Claiborne County Tennessee Court Minutes

A transcript by Patrick R. Pearsey of selected entries involving the Hurst family. There were hundreds of entries and I did not copy all of the jury records but did copy most of the road orders and court cases.

Court Minutes December 1801- June 1802


December 1801

1st Jury in Claiborne County included John Husk, juror #13.


March 1802

John Husk ordered to view and mark out a road the nearest and best way from foot of Powels Mountain on the north side at the end of the road laid out by Hawkins County to Cumberland Gap and make a report to June Court 1802.


Jury pool to appear June 1802 term

John Husk


September Term 1802

Ordered that the following persons be summonsed to attend as jurors by December Term 1802

John Hurst (served)


March 1803 Session

Juror Pool for June 1803

John Herst (not chosen)

Court Minutes Volume 2 1804-1806


June 4, 1805

Ordered that John Neal be overseer of the road from Tazewell to Wm. Stewarts and that the following hands be assigned to him viz: Elisha Bice, Thos. Henderson, John Shelton, Peter Neal, James Doolen, Jesse Hust, Joseph Scelton, John Cose, Robert Lanham, John Hust, Elisha Hust, Wm. Morgan, William Dever, Absolom Hust, James Hust and Charles Cose.


1st September in 1805

Ordered by the court that Henly Fugate be allowed the following hands to work on his road, viz: James Poe, James Hust, (many others listed), on the north side of Wallens Ridge, in Charles Bakers company.


March 4, 1806

Juror Pool for next term

John Husk


March 6, 1806

State vs. Drury Lawson A.B.

Jury includes John Husk. Found guilty.

Court Minutes September 1806 – December 1808

p. 4

September 1, 1806

Ordered that Abel Lanham be overseer of part of a road John Neel was overseer of, from Wallens old field to Thomas Kiefs, with the following hands (including) Absalom Husks.

Ordered that William Weaver be overseer of a road John Neel was overseer of from Wallens old field to Tazewell with the following hands (including) John Husks.


September 3, 1806

Juror Pool for November Term 1806

John Husk


November 24, 1806

Jurors include John Husk

p. not recorded

February 24, 1807

Juror Pool for May Term 1807

John Husk

Absalom Husk


May 25, 1807

Sworn in as petit juror

Absalom Husk


May 25, 1807

Juror Pool for next term

Thos. Husk


May 25, 1807

Ordered that Thomas Jeffers, Thomas Husk, John Cardwell, Isaac Lane, Wm. Jinions, David McReynolds to serve as a jury to view a road from George Stubblefield’s house to the mouth of Sweet Lick Branch, report thereon as shall appear to be the best and nearest way injuring farms as little as possible.

Thomas Husk (and others) appointed a jury to view and report on following road to wit, from Casses? Ford on Clinch up by William Jinemses and the plantation of Isaac Lane.


May 25, 1807

Thomas Ingram


George Snauffer

Jury includes Absalum Husk. Not guilty.


August 24, 1807

Juror Pool for this term, chosen as grand jury

Thomas Husk


August 24, 1807

Ordered that John Evans be appointed oveseer of road from Fineman’s (?) Ferry on Clinch River to top of River Ridge to Tazewell. Hands include: Thomas Hirst, Aron Hust.

p. Not recorded

November 23, 1807

Juror Pool next court term

Jesse Hurst

Absalom Hurst


November 23, 1807

John Hurst is appointed overseer of that part of the road leading from Tazewell down Russels Creek which Wm. Weaver was overseer of, from Tazewell to Wallens Old Field and that he have the following hands to wit: With Wallens Ridge to John Neals including the hands at said Neals place & including John Hurst, Abel Lanham, & hands and John Scelton.


February 22, 1808

Grand jurors

Jesse Hurst


August 23, 1808

John Lebow vs

Salathiel Martin

Jury includes

Elijah Hurst

Absolom Hurst

Found guilty


November 28, 1808

Ordered that Aaron Hurst be overseer of road from Old Garrison to the Big Springs and have the following hands: Richd. Harper, John Harper, Hyram Hurst, Wilson Wea, Wm. Jinens Jr., Larkin Smith.


November 28, 1808

Ordered that Thomas Hurst be overseer of road leading from Jininses Ferry on Clinch River from the top of the River Ridge to Tazewell and be allowed the Lanes hands that John Evans had.

Court Minutes August 1815 to August 1817


February Term 1815

Deed from Jesse Jones to John Hurst for 92 acres is proven by Wm. Savage and Jacob Adams.


February 13, 1815

Deed from Jesse Jones to John Hurst for 50 acres proven by Wm. Savage and Jacob Adams.


