David Snell

University of California Cooperative Extension

Fresno County

1720 S. Maple

Fresno, CA 93702

(559) 456-7285

FX (559) 456-7575

Review of Attendance Records

4-H School Enrichment Impact Study

Avian Embryology

Does having the program of incubator, incubating eggs, and hatched chicks in your classroom make a difference on the attendance of your students during this time?

The Fresno County 4-H School Enrichment Program of Avian Embryology (Hatching Chicks in the Classroom) is very popular with elementary teachers. We would like to know how this program enriches your classroom and motivates your students. One indication of more student motivation would be higher attendance in your classroom.

We would like to ask you to record the total daily attendance in your classroom for the week before the program starts, the three weeks during the program, and the week after the program. We hope this will give us an indication of an impact on your classroom attendance by this program.

Please fill out the brief chart on the back side of this paper with the total daily attendance for each day indicated. If you feel there is a major reason why attendance would change other than having this program in your classroom please indicate next to that date. Reasons could be holidays, weather, minimum days, or others you identify.

Also please answer the below questions.

Yes No

______1. Did both your eggs hatch successfully?

______2. Did only one egg hatch?

______3. Did you keep the chicks in the classroom the second week?

Teacher Name______

School Name______

Please return the completed study to:

4-H Enrichment Study, 1720 S. Maple, Fresno, CA 93702

in the stamped, addressed envelope.

4-H School Enrichment Impact Study

Daily Attendance Day of Major reasons why attendance would change.

In Your Class Week (Holidays, weather, minimum days, etc.)

______Monday ______

Week ______Tuesday Date


Prog. ______Thursday


______Monday ______

First ______Tuesday Date

Week ______Wednesday

of ______Thursday

Prog. ______Friday

______Monday ______Delivery of Eggs

Second______Tuesday Date

Week ______Wednesday

of ______Thursday

Prog. ______Friday

______Monday ______

Third ______Tuesday Date

Week ______Wednesday

of ______Thursday

Prog. ______Friday

______Monday ______

Week ______Tuesday Date

after ______Wednesday

Prog. ______Thursday


Please return the completed study to:

4-H Enrichment Study, 1720 S. Maple, Fresno, CA 93702

in the stamped, addressed envelope