Management Review Cont/…


Minutes of the Management Review Meeting for ISO 14001

Present at the meeting; 28/08/2017:

Charlotte Thompson – Managing Director.

Jim Bardell – General & Compliance (Environmental) Manager.

Amanda Newman-Parsons – Office (Deputy Environmental) Manager.


The aim of this meeting is to provide objective evidence of the continuing effectiveness of the Quality Management System since the last review in Feb 16. The intention is to review this information and use it to identify areas of strength or any potential weakness.

2.  Results of Internal Audits (last 6 months)

Internal audits were discussed; those shown below were audited during the previous 6 month period. Any non conformances have been actioned and signed off;

a.  Environmental Competence & training

b.  Regulation & Legislation

c.  Compliance

d.  Control of records

e.  Quality Procedures

The audit programme continues to run smoothly. 1 x NCN & 2 x Observations

made during the last 6 months internal audits. Annual documented update

planned refresher training for all Head Office staff took place in April / May 2017.

This years training is being taken in small chunks, to blend in with our work

schedules. Environmental objectives, targets and procedures remain part of our

daily work routine.

3.  Needs, expectations & evaluations of compliance with legal requirements, including compliance obligations

Changes to legislation relevant to the company during this period. A monthly

on-line check for any changes or new legislation or COP is carried out and the

results placed on the company server under:

ISO 14001 / Monthly Environmental Legislation updates / 2017 - 20/ Legal

Regulations Monthly Register Check (2017).

Our Register of Regulations (QP.07A) is then updated if required. Environmental

changes in documentation or legislation, relevant to our organisation are reported

at management meetings. In this reporting period there has been no notification of

any additional legislative environmental issues which Classic should adopt.

Changes have been made to our documented procedures and processes, as a

direct result of adopting the latest ISO:14001 (2015) standards.

It is expected that the SSAIB audit in August will confirm we are compliant; with

only minor non-conformances to resolve.

There are several on-going Government consultations, which may have an impact on our documentation procedures in due course: Notably: ESOS regulations, regarding the company total energy use (Not yet relevant; as company staff levels

are not high enough (250+ staff required for implementation).

IMS Manual changes, some as a result of ISO:14001 (2015) implementation:

·  OP.10 Monitor & Measure the Process

·  QD.03 Confidential Business plan

·  QD.03a Risks & Opportunities register (New IMS Document)

·  QD.09 Environmental Policy

·  QD.13 Environmental Aspects Objectives

·  QD.17a Environmental Waste Log (New IMS Document)

·  QP.07 Legal & other Compliance Obligations

·  QP.08 Aspects & impacts Assessment Procedure

4.  Communication from external interested parties, including complaints

“Shred It” our paper waste disposal company continue to provide statistics,

monthly, as to how much recycled paper waste we have provided; which, in turn

shows how many trees we have saved from destruction by recycling. In 2016 we

saved the equivalent of 10 trees. This year’s total will be more than 20 trees as we

have shredded old documentation in preparation for the office move There were

no environmental complaints during this reporting period.

There have been no environmental issues recorded. Our current Environmental

Policy has been updated to include the new 2015 standard. It is available to view

at Head Office, manned site files and on the company website (under policy


The HSE has issued their annual figures for waste & recycling. For the third

consecutive year the statistics show an increase in recycling, around the UK.

5.  Risks & Opportunities

Changes or improvements to documented risks or opportunities:

·  QD.03a Risks & Opportunities Register (new document – V 3)

·  QD.08 Process Improvement Plan (updated)

Those Risks & Opportunities (QD.03a) identified during our initial update to this ISO Standard in February 2017 were reviewed; the possibility of a Hostile Takeover Bid has been added to the document. Remaining risks are still extant.

6.  The extent which environmental objectives and targets have been met

JB presented the latest statistics with regard to our targets & objectives:

a. Improve fuel consumption – Figures for 2016 show that we achieved

our target of 10.5 miles per litre of fuel used. This increase is the 2nd

year in row to show an improvement. The target for 2017 has now

been set for 10.6 MPL. During the last 2 years we have reduced our

Classic security owned fleet and now use several lease / hire vehicles

which provide lower emissions and greater fuel efficiency than the

older company vehicles they replaced. We are close to achieving

the new target, with 5 months left to monitor.

b. Reduce electricity consumption – Usage figures are recorded

monthly by our Office Manager. The last 6 months figures for the

Head Office shows a large increase (Spike) of units used. In the
corresponding periods over the last 2 years there has been a reduction
in usage by -169 in 2014-15 & -148 in 2016. This year showed an
increase of almost 36,000 units; but, following investigation, this has
been revised down to 360 units, following a “Glitch” in the invoice
computer! Our new Head Office site will provide differing challenges;
due to the space confinements, but in theory we should use no more
than in our present offices.

c. Reduce electrical items sent to landfill – The Electrical Equipment

Disposal Register shows that only 2 items were disposed of through

the approved contractors / disposal sites during this review period. A

total of 2 items for the year (2017). In 2016 there were 8 items

recycled. I expect that we will be disposing of some surplus IT

equipment, which is currently being held back to see if required at the

new office site (or to replace any old items being held at the ARC).

d. Continue Recycle culture in offices – This target is always the most

successful with BIFFA & SHRED IT providing documented evidence of

our continued environmental savings. The first half of the year

shows another 6.4 trees saved by our recycling of paper & documents

waste (total as of August was 27.9). This is due to HR placing personal

information (which must be held) onto disc from hard copy files.

During 2016 the total recycled was the equivalent of 10.9 trees saved.

Our clothing waste (7x security officers’ uniforms so far – 28 during

2016) continues to be disposed of and monitored by HR. The

recycling of all other office waste products continues; including print

cartridges. Old & broken mobile phones are sent to the Macmillan

Nurses Cancer Care Charity.