February Term 1815

C___? Dobbs vs.

Grimes Neal

Jurors include

Elijah Hurst


August 14, 1815

Grand Jury includes

Abraham Hurst


August 14, 1815

John Hurst is by the court released from the payment of taxes on 100 acres of land and 2 Black polls for the year 1815.


August 14, 1815

Stephen Owsley appointed overseer of Bullards Ferry Road from the Mud Lick Hollow to the Sand Lick, in room of Elijah Hurst. He will have the same hands Hurst had with addition of Fielding Lewis, Joseph Harpe and Harper Pogue.


August 16, 1815

State vs. {Affray

William Hurst

William Hurst and Joseph Jinnings defendants. William Hurst, one of the defendants in this case comes into court and pleads guilty and is fined 25 cents and court costs of suit.


August 16, 1815

Ordered by court that Elijah Hurst be charged with one Black poll in addition to his tax by him given in heretofore.


August 16, 1815

Juror Pool for next term

Joseph Hurst

Aaron Hurst

p. Not recorded

November 13, 1815

Joseph Hurst selected for grand jury

Aaron Hurst selected for regular jury


November 15, 1815

Jurors for next Circuit Court Term, on 3rd Monday, April 1816

John Hurst Snr.


November 15, 1815

Jurors for next County Court Term

Jesse Hurst


February 12, 1816

Jesse Hurst on grand jury


May 13, 1816

Ordered by court a majority of the justices present that John Dobbs, Thomas Hurst, Heirom Hurst, Henry Lebo, David Huddleston, John Lebo and William Lining be appointed a jury to view the road leading from Tazewell to John Bullards Upper Ferry the part to be reviewed lies between Tazewell the Old Garrison and make report to the next term of this court accordingly.


May 14, 1816

Brilain Williams vs.

Samuel Sheldon

Jury includes Elijah Hurst


May 15, 1816

State vs. } Bastardy

Aaron Hurst

Case dismissed.


May 16, 1816

Juror Pool for next term in August 1816

Hierom Hurst


August 12, 1816

Jurors for this term

Hierom Hurst


August 12, 1816

Hierom Hurst excused from further attendance as juror to the present term.


August 12, 1816

Ordered that Abraham Murphy is appointed overseer of road leading from the gap of the Sand Lick Ridge to the Turky Branch of John Hursts and that he have the same hands Cloud had (including Fielding Lewis, Jesse Lewis).


August 16, 1816

State vs.

Christopher Dannow {Indictment

Jury includes Joseph Hurst


November 12, 1816

Ordered by court that Fielding Lewis and Bryant Breeding, Reuben Harper (and others) be appointed to view road ____ next to John Hursts to intersect the old road at the ____?.


November 13, 1816

Jurors include John Hursh


November 13, 1816

Juror Pool next County Court in February 1817

Abraham Hurst

Jesse Hurst


February 10, 1817

Jurors Picked from pool

Abraham Hurst – excused on February 11th , p.295

Jesse Hurst


February 14, 1817

State vs.

Joseph Hurst

Joseph Hurst was overseer of a road and was fined $1 and costs for not keeping it up.

Court Minutes of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1818-1819


February 9, 1818

Justices present:

John Hurst


February 11, 1818

Justices appointed tax collectors for 1818

John Hurst in B. Davis’ Company

John Neil in Hurst Company


February 10, 1818

Juror Pool for next term

Huram Hurst


May 11, 1818

Elijah Hurst appointed constable in bounds of Captain Joseph Hurst’s company.


May 11, 1818

Juror Pool for next circuit court

Jese Hurst

Thomas Hurst

Juror Pool for next county court

Absalum Hurst

Jeremiah Hurst

Joseph Hurst

Elijah Hurst


May 13, 1818

Jeremiah Hurst records his ear mark as follows – a crop and slit in the left ear and a crop in the right.


August 11, 1818

Juror Pool

Abraham Hurst

Jeremiah Hurst

Joseph Hurst*

Elijah Hurst*

*Selected for grand jury


August 11, 1818

Elijah Hurst returns as constable to attend on the court.

Court Minutes 1818-1819

Note: This is a typewritten transcript from the 1930’s


Amy Pucket vs.

James B. Shackelford

Jury includes Absolom Hurst, William Hurst.


August 13, 1818

Absalom Hurst excused as juror on August 12th.


August 14, 1818

Elijah Hurst proved four days as a constable summoned to attend on the court at this term, he was allowed $1.00 per day.


August 14, 1818

Elijah Hurst a constable in the bounds of Captain Joseph Hurst Co. tenders his resignation of his appointment as an officer which was received by the court.


