Import File Procedures for
GIA My Laboratory Clients
Provided to GIA Clients for Internal Use Only
Last Revision Date: April 5, 2010
a.Secondary or Follow-up Diamond Services...... 5
b.Laser Diamond Inscription Services...... 6
To facilitate the entry of secondary or inscription service(s) for In-House items information into Horizon, the Client canimport a .csv file of secondary service requests on the Job Details screen of My Laboratory.This file must be formatted as described below.
Basically, this My Laboratory Import file can simply be created by modifying the Results file exported from My Laboratory or sent to you by your GSR:
1) Delete the “Diamond Dossier” column and all columns after the Report No column
2) Add four (4) new columns (Report Action, Service, Service Comment, Inscription Text) between the “Control No” and “Report No” columns.
- File type: Must be comma-separated value file (.csv)
- Headings: Must includecolumn headings (titles)
- Columns: File must include the following seven (7) columns in the order listed below; required data is indicated by an asterisk (*). Although some columns can be left blank because data is not required, it is important that there area total of seven (7) columnsin the file andin the following order.
- *Column 1: Job No
GIA-provided number
- *Column 2: Control No
GIA-provided unique identifying number for each item.
- *Column 3: Report Action
One of the following GIA standard report instruction (case is insensitive)
- Print or Generate
- Recheck
- Report Sleeve
- Hold
- Column 4: Service
If Report Action is “Recheck”, then GIA’s standard secondary code(s) or Inscription service code(s)for the requested laboratory service(s) must be entered. Please separate multiple services with a comma (e.g., enter RE-COL,RE-CLA for Recheck Color (D-Z) and Recheck Clarity); refer to separate GIA-provided file for standard service codes and usage.
If Report Action is “Recheck” but Sealing service is also needed, add the Service Code SEAL after the Recheck Service codes.
If Report Action is “Print” or “Generate” and Sealing service is also needed, enter SEAL in this Service column.
Please note that the Sealing service can only be requested online for Carlsbad and Mumbai Intake Sites. Please contact your Client Services Representative to request the service in other site.
- Column 5: Service Comment
For “Recheck Other” (Re-Oth) and Final Observation Other (FO-Oth) services, the parameter to be re-evaluated must be entered.
- Valid parameters to be entered are “girdle”, “culet”, “shape”, “diagram”, “key”, “comment”, “laser drilling” and “inscription”. For example, for a re-evaluation of the shape on Report Number 12345678 enter “shape”.
- If you are requesting more than one parameter, they must be entered separated by a comma with no spaces.
For all other services, service comment / remark can not be entered.
- Column 6: Inscription Text
This field is required for all requesting Inscription Service(s) with the exception of “I” service code (First Inscription, GIA Report Number). Enter the personal or company logo inscription text.
- *Column 7: Report No
GIA-provided unique identifying number for each item.
Here is a sample import file:
a.Secondary or Follow-up Diamond Services
These services may be requested on items currently at GIA for servicing.
SERVICE CODE / SERVICE / DESCRIPTIONConToDG / Convert Dossier to Diamond Grading / After a diamond has been issued a Diamond Dossier, this service is used to convert the format to a Diamond Grading Report.
ConToDoss / Convert Diamond Grading to Dossier / After a diamond has been issued a Diamond Grading Report, this service is used to convert the format to a GIA Diamond Dossier®. Available on items weighing less than 2.00 ct that are not HPHT processed or Treated Color.
DTA / Diamond Type Analysis / A supplement to a GIA diamond report, this service provides a determination of the diamond’s type: Ia, Ib, IIa, or IIb. The result of this service is provided verbally. A letter documenting the results may be provided upon request for an additional charge (service code DTL or DTLP).
DTL / Diamond Type Letter / Letter documenting findings of the Diamond Type Analysis (DTA).
DTLP / Diamond Type Letter with Photo / Letter documenting findings of Diamond Type Analysis (DTA) along with an image of the actual diamond.
FO-CDCOL / Final Observation Color (Colored Diamond) / Re-evaluation of the colored diamond color grade after recheck color service has been performed.
FO-CLA / Final Observation Clarity / Re-evaluation of the clarity grade after recheck clarity service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
FO-COL / Final Observation Color (D-Z) / Re-evaluation of the D to Z color grade after recheck color service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
FO-CUT / Final Observation Cut / Re-evaluation of the cut grade after recheck cut service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
FO-FL / Final Observation Fluorescence / Re-evaluation of the fluorescence intensity and color grade after recheck fluorescence service has been performed.
FO-OTH / Final Observation Other / Re-evaluation of a result other than color, clarity, cut, polish, symmetry, weight, measurements, proportions, or fluorescence after recheck other service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
FO-POL / Final Observation Polish / Re-evaluation of polish assessment after recheck polish service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
FO-SYM / Final Observation Symmetry / Re-evaluation of symmetry assessment after recheck symmetry service has been performed. Not available on the GIA Diamond Dossier®.
Re-CDCOL / Recheck Color (Colored Diamond) / Re-evaluation of the colored diamond color grade.
Re-CLA / Recheck Clarity / Re-evaluation of the clarity grade.
Re-COL / Recheck Color (D-Z) / Re-evaluation of the D to Z color grade.
Re-CUT / Recheck Cut / Re-evaluation of all components affecting the Round Brilliant cut grade including all measurements, proportions, culet size, girdle thickness, polish and symmetry.
Re-FLUO / Recheck Fluorescence / Re-evaluation of the fluorescence intensity and color.
Re-MEAS / Recheck Measurements / Re-evaluation of the weight, measurements and reported proportions including diameter, length, width, depth, table, crown angle/height, pavilion angle/height, star/lower half length %, and girdle thickness %.
Re-OTH / Recheck Other / Re-evaluation of a result other than color, clarity, cut, polish, symmetry, weight, measurements, proportions, or fluorescence (for example culet size or girdle thickness description).
Re-POL / Recheck Polish / Re-evaluation of the polish assessment.
Re-SYM / Recheck Symmetry / Re-evaluation of the symmetry assessment.
SEAL / Sealing / Diamond is sealed with its key grading information in a credit card-sized, tamper resistant package (Diamond Security Case). Available for diamonds being issued a GIA Diamond Dossier®, diamond grading, or colored diamond report.
b.Laser Diamond Inscription Services
Laser diamond inscription services are available for use on loose, natural or synthetic diamonds with sufficient girdle thickness to accommodate the requested inscription.
SERVICE CODE / SERVICE / DESCRIPTIONI / First Inscription, GIA Report Number / Inscription of the GIA logo and current GIA Report Number on the girdle of the diamond. Not used in combination with GIA Diamond Dossier® or Synthetic Diamond services since the inscription is already included at no added charge.
IM / First Inscription, Up to 15 Characters / First inscription other than the GIA Report Number that is 15 characters or less.
IMA / First Inscription, 16 -30 Characters / First inscription other than the GIA Report Number that is 16 to 30 characters.
IMB / Additional Inscription, Up to 15 Characters / Additional inscription other than the GIA Report Number that is 15 characters or less. Used in addition to I, IM or IMA service.
IMC / Additional Inscription, 16 -30 Characters / Additional inscription other than the GIA Report Number that 16 to 30 characters. Used in addition to I, IM or IMA service.
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