsored by DMH/DCF.
  2. Responding to trauma. The Center is looking at current responses, and working to develop information channels with family partners in order to help develop knowledge and information sharing. As well, they are looking at training, support and integration for trauma-support specialists.

Ms. Maciolek cautioned that the Center is aware that policy successes are hard fought. Over the next year the Center will focus on building the center internally, including establishing frameworks, gaining partners, and determining its positioning.


Membership Renewal - Christine Cutting introduced the new membership renewal process for FY13. All members should go online to to fill out the Membership Renewal Form. Once completed, an invoice will be mailed out to you.

Circuit-Breaker Funding - Dave Manzo reported on the current status of circuit-breaker funding as it goes to conference committee. The governor’s budget allocated $213 million, short of the amount of $242 Million requested by The Coalition. The House Budget has allocated $221 million, and the Senate allocated for full funding at $242 million.

Approval of New Program - Dave Manzo also announced the approval of a new Chapter 766 program at the Cotting School. It will be a 10 bed transitional program for youth with physical limitations.

Memorial Service for Gailanne Reeh – Barbara Talkov invited CLM members to the public memorial service for Gailanne Reeh, to be held May 21 at the Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston from 5-6pm.

Appointment of New DYS Commissioner - Andy Pond announced that Ed Dolan has been appointed the new Commissioner of the Department of Youth Services.

CLM Governance

Board Minutes– A motion to adopt the April Board of Directors’ Meeting minutes was made by Andy Pond and seconded by Anne McManus. The minutes were adopted unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Maria Mossaides reported that expenditures are tracking below projections. The Executive Committee will receive and vote on the proposed FY13 CLM budget at the June Executive Committee Meeting, and it will then be presented to the board at the June meeting.

Executive Committee Report – Notes from the Committee meeting will be sent out at a later date.

State Agency Updates

DMH - Joan Mikula spoke about the current status of the upcoming joint residential procurement cycle. She anticipates that towards the end of June the State will release the RFR. Many contracts will be rolled forward, and will be phased in once procurement moves forward. New models may have a longer timeline for kickoff.

DCF Family Support and Stabilization Rates - Bill Lyttle is convening a group to discuss the family support and stabilization rates. Information will be forthcoming about the time and place.

Senate W&M Budget

Budget Recap – Erin Bradley reported some of the highlights and important information about the Senate Budget. She informed members that an action alert pertaining to budget amendments would be out later in the week.

  • DCF received the biggestINCREASE of $10.5 million over the House's final budget. That includes the restoration of the Lead Agency line at $9.3 million and an increase of $1.5 million which is split between the placement services for juvenile offenders and social worker case management line items. The Senate matched the Governor's recommendation for the administration, foster care review and family preservation line items. However, Congregate Care saw a DECREASE of $2.4 million and the Foster Care and Kinship Care line item saw a DECREASE of $1.6 million.
  • DYS received over $500,000 lessthan the House Budget. Which translates to a $1.1 million DECREASE from theGovernor's recommendation. The Residential Services line item took the biggest loss at almost $900,000 and the Education line item lost over $300,000. The Non-Residential Services did receive an almost $350,000 INCREASE from the House budget.
  • DMH Child and Adolescent Services & Adult Support Services received a DECREASE ofclose to $1.5 million between the two.
  • The line items that CLM tracks in DPHthat pertain tochildren, youth and familyservices didwell overall and receivedsome increases or match the Governor's recommendations
  • EEC saw the biggest DECREASES to the Child Care line items totaling close to $1.2 million less than the House's final budget.

DCF Fair Hearings Amendment – Susan Elsen reported that the schedule for hearings is seriously backlogged. The average wait time is one year for a hearing, and two years for a decision. An amendment has been filed to fund two additional officers to help clear up the backlog.

League Strategic Initiatives

OCA Update – Erin Bradley reported on the status of the League’s involvement with the Rogers Process. CLM has begun to put together a task force, including Greg McDermott, Susan Pederzoli, SusanColwell, Anne McManus and is waiting to hear from the Child Advocateto proceed. It’s anticipated that the task force and others will be asked to respond to an “RFI” of sorts about their experience with the Rogers Task Force.

Foster Care Task Force - Susan Pederzoli reported that the task force should be ready to present their initial proposal to the Public Policy committee in June.

Access Task Force – Barbara Talkov reported that the Access task force will be meeting immediately after the board meeting. At the meeting, the committee members will discuss further the focus and desired outcomes of their project.

New Children’s Study Home Executive - Eric Masi took a moment to welcome Eliza Crescentini, the new Executive Director of Children’s Study Home. Eliza said that she is looking forward to growing her relationship with Children’s Study Home and partnering with CLM and its members.

Public Policy Committee

Andy Pond reported that as adopted with the new bylaws, the Public Policy Committee has been expanded to 7 members. Along with Mia Alvarado, the following people have been appointed to join the committee: Steve Yerdon, Sana Fadel, Lori Sustek, Joe Leavey, Skip Stuck.

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee, consisting of Anne McManus, Carla Saccone, and Tim Callahan has submitted the following individuals to take formal leadership roles within CLM: Maria Mossiaides – Chair-Elect, Bill Lyttle – Treasurer, Jackie Moore, Dave Manzo, and Henry Julio East-Trou – At Large Executive Committee members.

The Board Meeting was closed at 11:45.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Ludington
CLM Clerk

October 5, 2018[1]