November 9, 1818

Justice John Hurst present


November 9, 1818

Deed from Elijah Hurst to Joseph Hurst for 34 acres ack.

November 9, 1818

Deed from Thomas Jones to Jesse Hurst for 50 acres proven by oath of Thomas Hurst.


November 9, 1818

Ordered by court that Peter Cotton, John Cotton, Abolsum Hurst, Thomas McCarty and James Poe be a jury to view and lay out a road from a hollow near where Elisha Nunn lived to intersect the old road near some timber trees.


November 9, 1818

Joseph Hurst presents his petition that he concives himself likely to be injured by being the security of Elizabeth Hurst administratrix of John Hurst Deceased and prays to be released. Ordered that Elizabeth Hurst appear at next term and give security and release said petitioner or surrender her admin of estate.


November 10, 1818

Deed from Thomas Jones to Jesse Hurst duly proven in court by Thomas P. Colman and Thomas Hurst.


February 9, 1818

John Hurst, Esq., Justice present


February 9, 1818

Tompson Hurst replaces Aaron Hurst as overseer of road from Old Garrison to the Big Spring.


February 13, 1819

Justice John Hurst appointed tax collector in Capt. Benj. Davises Co.


May 10, 1819

Deed from Jonah Moor to Andrew Hurst pvd. In court for 50 acres by William Savage and John Hurst.


May 12, 1819

The following persons appt. jurors to the next Circuit Court

John Hurst Sen.

Court Minutes 1819-21

Note: This is a typewritten transcript made in the 1930’s.


November 8, 1819

John Hurst Esq. – Justice present.


November 9, 1819

Andrew Hurst appointed overseer of road leading from Tazewell to the Court House.


November 10, 1819

Elijah and Sqire Hurst witnesses to deed from James Hemphill to Robert and Andrew Crockett.


February 15, 1820

Absolem Hurst elected constable of Capt. Thomas McCarty’s.


February 15, 1820

John Jones, Jesse Hurst, Thomas McCarty, James Poe and Peter Cotton to be a jury and view and lay out a road through the lands of Absalom Hurst.


February 15, 1820

Jesse Hurst, Absalom Hurst, Robert W. McCary, Peter Cotton and John Cotton be appointed a jury to view and lay out a road through Thomas McCarty’s land.


February 15, 1820

Deed from Abraham Hurst for 35 acres of land was duly proven by oaths of Elijah Hurst and John Hurst, subscribing witnesses.


February 15, 1820

Deed from Abraham Hurst to Reuben Harper for 15 acres proven by Elijah Hurst and John Hurst.


February 15, 1820

Ordered by court William Dokerty, Alexander Ritchie, Jesse Hurst, Thomas McCarty and Andrew Crockett be appointed a jury to view and lay off road from William Dokerty to Crocketts Iron works and Cumberland Gap.


February 17, 1820

John Hurst Esq. appointed tax collector in Capt. Benjamin Davis’ Company


August 14, 1820

Ordered that Richard Harper, Bryant Breeding, Thomas Shearmon, John Hurst Esq. and Elijah Hurst Jnr. , be appointed a jury to view and lay out a road that is now afermed round the upper side of the house and fence of the field that James Hodges lives in leaving the old road just below the said Hodges Spring and intersecting the same against near the old school house.


August 16, 1820

Jesse Hurst appointed overseer of a part of the new road leading from Dohertys to Crocketts Iron Works that is from Powels River to the top of the ridge between the forks of Coxes branch.


May 14, 1821

Orderd that Elijah Hurst be appointed overseer of the road from John Hurst Esqr., leading to Tazewell in room of Thomas Shearmon.


May 18, 1821

Wm. Hurst vs.

} Debt

Joseph Hurst

Jurors include John Hurst. Plaintiff recovered $10.62 from defendant.

County Minutes 1821-1824

Note: This was a typewritten transcript made in the 1930’s.


November 12, 1821

Justices present:

John Hurst


November 12, 1821

Joseph Hurst ack. Himself along with William Henderson and Joseph McCleary, as being in debt to Hugh Graham and Co., for sum of $1,260.


November 13, 1821

John Hurst appointed overseer of the road from Tazewell to Wallens Old Field in place of Edward Wooten.


November 13, 1821

Juror Pool

William Hurst


November 13, 1821

Aaron Hurst appointed constable in bounds of Captain Joseph Hurst’s company.


November 15, 1821

William Hurst balloted as grand juror.


