Questionnaires for use in the Women’s Health Study

Week1 interview / Week6 interview / Week12 interview / Week24 interview
1. Current Pain Symptoms (CPS)
2. Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
3. Social Support (SR)
4. Pain History (Pain)
5. Pain and Somatic Symptoms (PL)
6. General Health (SF)
7. Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (DAS)
8. Demographics
9. Participant Feedback (PF)
10.  Interviewer Feedback (IF) / 1.  Current Pain Symptoms (CPS)
2.  Pain and Somatic Symptoms (PL)
3.  Social Support (SR)
4.  General Health (SF)
5.  Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (DAS)
6.  Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale(PDS)
7.  Missed Work & Activities (MWA)
8.  Medication Use (Med)
9.  Treatment/Health Service utilization (TX)
10. Intimate Partner Violence Conflict Tactics Scale-2 (IPV)
11. Modified Sexual Assault Experiences (MSA)
12. Life Events Checklist (LEC)
13. Medical Systems (MS)
14. Participant Feedback (PF)
15. Interviewer Feedback (IF) / 1.  Current Pain Symptoms (CPS)
2.  Pain and Somatic Symptoms (PL)
3.  Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale(PDS)
4.  Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (DAS)
5.  General Health (SF)
6.  Missed Work & Activities (MWA)
7.  Medication Use (Med)
8.  Treatment/Health Service utilization (TX)
9.  Legal Systems (LEG)
10.  Participant Feedback (PF)
11.  Interviewer Feedback (IF) / 1. Current Pain Symptoms (CPS)
2. Pain and Somatic Symptoms (PL)
3. Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale(PDS)
4. Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (DAS)
5. General Health (SF)
12.  Missed Work & Activities (MWA)
6. Medication Use (Med)
7. Treatment/Health Service utilization (TX)
8. Posttraumatic Growth (PTG)
9.  Demographic Participant Feedback (PF)
10.  Interviewer Feedback (IF)

Vanessa Notes:

Items in parenthesis denote the prefix for the variable naming convention.

For example,

Question #3 on the Acute Stress Disorder questionnaire administered at the week1 timepoint has been named “W1ASDQ1”

The exceptions are the Demographic questions which I tried to use variable that would be easy to understand like the variable “PGF_WHITE” refers to Paternal Grandfather race denoted as white.

I also created simple variables that weren’t part of a set questionnaire such as

W1STIPEND = box checked for week 1 stipend completed

W1PAPER = week 1 paperwork completed