NOTE: Classic are on the last year of a 3 year contract with “Shred It”, to continue recycling our waste paper etc, at the same rates as paid in previous years. It is

hoped to sign another contract at the new Head Office site in the coming months.

Status of corrective & preventative action

There were no complaints (See 4 above) during this period (Nil in 2016).

There were no NCN other than those raised as a direct result of internal audits.

There have been no environmental preventative actions during this period (several

H&S). Our offices, site files and the company website displays the current version

of our company Environmental Policy.

8. Changing circumstances, including developments in legal and

other requirements related to its environmental aspects

London has announced the setting up of a London Emissions Zone (similar to the

congestion charge) which is due to commence in October 2017. Northgate will

swop all our current mobile vans for 2016/17 vans which comply with the

emissions requirements. This will save at least £50 per day in charges.

The ISO 14001:2015 version of the standard has been incorporated into our

IMS manual. This will be audited in August. We will then have a more

comprehensive idea as to whether the additional measures documented are

complete. A new document in the IMS (QD.17a) specifically highlights our environmental Waste disposal methods. QD.03a also includes environmental issues as Risks & Opportunities. Top Management have been instrumental in ensuring the requirements for the new standard (and our ISO 9001) are merged with our current documents.

The Environmental Manager will be notified, through “BSI Plus”, of any changes

to documentation or amendments or addendums to current standards.

9. Changes to environmental policy, objectives & targets

Changes were agreed to our policies, objectives and targets:

a.  Environmental Policy – Changes incorporated into policy; including encouraging clients to adopt high environmental standards where we provide on-site security; and offering them an energy survey of their site. Next review in January 2018.

b.  Objective – Reduce fuel emissions – Another good set of data for the reporting period. Our target of 10.5 miles per litre was achieved last year and has now been reset to 10.6 mpl for 2017. We have 5 lease hire vehicles for the mobile units / Property Inspector; with one car being swopped over.

c. Objective – Reduction in electricity usage – Total usage for 2016 was

36,500 units, which was slightly more than we expected the total to be.

Targets for 2017 will have to be re-set; once we have moved

into the new Head Office site. In theory we should not use any more

power than in our current offices

d. Objective – Reduce products sent to landfill – Continue measures.

Laptops and other IT unit equipment are reaching their life expiry; with

Microsoft no longer supporting their packages e.g. windows 7.

Only 8 items were taken to recycling centres during 2016; compared to19

items during 2015 – when we had a major refurbishment of IT equipment.

Currently only 2 items have been disposed of this year (2017). I expect

this figure to rise once the planned move has taken place.

e. Objective – Recycling of consumables – Continue measures. The formal

recycling of uniforms (28 in 2016) has produced a documented trail of

evidence, held by HR Manager.

We now also purchase recycled envelopes – we cannot use recycled

paper, as it causes the photocopier to malfunction. Batteries from our

smoke detectors and IT mouse(s) are now separated & collected for

recycling via the contractors site.

10. Training / Emergency Response training

Annual refresher training of Head Office and Managerial staff was carried out during April / May this year. The emergency evacuation was also carried out as a walk through / talk through with those staff on site. There will be a new set of evacuation plans made up for the new site (especially as we are all going to be working on the first floor. The SS have been to the ARC at Badgerwood Farm, in case of Business Continuity Plan being invoked. The Duty Controllers will visit after the move to Horsham. All new staff had induction training completed on our environmental procedures and processes. Explanations provided of our objectives & targets the consequences of not achieving them.

Due to staff changes, the Emergency Response Team has yet again been reorganised. Operations Managers were reminded that all new drivers are to have Environmental Training (and the objectives regarding “Fuel Consumption” explained) as part of their initial indoctrination to the Company.

As well as an evaluation of our driver’s competence on the road, by Managers accompanying them on their duties & completing an assessment sheet; they are also tested on number plate recognition, accident procedures and the Highway Code. Results are documented. Following a change to Police Powers; random alcohol testing is carried out by our Senior Supervisors when they conduct checks on documentation and the welfare of our staff at sites (12 so far, with16 during 2016). Our drivers have changed their driving habits following a concerted effort by the operations manager and DOO to reduce their speed. Consequently, there have been no speeding tickets issued during 2016 up to current date for our Mobile Support drivers. Well Done.

This also helps to reduce our fuel consumption (and consequently our spending) and improves our mileage per litre averages; which are at an all-time high this year. A half day training is being planned for September to ensure the drivers all understand how to complete Site Surveys & site risk assessments.

11. Recommendation for Improvements

The system continues to function well and all Head Office staff & drivers are

aware of their part in ensuring our environmental targets and objectives are met.

The company internet staff portal – to post advice on any H, S or E issues

continues to be our most potent tool; alongside individual email addresses issued

by HR. This is now coupled to both Facebook and tweet filters.

Feedback has been good, with the initial targets for Facebook & Twitter accounts both achieving their quota of “Likes” after only 6 months (targets reviewed and updated).

The lease line, specifically for Classic internet, is working well. BT & several other

service organisations have conducted site surveys of our new premises and plans

are in place to clone our current IT set up. The purchase of a small power cell, has

bridged the time between power outage and our emergency generator “Kicking” in.

Staff double-up on cars & transport where practicable and in the summer months

often utilise cycles, walking, the bus & the London Underground, where possible,

to help reduce our overall carbon footprint.

After the ACS audit, Managers are to promote “Environmental Audits, as a requirement, to our Clients - site “Environmental Audits” are something Operations Managers should speak with their BM / FM about in the future. Jim needs to speak with James to ensure he is fully briefed on our ERT activities alongside the driver’s requirements.