November 15, 1821

Juror Pool for next term

Joseph Hurst

Elijah Hurst


February 11, 1822

Justices present:

John Husk


February 14, 1822

Juror Pool for next term

William Hurst

Huram Hurst


February 14, 1822

John Hurst appointed tax collector in Capt. Moore’s Company


May 14, 1822

Deed of conveyance from John Hurst to Elijah Hurst for 75 acres proved in open court by Mercureois Cook.


May 15, 1822

Juror Pool for next term

John Hurst

Thomas Hurst


May 15, 1822

Deed from William Hurst to William Hurst for 30 acres in Claiborne Co. proved in open court by bargainer.


May 15, 1822

Deed from Elijah Hurst to William Hurst for 100 acres in Claiborne ack. By bargainer.


August 12, 1822

Hezekiah Brooks appointed overseer of part of new road from Mulberry Rd. to Cumberland Gap, by way of Crocket’s Iron Works which lies on the north side of Powels River between the same and the point to which Jesse Hurst, formerly overseer, cut out said road.


August 14, 1822

Ordered that James Hodges be appointed overseer of road from John Hursts Esq. to the top of the hill against David Huddlestons in room of Elijah Hurst.


November 11, 1822

John Hurst paid $17 for services in repairing the steps to the courthouse.


November 11, 1822

Fielding Hurst appointed overseer of road leading from Tazewell to Clinton starting at John Hurst Esq. to top of Sand Lick Ridge.

Hiram Hurst appointed overseer of part of Kentucky Rd. leading from Tazewell to Beans Station lying between top of Wallins Ridge to the Big Spring.


November 11, 1822

Ordered by court that Hiram Hurst, James Hill, William Hurst, James Sims, William Hill, John Carmack and Elij. McVey be appointed to a jury to view road from Big Springs to Mulberry and see if it can be altered.


November 11, 1822

Juror Pool for next term

Jessee Hurst

William Hurst


November 12, 1822

Elijah Hurst appointed executor of the last will and testament of John Hurst, deceased. He came into court and qualified.


February 11, 1823

William Hurst, appointed foreman of grand jury


February 11, 1823

Benj. Lankford vs. } Debt

Dennis Condray

Jury includes: Jesse Hurst Sr., Jesse Hurst, Joseph Hurst

Court Minutes August 1822 – March 1824


May 15, 1823

Juror Pool for next Term

Jesse Hurst Sr.

Hiram Hurst

Elijah Hurst


May 15, 1823

State vs.

William Wallis

Personally appeared in open court Harmon Hurst who ack. Debt to the State of Tennessee for $250 to be levied on his goods and chattels, lands and tennements to the use of the State, but to be void on the condition Harmon Hurst make his personal appearance before the Circuit Court the 3rd Monday in October and give evidence for the State against Wm. Wallis.


August 1823

Deed from John Hurst to William Hurst for 30 acres proved by oath of William Bullard which was duly filed for further probate.


Justices for County for year 1824

H. Hurst for March Term

John Hurst for September Term


June 21, 1824

William Hurst appointed overseer of road from Blair Branch to the top of Russels Creek in room of William Parker.


June 21, 1824

Tax collectors for 1824

John Hurst Esq.

Hiram Hurst Esq.


June 22, 1824

Deed from Hiram Hurst and Daniel Leabow to Daniel Miller for $400 proven.


September 21, 1824

Deed from Absalom Hurst to Barney Campbell for 50 acres proven by Hezekiah Brooks.


September 21, 1824

Deed from Absalom Hurst to Barnard Campbell for 50 acres proved by Hezekiah Brooks, now is fully proven by oath of Abraham Hurst.


September 21, 1824

Bill of sale from Nancy Hurst, Elijah Hurst, Wm. Hurst, Squire Hurst, Thomas J. Berry to Deley Hurst and Winney Hurst for a negro boy named Penkney was duly ack. In open court by Nancy Hurst, Elijah Hurst, Squire Hurst, Thomas J. Berry, four of the bargainers and was filed for further probate.


December 20, 1824

Deed from Bryant Breeding to Abraham Hurst for 108 acres proven in court by Reuben Harper and Abraham Murphy.


December 20, 1824

Deed from Abraham Hurst to Elizabeth Hurst for 40 acres is proven by bargainer in court.

December 21, 1824

Juror Pool

Hiram Hurst

Elijah Hurst,

Thomas J. Berry

Abraham Hurst

Court Minutes September 1826 – January 1829


December 18, 1826

Justices of the Peace appointed to be tax collectors

Hirarm Hurst – Big Spring Company

John Hurst – Sand Lick Company


March 19, 1827

Jno. Hurst on a jury to lay off road from lower end of Jno. Mos___?, plantation to the Cedar Fork. Issued April 30, 1827.


March 19, 1827

Justices appointed to hold the several courts