/ FROSH or JV 2 FOOTBALL now called JV 2, starting in 2016
XavierHigh School, Appleton, WI
IMPORTANT INFO -- for Frosh or JV 2 Players & Parents.
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WELCOME... to Xavier Football

These Info Pages are helpful for any freshman interested in Xavier Football. Be sure to carefully read this material,and see links online, for additional info pertinent to Xavier Frosh Football.

The name has been changed to JV2 by the Bay Conference, starting last year.

1. TUESDAY, AUG. 1 > Note: this session is same time / date as Equipment Handout

ImPACT Test -- Required for all student-athletes.

Test times and sign-up info is available using the web address found on the Facebook page

called Xavier Hawks Sports and-or on your Athletic Code Meeting Directions, or instructions page, available inside the folder handed out at the Athletic Code Meeting. Report to Xavier about10 minutes PRIOR to the scheduled start of your test. Be sure to bring the completed form, SIGNED by a PARENT. Find MORE info and the required form regarding ImPACT Testing via under the headingsHigh School then Athletics.

2. TUESDAY, AUG. 1 Note: an ImPACT Test is at 4:00, until 4:40,also on Aug 1

2a. Equipment Handout -- for Frosh Football Players

Starts at 4:00 p.m. -- Report to Shed A -- on the game field at Xavier, off the parking lot along the west side of the school. Anyone with braces may want to obtain and bring their own, special mouthguard... purchased on your own... prior to the first practice on Aug. 1.

Also, BRING your required paperwork to the equipment handout! Allow about 30 to 45minutesto get your equipment, and, turn in paperwork at the equipment handout before practice.

The final ImPACT Test date before football starts is Aug.1stif you were unable to take the test earlier. See more info on the Facebook page called Xavier Hawks Sports or to sign up.

2b. Meeting for Frosh Players & Frosh Parents

Starts at 7:15 p.m. in the Blue Gym at Xavier on Aug. 1...after the first practice that day.

For this meeting, enter school via Door # 11 near the Blue Gym and FitnessCenter, the football practice field, and behind school. The meeting is expected to last about 20 minutes.

3. TUESDAY, AUG. 1--- 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

The FIRST day of practice for frosh football. Be dressed and "on the field" by 4:45 p.m. Wear shorts, t-shirt, socks, & football cleats plus helmet and mouthguard. Bring your own water bottle, if you want. Arrive early enough, so you're not late!! Do not wear cleats inside school.


Typically, from 3:30 p.m. until about 6:00 p.m. Sometimes practice will end at 6:30 p.m. and other times it will end at 5:00 p.m. Any change will be communicated via the frosh coaches. The first few weeks, until school starts, practice will be from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.

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IMPORTANT INFO -- for Frosh or JV 2 Football Players & Parents - 2017

5. DOOR # 11

Usually, all student-athletes should use Door # 11 near the new FitnessCenter and Blue Gym

at Xavier,close to the football practice field, to enter-exit the building. Also, if you will be picked up and/or dropped off, ask the driver to use Door # 11.


Be sure to MAKE PLANS NOW to have a PHYSICAL EXAM. It is REQUIRED BEFORE THE FIRST PRACTICE. Also, plan to take the ImPACT Test, if possible, at Xavier. It's easy, free, and done via a computer with the Xavier Athletic Trainer. Important Note: The Aug. 1 ImPACT session starts at 4 p.m., the same time as equipment handout and the first practice.

Also, make sure that at least one of your parents attended a mandatory meeting, held this spring or summer, with the Xavier A.D. This meeting is IN ADDITION to the meeting on August 1. Other items & forms are also REQUIRED. Plan Ahead!!


Please contact the Xavier Athletic Director or one of the frosh football coaches with any question(s). Do NOT contact any of the Varsity or JV coaches. The frosh staff coaches' names will be announced this fall. Dave Adamovich will again be the head frosh football coach.


Be sure to tell your parents about the meeting for frosh parents and frosh football players... starting at 7:15 on Tuesday evening, Aug. 1 in the Blue Gym at Xavier. Enter the building

via Door # 11near the practice field and FitnessCenter, behind school, for this meeting.

The meeting this past spring was for incoming 10th thru 12th graders.

Freshmen football players may report to football AFTER the first practice. Contact any of the Frosh Football Coaches at Xavier for details.

And, get your FOOTBALL CLEATS NOW --- and start wearing them, to break them in BEFORE football starts. Do not wear cleats inside school.

His email is found on theXavierHawksSports.com web site under FOOTBALL then
More items may be added to the XavierHawksSports.com site. Please check back to
that web site, or check the Xavier Hawks Sports page on Facebook.

[ X---FROSH-FOOTBALL--JV2---INFO-PAGES-2017 ] July 2017